posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by Anunaki2012
you should consider a slightly different approach. there are non-human beings interacting with your mind or soul. these beings are your destiny-powers
(i choose plural, because you cannot compare them with an individual, like a human), they will decide for example, when you get ill, when you fall in
love or when you have luck in your life. these beings are those that decided the ship accident or are in contact with powers that decided the ship
accident. why they chose you to get this view to a future, i cannot explain. maybe, you are supposed to share this experience to others, like here on
ats. important is, that this was a gift by non-human powers, you are a reciever. dont think you have these abilities yourself, that would be very
dangerous for your mind and soul.