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What are the perceived benefits of a world government?

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posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by AQuestion
reply to post by Tecumte

Dear Tecumte,

Thank you so much for your answer. You were responsive and told me what you thought the benefits were. I respectfully disagree; but, my thread was not about my opinion, I asked why some thought it might be a good idea and you answered my question. Peace.

Well not to unnecessarily quibble, but when you asked what are the 'perceived benefits' of world gov it DID sound like it was dealing in opinion, I'm not sure how a question phrased like that could be otherwise.

But better yet, now that some have replied perhaps you could attempt to give your thoughts on an answer to the question and what specifically you disagree with in my reply, that would be helpful.


posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by Tecumte

Dear Tecumte,

Well not to unnecessarily quibble, but when you asked what are the 'perceived benefits' of world gov it DID sound like it was dealing in opinion, I'm not sure how a question phrased like that could be otherwise. But better yet, now that some have replied perhaps you could attempt to give your thoughts on an answer to the question and what specifically you disagree with in my reply, that would be helpful.

I really just wanted to know why some people would like a world government, it was never my intent to debate the issue, I wasn't trolling and that is why I didn't attempt to give my reasons that I am against it. I tend to be against over-centralization because it tends to limit variation and places too much power in the hands of a few. I like separation of powers. I also do not believe that it would prevent wars, we see civil war all the time in the world. That is sort of a summary of what I believe. Peace.

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 05:49 PM
I believe the opposite of World Government - I am all for World Co- operation but believe in decentralisation.
Allowing people at a local level to control how they wish to live.
One day I hope the World will grow up and realise each individual is soveriegn to themselves

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by AwakeinNM

Originally posted by afsalazar
I am completely against a one world government. However I am supportive of the North American Union. I think the Canadian government should implement its medical healthcare program into mexico, and mexico being annexed would solve the immigration issue.

Life is so simple. isn't it? So, so simple. Just do this and that, and everything will be all better.

This is one of the most ignorant things I have ever read.

Ha ha. I made that comment late at night. But I see it as idealistic. Of course it is not that simple, thats why its "perceived benefits". But the question is about the "perceived" benefits I only spoke out of the first ramdom thought that came without thinking and reading, hahah.

Ideally the United States should always remain Sovereign, but just in case that it gets out of control and the elite join up North America, I feel that will be the last window of opportunity, the last transition period. How do you suppose things should be done? There are several aspects regarding regionalism that I see necessary.

The REAL id act, the secure communities, it is not that much about terrorism anymore, it inedible has shifted a little bit towards the illegal immigration issue. It will continue to be a "issue" since the United States border s Mexico. There are many that oppose amnesty, but I still see the only way to implement a forever final amnesty would be though the North American Union. An Ocean Border can be more easily monitored because you just have to look for boats.

However I think that through that regionalism the United States can get rid of it's healthcare system and allow the Canadian entities to implement its healthcare system. I am optimistic to beleive that each of the 3 countires each have institutions at wich they excel at, and I have always seen North America as still having lots of potential left. The United States has the largest area of farm-able land in the Ohio region. North America has rich natural resources in the rocky mountains that extend into the Mexico sierra madre, oil, and Canada itself has a lot of unexpolited natural resources as well as its fresh water sources.

I allways belevied that Nicholas J. Spykman geostrategy was completely wrong. Not for his explanation about the Heartland being Russia and the rim-land being the European coast, but because he was in a different place. I think the geostrategy itself is the United States, It has a Heartland much bigger and fertile and it has its rimland with the east and west coasts. And a North American Union easily has more potential than other continents because it still has not exploited its resources to it's entirety.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 05:32 PM
They only reason why they want a New World Order is because the Bible calls for one. Satan wants us to know who is behind it

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 09:26 PM
Ok, the perceived benefits for the trillionaires , the 0.0000001% who control the money supply and by extension those who they buy to do their bidding, would be that the few remaining more sovereign nations that lie outside their manipulation, could be brought into the fold.

They would have a better strangle hold on the entire world, no more messing with petty nation states and having to pay to buy up all that influence piece by piece, instead you could just appoint positions to all those cronies who have sold their souls to the highest bidder, it would defimately help simply things.

And as ruler of the world, while the 'democracy sham' could still be sold to the unsuspecting, the real powers of the benevolent All Seeing Eye could simply decree their divinely inspired will upon the lowely serfs. Serfs could just relax, forget about those bigger problems and focus on the important things in life, Dancing With The Stars, football, who's sleeping with who.... you know the deeper issues....

Too,when a serf finally succums to Alzheimer's from all of the intentionally placed toxic metals, The Great Eye could help him find his way home with the mandatory Digital Angel microchip. And no more carrying around all that pesky change, the new One World Financial system under the control of the family's who have the Great Third eye vision will simply control a one stop data base for all of the transactions, and you'll only have to pay them 6% for laboring night and day to make sure all of theose 0's are entered correctly on their great computers.

And no more old and sick people laying around taking up space who have ran out of money to milk from the Estate, no more pay???, Soilent Green for you baby...... everything must turn a profit and be utilized for the commrades.

All the vaccines and Big Pharma drugs you can injest with your New All Seeing Eye 'free' medical care card. Just make sure you NEVER try and use it for anything 'natural' or that really heals. (Dissidents who do will be logged into the New World Order terrorist data base and be given a visit shortly.)

A Brave New World, Soma for you...Soma for me..... how could it get any better...Relax Citizen, Who Loves ya....BIg BRother....
edit on 9-2-2012 by Tecumte because: spelling

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