posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 07:55 AM
i get these alot due to my job. i work for an alarm security firm - service engineer.
this happened lastnight after working my day shift 8:30 - 17:00, i was oncall that night.
A call came in 23:30 & i had to drive 95miles from my home to the job. the first 30miles i knew i was gong to be getting these hallucinations at some
point, i had to pull in at a service station & get a coffee to get me to the job.
on my way home around 2:00am i started having blackouts, i would open my eyes just in time to make a corner, i know i should have just pulled over &
slept but you keep thinking, a few more miles, i need to get home to bed. as this went on i'd open my eyes and see, lastnight for example -what
appeared to be a huge golden disc or donut rolling infront of me which would then fade out into the dark. these objects were really bright though, in
a black dark countryside...really weird. at one point i saw my son, he's nearly 3, stood in the middle of the lane..bright white glow around
him...then fizzled out as i got closer. id open my eyes and see on the speedo im only doing 20mph! everytime i opened my eyes again its like 30miles
had passed, i have no idea how i got home, 95 miles!
i do a callout shift 1 in 6 days. on a weekend you cover for 24hours!! it's so ridiculous that we're expected to do this. but in a time where jobs
are hard to come by, family to support etc - what alternatives are there? we also have a 6month old baby, so every night is a disturbed sleep.
..these hallucinations i was having though, were almost like 'angles' in a way, waking me up in time so i didnt crash..i dunno - some weird # goes
on this world...we just don't know half of what we're capable of.