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Aliens Among Us ...Video

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posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by gortex
Great another off topic post ....what has any of this got to do with the topic of this thread

Hi 'Gortex'
and S*t*a* r*s and Stripe s for this nice thread

It's not off topic post. The title of this thread says "Aliens among Us... Video", which means it's topics about Extreterrestrials among Earth-humans, wether it's Human looking star races or less human looking star races, and Videos about it is welcome.

But, i enjoyed the first 3 videos of "Aliens among us" from Page 1 this thread, and i'm about to watch/listen to the other videos of Bob Oeschler Radio interviews.

I previously presented conference with Randy Winters who presented some of Billy Meier's photo collection, and Randy mentioned that much of Billy Meier's photos have been stolen from his collection. And i mentioned the fake picture of "Asket" and "Nera". I forgot to mention that i assume that Randy Winters was/is not aware of that fake picture of "Asket" and "Nera" as Billy Meier said was altered by intelligence agencies and slipped into his collection in order to discredit his UFO case, since Randy Winters didn't mention that photo, or maybe Randy forgot to mention that.
edit on 7-2-2012 by Anunaki10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 05:14 PM
I don't watch Bob Lazar's story any further as some considerable inconsistencies in the story make him not attention worthy. Some on Area51 forum I admit it convinced me if the fakeness of Uut 115 and most of that story of Lazar.

As for the 2nd video, the former NASA employee talks about having seen aliens some feet below the surface? And the technology, what makes him any more credible? The video is full of fake pictures he talks about all the alien coverup, different species, the aircraft technology,

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 02:25 AM
Bob Lazar did mention Zeta Reticulans here on Zeta Reticulans - by Bob Lazar, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 were Bob Lazar also mention that he was threatened and also mentioned that his wife was THREATENED by Shadow Government agent looking dudes. He also mentioned that the United States is in possession of captured alien spacecraft, and he is not the only "Whistleblower" who mention that.

Los Alamos phonebook

On his commercial United Nuclear website, Bob Lazar writes in the 'about'-section: "Bob had previously worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory (specifically in the Meson Physics facility ), involved with experiments using the 1/2 mile long Linear Particle Accelerator." Critics have argued that the Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory could not back up this claim: the experimental laboratory denied ever having employed Lazar. Investigative reporter George Knapp, however, found Bob Lazar's name among that of other scientists in the 1982 Los Alamos phone book, indicating Lazar did work there as a technician.

"Punishment" for witnesses

The strategies for dealing with those former servicemen, corporate employees or witnesses brave or ‘foolish’ enough to come forward to reveal classified information is to intimidate, silence, eliminate or discredit these individuals. This policy involves such strategies as removing all public records of former military service men or corporate employees, forcing individuals to make retractions, deliberately distorting statements of individuals, or discrediting individuals. Bob Lazar, for example, claimed to be a former physicist employed with reverse engineering extraterrestrial craft. He described the disappearance of all his university and public records indicating how military-intelligence agencies actively discredit whistleblowers.

Bob Lazar on Element 115

I wish to focus on some recent scientific advances that vindicate some of the information that Bob Lazar provided from his alleged experiences at S4, and respond to some of his critics.

The most important criticism concerned Lazar’s initial claim in 1989 of the existence of a stable form of element 115. The existence of such an element was initially dismissed by some of his critics and became a factor in Lazar not being taken seriously.

For example Stanton Friedman wrote in 1997:

"There is no evidence that any 115 has been created anywhere. Based on what we know about all other elements over #100, it would certainly have been radioactive with a short half life, and 500 pounds could not have been accumulated. His scheme sounds good, but makes no real sense especially in view of how difficult it would be to add protons to #115."

However, in February 2004 scientists announced that they were able to reproduce an isotope of 115 in a laboratory, and said that a stable isotope is possible.
edit on 8-2-2012 by Anunaki10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 03:05 AM

Originally posted by SonoftheSun
reply to post by gortex

Excellent thread Gortex !!

I enjoyed the Lazar video a lot. I always thought that there was some truth in what he claims yet I think that he did exaggerate at times. The Element 115 comes to mind. But I enjoyed. Didn't know that John Lear was with him that night in March 89 when he started to trek inside the parameter. I think he knows way more than what he said and that threats were indeed made. Which brings me to Friedman. I always liked the guy. But I also always felt that he knows way more than what he tells. But not out of threats like Lazar but out of loyalty to his ancient peers. The reason why he would also discredit Lazar. One - it keeps Lazar in a safe spot, two - Friedman saves face. On all counts. Everyone's happy.

First time I hear of Bob Oeschler and wow... Happily surprised. I looked into him a bit after listening to his story and apparently he was caught in a hoax about "The Guardian"... Dunno. But will look further into him.

S&F !!!

In the beginning when Lazar came with his story it souned fantastic... But the more he says the more i doubt his story..
If you watch and listen this video closley... he makes some mistakes

1 He says ... at that time i wassent interessted in UFO'S and i still aint
Than why would he go sight seeing in the desert with the famous JOHN LEAR wahahahah

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by Crystalclearz

Nope, he is not a fraud, so i guess you're refering to YOURSELF!

If you watch and listen this video closley... he makes some mistakes

Nope, if you watch and listen this video closely... he did not make mistakes, but let me guess, um... it's YOU WHO MAKE MISTAKES!

1 He says ... at that time i wassent interessted in UFO'S and i still aint

From about 6:50 into that interview, Lazar did say he wasn't interested in UFOs and even not interested in them now, all right, but what Lazar also said was that he did not believe in UFOs (before he worked there), but that he certainly believe in UFOs now (after he worked there).

edit on 8-2-2012 by Anunaki10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Crystalclearz
In the beginning when Lazar came with his story it souned fantastic... But the more he says the more i doubt his story..

Yeah, I can understand that.


That's a fairly big accusation there...have any proof of this claim or is it just an opinion?

If you watch and listen this video closley... he makes some mistakes

1 He says ... at that time i wassent interessted in UFO'S and i still aint

Lazar has kept himself out of the map for a very very long time. This should give you a clue...

Than why would he go sight seeing in the desert with the famous JOHN LEAR wahahahah

Cause John Lear was available ??

I don't see how any of this makes him a fraud ( and I didn't feel like using capital letters... )...

I wouldn't say he's been transparent at all times but that doesn't make him a fraud.

edit on 8-2-2012 by SonoftheSun because: bb code

edit on 8-2-2012 by SonoftheSun because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 04:12 PM
Mystery of Filipov, Part 1 ,Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 were Filipov also says that Aliens are among Earth-humans.

Astrophysicist Latchezar Filipov - Aliens "living among us"

A leading astrophysicist who has worked on space missions claims that he and his colleagues are in contact with extraterrestrials who are "living among us." And they don't like what they see.
Latchezar Filipov, head of the Space Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, is causing global ripples after researching crop circles around the world.
"We sent (the aliens) 30 questions about global problems," said Filipov, who was vague about how he actually conveyed the queries. "And now we have some answers."
The "answers" came in the form of pictograms in crop circles.
Filipov says the aliens are here, observing us, but unobservable by us for some reason.
"I feel that ... some kind of information is being taught, that they'd like to be in contact with us," Filipov said Friday in halting English from his office in Sofia.
Filipov asked the aliens about the SETI, the broad umbrella project searching for alien life, and the supposed end of the world in 2012, when the Mayan calendar expires.
He told the Star that the aliens have told him SETI doesn't work, owing to a confusion about communication through "magnetic fields."
They also said there is some truth in the 2012 predictions, having something to do with volcanoes in Mexico.

"Aliens among us"

Reptilian manipulation of humanity - by David Icke, Part 1 , Part 2 , Demonic possessed Reptilian rulers , Alex Jones exposed activities at Bohemian Grove , "Reptilian demons" , Reptilian shapeshifters caught on film , George Bush Jr. admit he is member of Skull and Bones , Faction 3 and the Alien agenda by Sherry Shriner, Interview with Zulu Shaman Credo Mutwa - Reptilian agenda , George Bush Sr. reportedly shapeshifted into a Reptilian being in front of Cathy O'Brien telling her he is from another planet , Arizona Wilder on Reptilian rulers , "Andromedan contactee" Alex Collier on Andromedans and Draconian Reptilians , Peggy Kane says Reptilians are defeated , "Andromedan contactee" called 'Tolec' says the alliance of bad Greys and Reptilians are defeated by now George Adamski claim he was in contact with friendly human looking aliens from Venus, Saturn and Mars , Italy's disclosure of Human looking aliens - photo of "Sa Ra" from Altair 4

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 04:30 AM


That's a fairly big accusation there...have any proof of this claim or is it just an opinion?

Ok and what about this, if the man in black and army personel want to keep a secret..
he wouldent be alife anymore...
So that day in the dessert give me doubts...
Because what is the life of Lazar worth compared to the so called the secret they have to protect????

If it realy is about protection the fossil fuel etc.... lazar would be standing at havens gate now, correct me if im wrong..

And yeahhhh right, you want to proof that Alien crafts excits, and than you go into the dessert with your friends without a camera..

its always 1 person bla bla or a group that confirm eachsothers story..
but never SUPER CLEAR VIDEO .... and this is going on for minimal 50years now......

If something is viewed so many times all over the world for 50 years... there must be some clear video by now ?

SO AGAIN HE IS A FRAUD... i think there is enough proof that this story ST!.nks

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by Crystalclearz

Nope, like i said, he is not a fraud, so i guess YOU ARE REFERING TO YOURSELF AS A FRAUD!

And yeahhhh right, you want to proof that Alien crafts excits

Oh yeah, not only are the tested "crafts" reportedly based on Extraterrestrial technology shown on the videos by Bob Lazar. The hacker Gary McKinnon who hacked into the sensitive secret files in the United States confirm Reverse Engineering Extraterrestrial technology, and many "Whistleblowers" confirm that. Philip Corso Sr. also confirm what Bob Lazar told about Reverse Engineering Extraterrestrial technology. And THIS EVIDENCE OF EXTRATERRESTRIAL ROSWELL DEBRIS SHOWN ON THIS TV PROGRAM PROVES THE ALIEN SPACECRAFTS EXIST! Gotcha...

edit on 9-2-2012 by Anunaki10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 06:53 AM

I dont think so.....

1 Dont believe everything you read

2 Dont believe everything you see

3 Dont believe everything you hear

Because its al made or writen by people who want you to believe...
So who says its not staged

and Cooper was an alcholic mental case...
may his soul rest in peace

storys can be made up
and movie and docus are made to make you believe

Do you also believe in harry potter ?

And this DOCTOR is ALSO A FRAUD, collaborates whit the famous ufo hoaxer jaime maussan...
They only want to make money of SMART peeps like you.....
You diddent give your opinion on my questions... i answered yours..... sooo here we go again

If it realy is about protection the fossil fuel etc.... lazar would be standing at havens gate now, correct me if im wrong..

And yeahhhh right, you want to proof that Alien crafts excits, and than you go into the dessert with your friends without a camera..

its always 1 person bla bla or a group that confirm eachsothers story..
but never SUPER CLEAR VIDEO .... and this is going on for minimal 50years now......

If something is viewed so many times all over the world for 50 years... there must be some clear video by now ?

THIS STUFF is all disinfo so the U.S. Army can build there crafts....
so ofcourse they want people to believe in Little green man and telepatic (pathetic) blond angels

And now i got you BUAHAHAHA

- Greetings from Earth -

edit on 9-2-2012 by Crystalclearz because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-2-2012 by Crystalclearz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by Crystalclearz

Oh yeah, you better believe i gotcha...

Because its al made or writen by people who want you to believe...

Nope, it's not written in purpose to make people to believe it. Beside it's not only written, it's shown on TV were people who are "in the know" are interviewed. And THIS EVIDENCE OF EXTRATERRESTRIAL ROSWELL DEBRIS SHOWN ON THIS TV PROGRAM PROVES THE ALIEN SPACECRAFTS EXIST, and that's FACT 'Crystalclearz', no matter how much you hate it, so unfortunately for you there is NOTHING you can do about that. Another thing, alien implants have been tested as well, these alien implants are concluded to be of Extraterrestrial origin by some of the best experts on this planet which is also shown on document on the TV program with Dr. Roger Leir.

Dr. Roger Leir and his surgical team have performed 14 surgeries on alleged alien abductees, resulting in the removal of 15 objects suspected of being alien implants. These objects have been scrutinized by some of the most prestigious laboratories in the world: Los Alamos National Labs, Seal Laboratories, the University of Toronto, and the University of California-San Diego.

And that's FACT 'Crystalclearz', no matter how much you hate it, so unfortunately for you there is NOTHING you can do about that either. You're wasting you time with your ridiculous >Don't bother me with the facts, my mind is made upI think it's fairly credible. I would like to see the time when all qualified people could really work together to properly investigate these stories and either refute or prove them

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 10:09 AM
Wahahaha you are funny

Oh yeah, you better believe i gotcha...

Answer - Not -

Because its al made or writen by people who want you to believe...

THIS EVIDENCE OF EXTRATERRESTRIAL ROSWELL DEBRIS SHOWN ON THIS TV PROGRAM PROVES THE ALIEN SPACECRAFTS EXISTno matter how much you hate it, so unfortunately for you there is NOTHING you can do about that. Another thing, alien implants have been tested as well, these alien implants are concluded to be of Extraterrestrial origin by some of the best experts on this planet which is also shown on document on the TV program with Dr. Roger Leir.

who says its alien or Extraterrestrial... YOU assume that..

do they have material to compare it with ?

If we find a new species of APE in the RAIN forrest... does that make it an ALIEN APE whahaha ?

stuff can be fabricated... so it looks new...

Not everything uknown is alien

And documents can be False... just like the MJ-12 documents are a FRAUD

, no matter how much you hate it, so unfortunately for you there is NOTHING you can do about that


I dont hate it, i just tell you the way it is.... YOU have a HATE issue i think ;0] not me

either. You're wasting you time with your ridiculous challenge Don't bother me with the facts, my mind is made up Don't you think you're wasting your time here with your "Dungeons and Dragons"-game, kid? Oh boy, don't you see how foolish you make yourself look like, huh? What another downer for you...


Wahahah and this is what i mean... People like you ASSUME to much
I am 31 years old pretty old for a kid dont you think :0) mabey the title MR sounds better :0)

And time is the only SOLLID thing we have in life....i have enough time... so why dont spend it on Guys like you
i cant spend enough of it whahahaha... specialy for Mature figures like you

Me Foolish that can be your opinion ... but who cares anyway... you assume little grey lepricans excitzz .

You know nothing about Cooper.


I know what i want to know about passed away mr COoPER

He jumped because he was insane
and i have seen his speech etc etc.... dont think i know nothing about the stuff you believe in
i only look at the facts and thats that.

"During an interview on the Merv Griffin Show, Merv asked the following of Gordon Cooper. >>There is a story going around, Gordon, that a spaceship did land in middle America and there were occupants, and members of our government were able to keep one of the occupants alive for some period of time. They've seen the metal of the aircraft and know what the people look like -- is that a credible story ?>I think it's fairly credible. I would like to see the time when all qualified people could really work together to properly investigate these stories and either refute or prove them

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by Crystalclearz

Hi again Crystalclearz,

Why would Men in Black need to get him? Most people think he's a joke or insane or a fraud anyway...

Or silence him for that matter what Lazar has said... no need to.

I agree with you that there are a lot of hoaxers and snake oil salesmen in this field (Greer comes to mind) but we shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water...wouldn't you agree?

But there are some in there that started out legit and here is the reason why they are still alive. Just my opinion.

To get the word out to as many people as possible in the shortest of time almost guarantees one to save his life and the lives of those he loves. Then the dis information process starts... So it becomes so blurry that we can't figure out the truth from the lies any longer...

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by Crystalclearz
Because its al made or writen by people who want you to believe...

The Land of make believe. Only in your mind, you are living in a dream, and like i said, it's not only written, it's shown on TV were people who are "in the know" are interviewed, which sometimes also include evidence and tests of these evidence as i previously also presented which is concluded to be of Etraterrestrial origin by some of the best experts on this planet, and that's fact, no matter how much you hate it, so Listen and Relax, and if you can't handle it then i can only recommend you to back off... Don't you really know that you're wasting your time here with your "Dungeons and Dragons"-game, kid? Do you really expect anyone to take you seriously, huh?

Ice Ice Baby , Ice Ice Baby
edit on 9-2-2012 by Anunaki10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 03:13 PM
they are most certainly amongst us and I think they are from another galaxy but also have the capability to either cloak completely from our sight or jump through an alternate dimension

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 08:28 AM
Awesome! Have not seen this documentaries and I will surely watch them! I believe that there are entities who walk among us that are not exactly "homo sapien". Whether they be aliens, angels, demons who knows. We all know those people who make us feel "light and happy" and those who give us bad feelings just on sight.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 03:42 PM
Thanks for posting all the videos

I agree, that whenever a person has something that the MIB or ? would object to, the best thing to do is to publish it, get it out as quickly as possible, use every medium available. If you don't personally have the guts, then tell someone who does...wear a mask, disquise your voice, but get the information out...add to our collective conscious.

Once a person has a secret that they cannot share (from fear), it starts to pull at them and they become weaker. Deny the fear, speak out an it will be you who is the stronger for it!

I applaud all of these heros who come forward with what they know, they do not shrink from fear, they grow from denying fear.

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