The old world order (not the new world order, its not new in the least), has been here for awhile.
We are divided mostly because of them, their lies, propaganda,
We fell for it pretty easy while they extract wealth at the cost of human sacrifice, taking advantage of billions of people on this planet.
I want a New world order.
A new world order does not mean centralized government, its different government, filled with people who actually want to be there for the betterment
of people, people who are capable of actually running the country(world) instead of the puppets we have all over the world right now.
check this site out, it explains how the name 'Illuminati" has been warped so people fear it, but when in reality it is the opposite and should be
embraced( link: ). Yes i want a one world religion, a true religion and belief system, instead of these warped
things we have today. Religion has caused nothing but problems since its conception.
Yes, a one world currency would be good as well, it would mean we are truly a global world and work for all of everyone instead of just for 'the US
dollar', which you see benefits only that, the US really (the fed actually, and the families that own the central banking system). (this would also be
closely regulated by people who once again, actually know what they are doing and talking about, and are being paid by the people for the betterment
of society instead for their own gain)
An NWO by the people, for the people, reveal all the suppressed technologies, start building a better world. One world government will never happen,
if anything we would just have a 'spokesperson' for our planet if we were to encounter alien species. We are perfectly capable of running ourselves.
'They' will have you believe otherwise.
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edit on 4/2/12 by AzureSky
because: (no reason given)
edit on 4/2/12 by AzureSky because: (no reason given)