according to Ruth Montgomery's Last Book "The World To Come" The shift will happen slowley at first with Earthquakes, Hurricains,Tornados, and
Valcano's erupting. The Alien"s will help a few survive. Iam a single mother with three children(the oldest 19, 13 and 10) Of course Iam worried
for my children. Does anyone know of the safe areas so that I may prepare. Sounds crazy I know But I agree with Ruth In her book when she says it is
gods way of clensing the earth from all its Evil
The exspected date of the shift is 2010 but it looks like hurricane Ivan is shifting the world a little right now. Does anyone believe like I do That
the Alien's are among us? To Help us with the shift?
I read one of Ruth's books once...notice I said one.
I place Ruth in the fruit loop category and would never buy another one of her books.
Supposed dates for the Earth to move into its 'Next Age' are May of 2004 (or was it 2005...can't keep this stuff straight) OR Dec 24, 2012. I'm
holding out for 2012 myself.
The dates above are from the Mayans BTW. Take it for what you will.
In any case pole shifts are not unknown to earth. There have been several that are recorded in the magnetic lines of force of minerals. minerals
formed before a shift align magnetically in a different "direction" than those formed after a shift.
its a guessing game, i doubt there is a logical way to determain the exact time the shift willl take place. with that said, couldnt you just follow
the shift upwards travelling at the speed of the shift and always be on the equator? i mean talk about an adventure! sounds like loads of fun. those
who are too fat will be left behind and freeze in the newly found american arctic tundra.
God only knows when in will happen, it will come like a theif in the night at the twikeling of an eye! Well I will just be sure to keep Jesus at my