posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 04:09 PM
Ive been following the US caucuses, and seen the threads on ATS, and it got me thinking, how can a simple thing such as voting be rigged? and its so
obvious, the status quo that counts the votes and this is then expected to be 100% accurate and reliable.
Simple solution, a hybrid of paper and electronic :
A secret ballot
The ballot paper has a ID code that voter takes home with them
The ballot is scanned in a scanning machine in voting booth by voter
The Ballot is put in lockdown box as usual and sent of for Govt voting
The electronic Ballot is uploaded to a closed LAN system and on lockdown
As soon as govt release their results, all the electronic copies are uploaded to all on the internet, personal ballot can be found and checked for
fraud using ID code, also all can do independent counts.
Think about it, its not much to ask for, a way for independent sources to verify a vote and for individuals to ensure their vote is valid and
accounted for. In a fair Democracy this would be a small thing to ask for, and if this idea could gain massive support, and demanded by the people,
well then if its denied, it would show all that they are not interested in fair elections and if it works well then we would have fair elections, and
this system could be implemented in any country that wishes.
This is a crude idea i just thought up, id be interested in input and your thoughts, could this work?