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What's more important to human exploration of the star system, Mars or Jupiter?

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posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 10:58 PM
I think we need a Martian version of the ISS. This would make things much easier for colonizing and transporting to or from Mars. Once in place, the Martian ISS would be an outpost from which to hold crew and or supplies for Mars; of course this would depend heavily on supplies from the Moon such as Helium 3 for rocket propulsion or water for the long trip to Mars. Carrying fuel and water are two of the heaviest things for a rocket especially when trying to escape Earth's( or any other planet's) gravity.

With a Martian ISS we'd have a terminal from which to transfer with between the ISS and Mars; in other words, we'd have the infrastructure between the two ISS's for a high speed Space Highway. A moon outpost is where the Spaceships would be built and fueled, and the highway system between the two ISS's would allow for high speed travel. This same set up could be repeated around the solar system. Why focus on building faster rockets when all we need to do is build a Space Highway system using ISS stations as terminals for transfer between planets?

Back on topic, I think Mars should be first.

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by lostbook

Faster engines because currently we do not have many good ways to shield the people on board from things that get thrown at them (CME's from the sun and cosmic rays). The longer the space flight, the greater the risk.

True that in the future we may over come this, and have excellent ways to shield people from the dangers of long term exposure to these things, but you'd still want to get your payloads to their destinations quicker. The faster they get there, the less food and air they have to consume while on board.

The good news is that some of the engines that are being developed and tested right now are not made for lifting from a planet, but indeed leaving a orbiting station, so having the stations AND these faster engines would be better.

As for me: I've always thought our progression should be Moon, Mars, Astroids, Jupiter, Saturn, etc, etc

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by OccamsRazor04
reply to post by SaturnFX

I think you hit the nail on the head as to why your impressions are wrong. If life does exist everywhere it can exist I would expect a lot more life on Mars. Therefore my impression is life does not exist every place it can exist. As of now my belief is it exists only on Earth, until there is actual evidence to the contrary.

Yes, I have contradicting opinions on this simple example.

Logically, I believe life will be plentiful...but so far, nothing concrete has been measured by our neighboring planet that should have some form of life still existing.
Plenty of places on earth are as hostile, if not moreso than the surface of mars (or underneath). Yet, there is no sign of any life...
Granted, our tools we sent for measurements are woefully primitive, and it would be difficult to find microbial life with big stupid drones smashing around rocks..but, well, I think we should have seen some algae or something of the like on a rock somewhere..

So, ultimately I am on the fence with a desire to believe in a teeming with life universe...but with the understanding that nothing has yet to be shown supporting this....yet.

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by Indenu

we're humans.. we want bigger and better of everything

We may be humans, but we aren't all Americans, you know.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 11:02 AM
We need to go to Saturn, everyone knows that's where the Aliens have parked their mothership!

But on a more serious note, unless a gas on Jupiter is found that could possibly combust and therefore produce energy, a mission there would be pointless in my opinion. As a previous poster stated, we would simply fall into the
center and be crushed by the massive gravity.
Mars however, with the technology of a few years in the future, a landing/walk may be possible?

Let's concentrate on getting back to the moon first though!

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 11:33 AM
What's so important about Jupiter? It's very interesting from a scientific standpoint (I think I just sprained my "understatement" muscle), but for pure practicality, I'd go for Mars, then leave Jupiter for the Planetary Sciences specialists...your next "practical applications" destination will be the asteroid belt, and after that, Titan. The belt can supply you with metal ores for construction, Titan can supply you with methane (aka propellant and industrial chemicals).

As for using Phobos and Deimos as "gravitational slingshots", why bother? It's much easier to simply use Mars for the slingshot...or, if you want to be really fancy, drop in-system and use Venus and then Earth as a double slingshot (Cassini-Huygens, I'm looking at you!).

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by Sachyriel

Mars of course, as there is the potential for terra-forming it, and even colonizing it in the meantime.
Seems to be a no-brainer. Lets face it, we're going to eventually outgrow this planet, and we'll need to put an addition on the celestial house. Right now, we've already got the foundation ready to pour on Mars.

We just need the guts, the money, and the impetus to do it. The technology is there (and has been, for decades).

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by Sachyriel

I think we should send a rover to Mars and explore the region of Cedonya but it would not suprise me if they have been there before.

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