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Coinsidence or Conspiracy

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posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 02:32 AM

Originally posted by Alfie1
reply to post by Cassius666

Can you please set out what exactly "the intimate business and personal relationships" between the Bin Ladens and Bush's were ?

Come on Alfie1 I thought you were a better debunker than that man
You need to stick to the low hanging fruit and leave the well documented stuff alone.. Got Links ?

When President George W. Bush froze assets connected to Osama bin Laden, he didn't tell the American people that the terrorist mastermind's late brother was an investor in the president's former oil business in Texas. He also hasn't leveled with the American public about his financial connections to a host of shady Saudi characters involved in drug cartels, gun smuggling, and terrorist networks.

FTW - Money connections between Bush Republicans and Osama bin Laden go way back and the political and economic connections have remained unbroken for 20 years. And what appears to be a "new" alliance with Pakistan is merely a new manifestation of a decades-long partnership in the heroin trade.

Interestingly, on Sept. 11, 2001, members of the Carlyle Group - including Bush senior, and his former secretary of state, James Baker - were meeting at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Washington, D.C., along with Shafiq bin Laden, another one of Osama bin Laden's brothers

Below we have reprinted an article from the 'Wall Street Journal'. It reveals that Saudi Binladin Group, the conglomerate owned by Osama bin Laden's family, has invested in:

"Carlyle Group, a well-connected Washington merchant bank specializing in buyouts of defense and aerospace companies." ('WSJ,' 27 September 2001)

We all know who is connected to the Carlyle group ya ? I mean you asked your question like people dont have access to a basic smart phone and Google.

I can keep the info comming too if you want. Its well documented fact.

Heres one more

"The White House official line is that the Bin Ladens are above suspicion --apart from Osama, the black sheep, who they say hijacked the family name. That's fortunate for the Bush family and the Saudi royal household, whose links with the Bin Ladens could otherwise prove embarrassing. But Newsnight has obtained evidence that the FBI was on the trail of other members of the Bin Laden family for links to terrorist organisations before and after September 11th." (11)

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by WhereAreTheGoodguys

I thought someone would come back with the usual feeble speculation and innuendo but I note that Cassius himself has not attempted to justify his absurd claim of "intimate business and personal relationships" between Bushs and Bin Ladens.

Fact is there is no evidence that any Bin Laden ever met any Bush let alone had an intimate relationship. Which would only be of consequence anyway if the Bin Laden's were a terrorist family which they are certainly not. Osama was very much the black sheep.

The alleged investment by Salem Bin Laden in GWB's company "Arbusto" has been denied by the man who actually made the payment James Bath. He has denied that any Saudi money was involved but, even if it was, what proof have you that GWB knew anything about it ?

The allegation of a meeting between Bush Sen and Shafiq Bin Laden is also nonsense when you look into it. Truth is they both attended an event along with 500 people and Bush left early. No proof of meeting.

So drop the speculative smearing and post some evidence that a Bush ever met a Bin Laden.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by Alfie1

So drop the speculative smearing and post some evidence that a Bush ever met a Bin Laden.

Wall Street Journal, Sept 27 2001 (referring to President George H.W. Bush):

Former President Bush said through his chief of staff, Jean Becker, that he recalled only one meeting with the bin Laden family, which took place in November 1998. Ms. Becker confirmed that there was a second meeting in January 2000, after being read the ex-president's subsequent thank-you note. "President Bush does not have a relationship with the bin Laden family," says Ms. Becker. "He's met them twice."

The Guardian, Oct 30 2001 (the "firm" referred to is the Carlyle Group):

The first president Bush is understood to have visited the Bin ladins in Saudi Arabia twice on the firm's behalf.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by Alfie1
reply to post by WhereAreTheGoodguys

I thought someone would come back with the usual feeble speculation and innuendo but I note that Cassius himself has not attempted to justify his absurd claim of "intimate business and personal relationships" between Bushs and Bin Ladens.

Fact is there is no evidence that any Bin Laden ever met any Bush let alone had an intimate relationship. Which would only be of consequence anyway if the Bin Laden's were a terrorist family which they are certainly not. Osama was very much the black sheep.

The alleged investment by Salem Bin Laden in GWB's company "Arbusto" has been denied by the man who actually made the payment James Bath. He has denied that any Saudi money was involved but, even if it was, what proof have you that GWB knew anything about it ?

The allegation of a meeting between Bush Sen and Shafiq Bin Laden is also nonsense when you look into it. Truth is they both attended an event along with 500 people and Bush left early. No proof of meeting.

So drop the speculative smearing and post some evidence that a Bush ever met a Bin Laden.

Your link proves nothing. If anything it just helps document MORE what people have been saying yes there might be some snippets that are slanted to make some of the issues look like a non issued but thats what dissinformation is all about.

I never said BUSH met Bin Laden. You said this --

Can you please set out what exactly "the intimate business and personal relationships" between the Bin Ladens and Bush's were ?

Just with a smartphone and quick google search I gave you that..

Now as for Mr. Bath. Talk about a shady guy here is just one search on him

The Harken Energy folks are not the only Texas-based colleagues of George W. Bush with fortuitous, if not extraordinary, Arab connections. Another is the mysterious Houston businessman James R. Bath, a deal broker whose alleged associations run from the CIA to a major shareholder and director of the Bank of Credit & Commerce International. The President's son has denied that he ever had business dealings with Bath, but early 1980s tax records reviewed by TIME show that Bath invested $50,000 in Bush's energy ventures and remained a stockholder until Bush sold his company to Harken in 1986.

In your utter need to debunk anything that ties to 911 you go down roads you should not go down the Bush Family has had some shady ties that go back to Prescot Bush... How you can deny this is amuzing to me..

Please stick to Holograms/Thermite/Computer People and Fall times they are much easier to argue about...Do not try and stick up for this CORRUPT family..
edit on 13-2-2012 by WhereAreTheGoodguys because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by magicrat

Thank you for that. I accept that you have shown evidence that Bush Senior met Bin Laden family members twice. But Bush Junior never did.

I was wrong on that detail but the situation doesn't come within a million miles of supporting the original allegation of close personal and business relationships between the families.

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by Alfie1
You're very welcome. I should also acknowledge that I've always accepted as fact the "Bush Sr had breakfast with bin Laden brother" story, but after looking into some of the links at the 911myths page you posted, I now see how that's technically accurate but doesn't prove an intimate or conspiratorial relationship. Your description of it ("they both attended an event along with 500 people and Bush left early. No proof of meeting.") sounds pretty fair to me.

That said, I think it's unlikely that two wealthy, powerful families with multi-generational connections to the oil industry wouldn't cross paths frequently. If you take the bin Laden family at their word when they say they've effectively disowned Osama, there isn't even anything necessarily suspicious about it. It could just be international oil tycoons getting together to talk about whatever international oil tycoons talk about.

But when the official media try to deny any connections at all, or when Bush tries to deny a meeting until evidence surfaces that makes it impossible to deny (the thank you card in my post above), it raises my alarm bells and makes me wonder what we're not being told about those connections, or what other details we might be wrong about.

Anyway, this is far off-topic for this thread, which is about pre-9/11 pop culture images that coincidentally or conspiratorially foreshadow the events of 9/11. And while I agree the Twin Towers were a well-known icon and it makes artistic sense that they'd be used often in art, some of those pictures really freak me out...

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by PageAlaCearl


This is the winner!!!

Mort & Phil (Spanish: Mortadelo y Filemón) is one of the most popular Spanish comics series, published in more than a dozen countries. It appeared for the first time in 1958 in the children's comic-book Pulgarcito drawn by Francisco Ibáñez.


1958 + 35 = 1993.

We can read "35 aniversario de Mortadelo y Filemon" in Spanish.

Yes, this is REALLY from 1993!


posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 12:30 PM
With regard to the stuff that seems to prefigure planes hitting the WTC or attacks upon the twin towers, why is it so odd that people might have imagined such an occurence?

If it is unbelievable that they might have envisaged such a thing, why are Truthers so certain that the government ought to have anticipated it?

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 03:56 PM
I think it is coincidence. Do you think that all the people involved with those pieces of art knew of intimate plans to attack the twin towers?

It is much more likely that many people had the same idea. Some people drew about it. Some people decided to fly actual planes into the towers. Not a conspiracy, just evidence of different actions based on the same idea of destruction.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 03:59 AM
At first, I thought nothing of this post. The twin towers were a popular structure in NY. Why wouldn't they be picked for pictures like these. However, then I thought other buildings of such importance should have the same reference. i am from Chicago so I look for the Sears Tower ( now Willis Tower) after about 15 minutes of searching I only found 1 image of the sears tower being destroyed, and it was a blatant 'joke' after the 9/11 attacks. This I found much more interesting..

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 06:35 PM
Amazing coincidences, and something out there of a similar vain, in the movies, comic books or tv shows , probably gave whoever was responsible the ideas.

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