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Superbowl Halftime Conspiracy!

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posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by mick1423
Once in a while there is a thread that become very popular....i think this one is one of them, everyone seems to find something new every minute, madonna sure have alot of attention today...

we have 1000s of more sheep on here than even I thought now

and as usual....all Myths Lead to Babylon, and all Roads Lead to Rome!!!!!!!!!!

loving it!

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by moonzoo7
If there was a "Satan", which there is no proof of in any way - as with most claims in the Bible - I think he would be much more effective working in say, the Pentagon, or as an elected official, or the CEO of Wal-Mart.
Oh, Wait! Maybe "Satan" is a Muslim ! That must be it !

thats what i do not like about religion. people who skew things the wrong way. maybe to makethemselves satisfied with their own insecurites or as a means to gain power.

either way 90% of the satan this lucifer that is in no way related to the actual theory and is just the over imagination of fools

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by spinkyboo
So sorry if this has already been posted. This is a great site full of info.
vigilant citizen

thank you, thats a great site glad to see they are covering this

I suspect lots of folks who thought this was all BS will be forced to do lots of research in the weeks ahead and educate themselves before taking up space on this website

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by BulletShogun

Fools that just so happen to dictate your television programming (that word? program? Yeah that's not a mistake), the imagery you are exposed to daily, and set up the icons your kids look up to. You would think (even if you're an atheist) you'd find that a little disturbing.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by moonzoo7
Wow...I can't even believe this thread is taking up space here. I hate to be dismissive, but with all due respect, I think someone has too much free time on their hands, and an active imagination. I saw a response that said this performance was a SATANIC RITUAL. ( This is obviously why gay men like her, right??? )

If there was a "Satan", which there is no proof of in any way - as with most claims in the Bible - I think he would be much more effective working in say, the Pentagon, or as an elected official, or the CEO of Wal-Mart.
Oh, Wait! Maybe "Satan" is a Muslim ! That must be it !

Canned vocals, flashy lights, and a predictable choreographed stage show....easily forgotten.
With folks like the GOP lineup, who needs Satan?

I fear you are terribly naive in regards to the vast symbolism
that some are purposely promoting in a big way - and not for good. .
It's massive ~
~and once you really start seeing -
you won't believe your own eyes.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 06:31 PM
Mark dice's take on the Show!

Actually pretty funny!

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 06:41 PM
Since reading so many various replies to this thread - I am sorta in two minds - I see all the symbols etc but do not think they fool any and it is kinda harmless - Yet when I think about more and really look a bit deeper and question I come round to thinking we are so used to be fed garbage on TV and made to think these things such as a game of football is like some earth shattering event - that it is actually very disturbing when put in context with what is really happening in our world - WORLD PEACE - Yes if only But not at the expense of millions of lifes destroyed in wars and being slaves to a World Government of Elites who think of us as cannon fodder and cattle to play with in their despotic games - Madonna is no envoy of peace if she was they would assasnate her like Martin Luther King - We are better than all this superficial crud surely. I am an artist and see Madonna as a sell out.
edit on 6-2-2012 by artistpoet because: typo

edit on 6-2-2012 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by SuperTripps

I'm not a moral person myself. So it doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the absolute revolting feces these phallus characters calling themselves LMFAO are making and calling it "music". They got the word ************** confused with "music" apparently.

Nicki Minaj is hot (excluding the abnormally large buttocks) and I like some of her music alright.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 06:52 PM
After reviewing the show, I have discovered the sinister plot of Modanna and I'm about to reveal what she really is.

Modanna is an evil alien queen. Now hear me out. I'll illustrate my point with pictures. She was so obviously spelling it out for us.

This picture depicts her being brought in on her personal mothership. Notice how she has all her minions around her. They're all aliens, too.

Here you can plainly see her in her queens garb. And notice the two very alien looking egyptian heads.

First thing we see when she gets on stage is an obvious crop circle. We all know what crop circles are for and that they are definitely alien.

This picture shows off her generals. Everyone is supposed to think they're gods from Greek mythos, but they're really the evil alien generals that she uses to conquer worlds!

In this you can clearly see how the movements of the thing on this is too weird to be human. And that the word "vogue" turns in to some sort of alien writing.

In this picture they have stripped away the crown she was wearing but the giant picture on the ground is of her wearing the true crown of her evil alien empire.

Watching this part I noticed very inhuman movement by this guy rotating his leg. No human can do that.

This is obviously them acting out the process of the alien birth. The egg grows and then the alien burst forth from it. Too obvious to miss.

You don't even have to look at this guy to know he's an alien. This is the best picture I could get of him, he's obviously an alien in a bad disguise.

And this guys movements defied gravity and physics. Making a mockery of us mere humans.

This is obviously a depiction of either a space craft or multiple spacecrafts. I can't quite figure it out as the saucers also show to rotate.

This is another example of a badly disguised alien. Ugly, ugly thing.

This shows her being stripped of her human identity. It's not really it happening, just the symbolism of it.

These are some sort of weird alien hieroglyphs or something conveying a message to her minions in space and already on earth.

This is an attempt at hypnotism. She's trying to control the weak minded humans so her mission on earth is smoother.

Obvious alien language cleverly disguised as a mispelled human word.

The constant use of the diamond shape place a big part. I think this reveals that they're after diamonds. But not in riches, but in power. Like they're a power source or something.

This is showing that either they're willing to sacrifice and kill for the diamonds or that the diamonds have a bigger meaning.

This picture shows a very alien looking door opening.

This is right after and the red stands for the evil and danger and the ensuing bloodshed.

It's obvious to me now what this symbol is. It's a landing pad. This is something that we will see pop up a lot very soon all over the earth. It will be places for her battle ships to land.

Here's a picture of one part where two other women make a very peculiar dance move that looks like it doesn't fit and it made me wonder why they would even do it. Maybe it shows what the true form of the aliens look like.

This is the symbol we can expect to see in the short lifespan we will have after she has conquered earth. This is obviously her political symbol.

This is the only confirmed human in the whole show. Poor guy doesn't know what he was just a part of. Oh well, as long as he still gets to sing, I'll give him a pass.

This was the scariest part of all. This is the revelation that when she's done here, she plans to use her planet destroying black hole weapon that eventually turns us in to a star. But it doesn't matter. It will end the suffering and somewhere, somehow, human kind will grow and live again.

Anyone who couldn't see this, now you can. You're welcome.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 06:55 PM
Do you see what I see?

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 06:57 PM
Your ridiculous attempt at mockery is ironically closer to the truth than you even realize.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by DeadSeraph
reply to post by BulletShogun

Fools that just so happen to dictate your television programming (that word? program? Yeah that's not a mistake), the imagery you are exposed to daily, and set up the icons your kids look up to. You would think (even if you're an atheist) you'd find that a little disturbing.

What I was saying was that many people do not understand at all what they are reading in those texts. People who say that the cruise ship that went down recently was all due to the godlessness of the people on it. That is but one of many examples. The cell phone is the devils number 666. If your dog gets hit by a car the devil did it.

That is the reason I no longer go to church even though I have seen gods work myself.

You should be ashamed of yourself pretending to know what images I expose myself to daily, pretending to know the icons I set my children to look up to.

Do you honestly know whom I have modeled myself after? whom I wish my children would take after? It's not these concubines like katy perry and madonna. It is the system in which my name comes from.


200 years ago I could duel you for this and it would be socialy acceptable in all nations. And that attitude and jugment you would have been violently destroyed.

Don't judge anyone unless you know them. And you know nothing of me nore do you 99% of the other members.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 07:00 PM
this thread is now in the process of a disinfo and a discredit agenda, to derail the thread. probably too much popularity. this is a good sign though for those looking for the truth, the truth is where disinfo and discreditors trying to keep things hidden will flock.
edit on 2/6/2012 by indigothefish because: (no reason given)

edit on 2/6/2012 by indigothefish because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by artistpoet
Since reading so many various replies to this thread - I am sorta in two minds - I see all the symbols etc but do not think they fool any and it is kinda harmless - Yet when I think about more and really look a bit deeper and question I come round to thinking we are so used to be fed garbage on TV and made to think these things such as a game of football is like some earth shattering event - that it is actually very disturbing when put in context with what is really happening in our world - WORLD PEACE - Yes if only But not at the expense of millions of lifes destroyed in wars and being slaves to a World Government of Elites who think of us as cannon fodder and cattle to play with in their despotic games - Madonna is no envoy of peace if she was they would assasnate her like Martin Luther King - We are better than all this superficial crud surely. I am an artist and see Madonna as a sell out.
edit on 6-2-2012 by artistpoet because: typo

edit on 6-2-2012 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

Yea - there is nothing harmless in watching future generations being led into this brainwashing oblivion.
It's really very scary.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by BulletShogun

Originally posted by DeadSeraph
reply to post by BulletShogun

Fools that just so happen to dictate your television programming (that word? program? Yeah that's not a mistake), the imagery you are exposed to daily, and set up the icons your kids look up to. You would think (even if you're an atheist) you'd find that a little disturbing.

What I was saying was that many people do not understand at all what they are reading in those texts. People who say that the cruise ship that went down recently was all due to the godlessness of the people on it. That is but one of many examples. The cell phone is the devils number 666. If your dog gets hit by a car the devil did it.

That is the reason I no longer go to church even though I have seen gods work myself.

You should be ashamed of yourself pretending to know what images I expose myself to daily, pretending to know the icons I set my children to look up to.

Do you honestly know whom I have modeled myself after? whom I wish my children would take after? It's not these concubines like katy perry and madonna. It is the system in which my name comes from.


200 years ago I could duel you for this and it would be socialy acceptable in all nations. And that attitude and jugment you would have been violently destroyed.

Don't judge anyone unless you know them. And you know nothing of me nore do you 99% of the other members.

Really? You would duel me? LOL

I was pointing out that although you may find the idea of Satan laughable and perhaps not even believe in him (no idea if you do or not tbh, and don't care), there are many people in positions of power (i.e the people who set up things like this thread discuss), that DO believe in him. So the point was that no matter what your religious views (even if you are an atheist), one would think that you would find it disturbing that this crap is being spoon fed to kids by people who DO believe in it.

You should probably keep your threats of violence to yourself, or perhaps take yourself a little less seriously. It is, after all, the internet, and last time I checked, people were still free to write on forums without asinine threats of violence.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by DeadSeraph

I was pointing out that although you may find the idea of Satan laughable

I never said I find the idea od satan laughable. I find the fools who preach about him to be. The fools who think every wrong in the world is the fault of satan and not mans own fault?

Your the very reason why people turn their backs on the faith.

Satan is this Satan is that. What about men that never knew satan or any form of god and simply wanted power?

course satan is the root to that to.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by indigothefish
this thread is now in the process of a disinfo and a discredit agenda, to derail the thread. probably too much popularity. this is a good sign though for those looking for the truth, the truth is where disinfo and discreditors trying to keep things hidden will flock.

Yes indeedy-do. I guess if you don't worship the Babylon whore you're immediately laughed at and mocked by occultists and the ignorant. It's a badge of honor, I'm rather enjoying it now.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by Whisper67

Black Mass? Black Hole Sun? A guitar player. I definitely see a guitar player. What DO you see?

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by spinkyboo

Yes certainly not harmless quite the opposite - agreed

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by L00kingGlass

Originally posted by indigothefish
this thread is now in the process of a disinfo and a discredit agenda, to derail the thread. probably too much popularity. this is a good sign though for those looking for the truth, the truth is where disinfo and discreditors trying to keep things hidden will flock.

Yes indeedy-do. I guess if you don't worship the Babylon whore you're immediately laughed at and mocked by occultists and the ignorant. It's a badge of honor, I'm rather enjoying it now.

Madonna has been known to like alot of these occult symbols. the only way anyone is going to make this ritual theory more accepted is if you can give more examples from the individuals during the show. I seen niki minaj in a proof this person is illuminati video on youtube. the only proof they had was a single eye on one of her legs on the spandex costume she wore in the photo.

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