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Superbowl Halftime Conspiracy!

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posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by deadeyedick
That was the largest satanic ritual in history.
This will not go unnoticed.

Actually 911 included a ritual in Houston before 911 where a woman drowned 5 of her children all named after biblical characters on summer solstice June 20th-21 2001 and total solar eclipse. Her name was Andrea Yates

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

I agree completely!

That was an UNBELIEVABLE production-
I loved the stage setup and use of projection technology- very cool.
The choreography and dancing was INSANE!!! (I'm a professional dancer/choreographer- and hard to impress- I was MORE than impressed!)

IMO, it was the best superbowl halftime show.
Usually they're a huge let down.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
As a performer (former) I feel it was an amazing show....but I look at it differently than most....
With that said.....her show revolved around Mythology....
I find interest in it, but don't take alarm or feel there is a conspiracy..

Me too.

Finding conspiracy in everything - - really drags after a while.

For the 107th time there is no conspiracy

Its outright obvious symbolism for those in the know to enjoy and for the sheep to be mocked with

This is their church do u guys get it yet!??? This is one of the few venues they can perform their sacred rituals or mock demos in public

Simple as that
Be aware or be a sheep

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 12:10 AM
More examples of "hidden" Eye of Horus symbology in plain sight:

Got my eye on you!

I suppose it could be argued that these people just have itchy eyes, or it's mere coincidence.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 12:10 AM
I actually knew she was going to do this and told some people if she does anything with Egyptian motifs it is all a ceremony...and sure enough.

Yeah Madonna you are such a trend setter...half expected checker floors too. Hope this didn't brainwash everyone I stepped out mid way and came back in so silly!

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by CaptainNemo

I can say,I would rather watch Madonna than Lady Gag Gag..Thank you

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 12:11 AM
I was acutally more suprised by the amount of reptillian imagery displayed in the advertisements than the actually halftime show. Hulu- The reptillian Tail. The Chevy Truck Commercial showing the "mayan apocolypse" showing UFO's and Volcano's errupting and destroyed almost by nuclear war city scape. And then there was one commercial, cant remember which one, that showed a green reptillian eye with the slit. The imagery was astounding how blatant it was. It disturbs me, but does not surprise me to say the least.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by CaptainNemo

Really? And 1+1=2+1=3 and 2+3=23 and that's 1/2 of 46. and 46x8 = 368 and 3+6+8+6 = 23 again half of 46. And because Jesus said something about something, that means that Romans are the Devil and M=1000 so that again means DEVIL. And D is the fourth letter in the alphabet and S is the 19th letter, so 19+D(4) is 23 and that is again half of 46 so Madonna=Satan and NWO.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 12:14 AM
50% of the time i visit this site i learn something new, the other 50% of the time, i find people desperately trying to make something out of nothing. This is the ladder.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by L00kingGlass

Why are you so threatened by Horus, and the other Netjer? Even if you were right and all of these people pay tribute to's no danger to you, or your's...I promise.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 12:18 AM
wow....just wow......

I thought it was a great halftime show!

IMHO looking at the replies on this thread............Its a prime example of people that need to step away from ATS for a while and breathe......

And just because we dont agree with you, doesnt make anyone "sheep", it means we have a different opinion......

If they all had the same opinion as you, wouldnt it make THAT group sheep?

Take a breather people, get outside, enjoy some outdoor activities, and try to look at life as a great thing ......

Not everything on TV is a brainwashing tool, not every music video is there to come for your first born......

LIVE people, step away from the keyboard and go smile, go hug an old person, go do something that will make you feel like you are changing things in your own world for the better.......

This kind of spiral can get unhealthy

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by intrptr
At least her boob didn't fall out. no telling how big a conspiracy that would become.

Otherwise, I didn't hear any bombs exploding, gunfire or arrests . Not in America anyway.

Romans, coliseums, gladiators, and half time shows. No harm here. Just baseless song and dance with no surely defined message except pomp and excess. Sports and organized religion, the biggest opiates for the masses. Now were bringing it here too.

The Stupor Bowl...

Exactly but you miss your own point

They use this roman gladiator bread and circus day to insert there ritualistic perfomances into to entertain theiir own and at the same time mock the sheee with as most wont take the time to try and understand

Grammar logic rhetoric folks

Learn the trivium

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 12:19 AM
Madonna is really hot I can't believe she is 50.... lol

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by Bodhi7

Agree. Most of the time it some simple brain who is trying hard to make his/her religion fit into what his/her religion says is good or bad. IT WAS JUST A SHOW OP. I thought it was great, and very well scripted. Think of all the time and effort gone into that show. I saw NOTHING that made me SCARED like it does all you ##SNIPPED##. It seems that is all you can do is be "SCARED" about something. Gays, Progressives, Blacks, Women, Unions, Labor laws, Health Care, all things you seem to be SCARED of.

edit on Tue Feb 7 2012 by DontTreadOnMe because: Reaffirming Our Desire For Productive Political Debate (REVISED)

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by SonicInfinity

Originally posted by L00kingGlass

This was the lesson of the Mystery Schools of Egypt.

As one of the last lines of Madonna's performance stated, "Life is a mystery."

Can you point to the specific times in the video where the Eye of Horus is visible? I saw plenty of eyes, but they didn't have the exact shape of the Eye of Horus. Just eye symbolism by itself enough since every good advertiser knows that eyes are one of the most valuable symbols to use.

It's near the end of the performance starting at 11:50, laser lights morph from a pyramidal shape into an eye of Horus, complete with rays shining under them. There's also a giant one lit up on stage right at the end of the performance.

I don't believe it was coincidence she was singing that particular song either.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 12:28 AM
I haven't had a chance to read the replies or even finish the video... I stopped it when I saw this:


It appears when she sings "you gotta step into my world".

Notice how all of the dancers are standing on the lines, outlining the letter "M"? For her name I guess? They certainly spent a lot of time on the ground image sync and the strange imagery. Weird bro.

I'm scared now.
edit on 6-2-2012 by badfish420 because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-2-2012 by badfish420 because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-2-2012 by badfish420 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by billybobrob
The only thing i noticed is that her fake English accent has been replaced by her american accent again....... its all granny porn anyway.

granny' awesome... from now on Madonna will always be remembered by me that way!!! thanks!! LOL!!!

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by Shark_Feeder
reply to post by L00kingGlass

Why are you so threatened by Horus, and the other Netjer? Even if you were right and all of these people pay tribute to's no danger to you, or your's...I promise.

Who says I was threatened by it? I'm pointing out the use of occultic symbology used by celebrities and advertisements. I think it's bizarre.

I also think it's bizarre that when these things are discussed it is ridiculed and marginalized by certain people, on a conspiracy discussion website of all places. If certain people don't agree, then explain why in a respectful manner.

edit on 6-2-2012 by L00kingGlass because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 12:34 AM


posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 12:37 AM
Madonna is the goddess of America in this performance, I will show:

Up until :48 of this video Madonna was portrayed as queen, rolled out in true queen status, gold robes draping down sitting in the Pharoah's seat.

After :48, Madonna's costume changes, a transformation of sorts. Her movements are less restricted and her black garb shouts power. It reminds me of Athena's battle suit.

But let's take one story from ancient mythology and apply it to this. Let's reference the mother of mythology, Summeria. ANY attempt to trace back the history of goddess worship begins with Queen Semiramis of Babylon.

Queen Semiramis, daughter of the fish goddess. Semiramus was revered as the Moon Goddess, Great Mother, Divine Mother and Virgin Mother. She is Wife of Nimrod, Nimrod built the tower of Babel.]

Freeman makes some very interesting points.
St. Columba was known as the dove of the church
Columba is the dove constellation next to Sirius.
Most of us know the summerians believed they were created by star beings. Enki, thier creator was depicted as wearing a fish costume. Summerian priests would dress in fish costumes. Remember Sirius B and the dogon? They too claimed their origins were from the stars, but their creators lived in water.! Here's a really good [url=]Thread
Now this is where Freeman takes a minor leap, connecting Semiramus to Columbia. But if Freeman's claims of Semiramus or Columbia being representative of the pentagram, we have the district of the Columbia; enlayed on a pentagram and built by the Freemasons. Please watch some of the video as Freeman shows the connection and symbolism of the mother goddess throughout freemason lodges and buildings. Why does the logo from Columbia pictures look so similar to the statue of liberty.? Are they one in the same? It's well known the lady "liberty" was built by the masons.

What is this adulation of the mother goddess Semiramus/Columbia by America.?

Armenian tradition portrays her as a homewrecker and a harlot

Revelation 17:5 (KJV) “And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.”

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