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What are the perceived benefits of a world government?

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posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 09:07 PM
While I think most people on ATS are against a world government, as am I, there are others who think it would be a good thing. People who grew up on Star Trek or Star Wars may see a global government as a natural evolution; but, I personally would like to hear from those in favor of a world government on what their reasoning is, what benefits they think would occur because of it.

To some extent we have international law, certainly in regards to maritime law and that has been around for awhile. It doesn't seem to have been a bad thing to have international laws regarding sea and air travel. For those in favor of an international government, what would you limit their decision making power to and what would you leave to local or national decision making?

I know that many people on this site get really upset at the idea of an international government; but, I ask that they not attack those who may believe in it, just saying, lets hear where they are coming from before debating the merits. Peace.

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 09:12 PM
i think we can accomplish anything with focused man power and we are very divided right now. the benefits of having one government can be great in every field, medicine , space exploration, you name it .

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 09:16 PM
Until mankind has the inability to lie, cheat, steal, embezzle, or commit any morally wrong act - it's a pipe dream. Star Trek is fiction. The idea of a benevolent world government is fiction. Look around. How many governments of the world can you really say are benevolent toward its citizens? And people want that abuse of power concentrated in one place?


posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 09:16 PM
I think the "illuminati, masons, new world order, elite" what ever you want to call it give a one world Goverment a bad name. The biggest benefit of a one world Government is that their will be no war. It would not longer be acceptable to let regions of the earth starve and die if other regions of the same Goverment are flourishing. A one world Goverment would not be all bad. It really depends on who is running the show. The few? Or every one. (not popular opinion AKA demoCRAZY)

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 10:00 PM
I think perhaps before asking if there should be world government, the question should be raised as to what kind of world government would we be talking about in reality. Simply another extension of the reach of the 0.00001%, another dictatorship, perhaps only disquised as a 'democracy'.?

Somehow I simply can't imagine giving power to an even more unaccountable and far removed set of plutocrats when the ones the U.S. has now seem absolutely unaccountable to the people. Would this instead be a 'World Government' BY THE PEOPLE? Is this what is being contemplated now? Sure love to see the plan......

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 10:01 PM
I think the premise of a one world government is that it would bring equality to all and by doing so it would end wars and injustice.

The reason it is seen as such a negative thing is because of prophecies.

I don't know who I heard it from but I have been told that in the "end times" there will be a one world religion, one world bank, and one world government. At the heart of this new wold order will be Satan and he would use this system to corrupt and or enslave the world.

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 10:01 PM
The old world order (not the new world order, its not new in the least), has been here for awhile.
We are divided mostly because of them, their lies, propaganda,
We fell for it pretty easy while they extract wealth at the cost of human sacrifice, taking advantage of billions of people on this planet.

I want a New world order.
A new world order does not mean centralized government, its different government, filled with people who actually want to be there for the betterment of people, people who are capable of actually running the country(world) instead of the puppets we have all over the world right now.

check this site out, it explains how the name 'Illuminati" has been warped so people fear it, but when in reality it is the opposite and should be embraced( link: ). Yes i want a one world religion, a true religion and belief system, instead of these warped things we have today. Religion has caused nothing but problems since its conception.

Yes, a one world currency would be good as well, it would mean we are truly a global world and work for all of everyone instead of just for 'the US dollar', which you see benefits only that, the US really (the fed actually, and the families that own the central banking system). (this would also be closely regulated by people who once again, actually know what they are doing and talking about, and are being paid by the people for the betterment of society instead for their own gain)

An NWO by the people, for the people, reveal all the suppressed technologies, start building a better world. One world government will never happen, if anything we would just have a 'spokesperson' for our planet if we were to encounter alien species. We are perfectly capable of running ourselves. 'They' will have you believe otherwise.
edit on 4/2/12 by AzureSky because: (no reason given)

edit on 4/2/12 by AzureSky because: (no reason given)

edit on 4/2/12 by AzureSky because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by AzureSky

You don't think the mess the world is in could be a "false flag" that has been orchestrated by the very being who you are so willing to turn to for hope?

Just saying, we are on a conspiracy site and Satan's NWO plan is the greatest conspiracy of all.

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by Bleeeeep
reply to post by AzureSky

You don't think the mess the world is in could be a "false flag" that has been orchestrated by the very being who you are so willing to turn to for hope?

Just saying, we are on a conspiracy site and Satan's NWO plan is the greatest conspiracy of all.

I absolutely think it can. The world is run by a select few super rich elite people who, several of them are 'christian' as well, yet they sin every single day by stealing from the poor to line their own pockets.

I am not going to turn to 'god' for hope, i'm sorry, but the NWO theories that we see here can just as much propaganda as the crap on the news sometimes. Very few people consider this face.

The 'NWO' plan you speak of (depopulation, chips and slave race) is just the final portion of the plan, Yes, our history has been somewhat orchestrated by these people to benefit themselves and to completely control the world. they control 80% of all the income on this planet, control all the resources and send us to war for those resources not to mention other stuff.

To see 'satans plan' you need only look at mainstream religion. Who has been controlling the scenes for thousands of years? Who has deliberately destroyed artifacts of our history? Who killed millions of free thinkers because they were 'witches'. No praying to an exterior god for me, I do not worship a god of being, god is becoming, just like we are becoming. We are evolving along side god, he is not an all perfect being yet.

The information is there for our consumption, Its up to those who seek it to interpret it. Check out that website i linked a little farther up, it goes severely in depth with it. It is more than possible that people are behind the scenes perpetuating this neverending system of control and abuse for all people on this planet.

Divide and conquer. Very good plan that's worked for thousands and thousands of years.
edit on 4/2/12 by AzureSky because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 11:10 PM
The benefits of an ideal utopian world government, should one ever be created, IMO would be a forum where Joe the Plummer or Farmer or Retail clerk has the chance and opportunity to enter into the dialogue and decision making process on an open world stage on issues directly affecting them. Not just millionaires or billlionaries but open and transparent access to the citizenry at large, no more being told by the kept press with biased and slanted interests what to think, but a true and diverse meeting of the minds from all over the world, letting the best and brightest ideas surface perhaps with constant live feed on the net.

No more backroom deals, bribes, sellouts to the highest bidder, no more wars based on falsehoods, open access to much of the hidden and supressed technology and treatments, promoting a much cleaner and friendlier and relaxed society, woking much less, having more time to enjoy life. And that's just for starters. Think the Elitist interests seeking world gov. will go for it?

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by AzureSky

You said, "To see 'satans plan' you need only look at mainstream religion." and I do and I can see it there, and in "scientific discoveries", and in "archaeological discoveries", and in the government, and in the economy, etc.

I think where you're hitting a roadblock is when you come to the deeds of a religious figure, or those who claim to act in the name of a religion, and the stories we have heard from "history".

If you can imagine that Satan would have enough cunning and patience to run the world, then you should also be able to imagine that he can manipulate the church and history.

To reiterate... The mess the world is in, and all the things that lead up to it, could be a false flag operation used to make you feel like you need the nwo.

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by wlord

Dear wlord,

I respectfully disagree; however, I do hope that by my having not responded to anyone prior to this that everyone got their opportunity to speak their mind. Peace and thanks for your answer.

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by Infi8nity

Dear Infin8nity,

Thank you so much for your answer. I waited to respond to anyone because I wanted people to fee free to express their opinion and understand where they were coming from. Peace.

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by AzureSky

Dear AzureSky,

Thank you so much for your answer. I did not respond to anyone because I wanted to listen first. Thank you for letting me know your reasoning and understand that I disagree as I said in my OP. Peace.

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by Tecumte

Dear Tecumte,

Thank you so much for your answer. You were responsive and told me what you thought the benefits were. I respectfully disagree; but, my thread was not about my opinion, I asked why some thought it might be a good idea and you answered my question. Peace.

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 04:24 AM
In some utopian world where it is actually possible, the benefits would be to apply a single rule of law world wide. That would allow the raising out of poverty of some of the poorest places.

You would need one currency, one army, one rule of law and one police and security apparatus. If the world was a fair place the western worlds standard of living would have to take as massive hit to rebalance and eliminate the poverty and starvation elsewhere.

Nobody would stand for that. Even most idealists only want to save the world if it doesn't cost them their home comforts.

You would have to enforce these rational 'for the good of humanity' decisions with an iron fist. The danger then is that the world slips into tyranny and never gets back out. There is much more bad governance than good worldwide. Who's system would you apply to everybody? The USA? UK? China? Russia? The most powerful members would write the ground rules to such a thing.

It can't work as a replacement for national and local government. Nobody would feel they have any representation, not to mention how do you square the massive differences in political cultures and resolve that within one power structure.

The best that can actually be achieved is the UN, flawed as that is.

Any order and unity greater than that would have to be forced upon us by outside stress.

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 04:28 AM
I am completely against a one world government. However I am supportive of the North American Union. I think the Canadian government should implement its medical healthcare program into mexico, and mexico being annexed would solve the immigration issue.

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 05:14 AM
reply to post by justwokeup

Dear justwokeup,

What a fine and considered answer, I gave you a star for thinking. Peace.

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 05:16 AM
reply to post by afsalazar

Dear afsalazar,

You believe in regionalism, that is an honest answer. Thank you for your explanation. Peace.

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by afsalazar
I am completely against a one world government. However I am supportive of the North American Union. I think the Canadian government should implement its medical healthcare program into mexico, and mexico being annexed would solve the immigration issue.

Life is so simple. isn't it? So, so simple. Just do this and that, and everything will be all better.

This is one of the most ignorant things I have ever read.

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