posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 09:52 AM
Ok, thats a good answer...its hard to argue with that. But, I still wonder why we have to be subject to evil, why are we not allowed to exist only
happy if that is our will? I understand we have to accept that there is both good and bad, however my point is...I don't understand why. Everything
just IS, but...there is a rhyme and reason, its not chaos. If you eat poison ivy you will suffer, if things were random, then sometimes the poison
would do nothing. We would just have to tolerate whatever is. But that is not the case, we can avoid the poison because this is a known fact.
Therefore life is leading us to believe it is controllable, because some things are controllable (for example: I control the fact that I will not ever
intentionally eat poison ivy). If the concept of order and control exists, than some higher being must be able to control all circumstances. So, if
we know for a fact that not all is random ( after all we can expect the sun to rise everyday and not just some days when it feels like it),
then...that leads me to...why does the universe/God which has invented order and control not allow us to literally be what we want and feel what we
want? I'm sorry to rant, I don´t know how to put into words what I mean. Why would it tease us that way with ideas of of control?
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4-2-2012 by rubyeyes because: (no reason given)