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Australian Mothers Protest Facebook Over The Right To Display Their Breasts.

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posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 12:45 PM

*laughs* obviously it is not a weak arguement since no one has been able to counteract it. You say you can seperate the two, yet the last line of your response clearly shows you can't. Nice try though. Here is a cookie... [/qoute]

You have some catching up top do and I'm not going back so do some reading...

And breastfeeding isn't exposing yourself. No matter how you try to spin your sad litle point and use words like exposing, it is just nursing.

Now you're showing your ignorance...

Why don't you just take pictures of people's babies because they are cute?

Who said I don't? I have plenty of pics of mine and friend's kids... What's your point? They aren't out breastfeeding either... nor would they in public...

It's the same thing I say to people if were to tell me to stop staring when they wear cut shorts and a half shirt... You don't want the attention then don't expose yourself to get it...

And here is where you show you can't seperate the acts of everyday nursing from sexual acts.

If someone wears hot pants and a half shirt, they are obviously looking for attention. Most likely that of attractiveness. Which sexual attraction is an adult act only.
Just like people who cover their heads with tattoos and earrings, they are looking for attention.
Nursing is not seeing sexual attention.

And here is where you are wrong... again... I was using it as an example of people who complain about people watching them breastfeed... I quite accurately can tell the difference between sexual behavior and nursing... and I never called it a sexual act. The example of peeing in public as a refute to your natural argument and the outfit for the complaining about people watching them breastfeed...

Please educate yourself before you come ranting...

Someone nursing a baby which is done 20 times a day to nourish a fragile human being is not seeking attention, they are nursing, that is it.

Great... and IMO it should be done in private... don't care if you agree and bring weak arguments to try and persuade me to flip flop... My view is mine...

You know the internet is a big place... You're not needed here...

NO ONE called it a sexual act but you... nice way to throw words around though... Here is your cookie back... I don't eat sugar... only organic...
edit on 3-2-2012 by SmArTbEaTz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 12:46 PM
I find it quite fascinating the things people choose to find offensive or disgusting. I totally don't get what is wrong with this. I don't see why mothers should have to hide in toilets to feed their children. Seriously who said that? What the hell? Would you go sit in some public sh*tter to eat? Or is that maybe a bit of a hygiene risk, especially considering the developing state of a babies immune system. The absolute worst thing I have ever experienced because of public breastfeeding is a slight uneasiness about where to look. Hardly the end of the world, get over it, grow a bit, stop being such a judgemental

If I was a father, and the mother of my child was breastfeeding in public, and someone made the choice to find this offensive, and have a go at her.. Well ya know, insert your own threat here. I find OP's opinion more offensive than I can verbalise without violating T&C.

I bet you were flabbergasted when people started openly displaying a bit of ankle!

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by spav5

Originally posted by theubermensch

Originally posted by spav5
I think that people who are disgusted by a mother feeding her child are so because they are aroused by it. They can't handle this conflict in their brain in any other way than to call shame on the natural act of breast feeding instead of investigating their own personal arousal by such. ( I am not condemning that arousal, only your response to it).


You have a sick mind friend.

How many breastfeeding mothers do you find attractive? Just after they had a baby. Yuck. They can keep their breasts to themselves.

I only see a mother feeding her baby..I don't know what you see.
I have no conflict with this..apparently you do.

By the way many mothers are beautiful..mine included.

Just as you can keep your opinion to yourself..but you choose not to.


I dont even think of it like that. But thats where your mind goes.

I have clearly stated that my problem with it is that I see it as unsophisticated. Obnoxious. Uncouth. Ill-mannered. Is that so hard for you to understand? Or is it too sophisticated?

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by theubermensch

How many breastfeeding mothers do you find attractive? Just after they had a baby. Yuck. They can keep their breasts to themselves.

Milf does a body good.

Stands for
Mothers I'd like to F...ind out more about them and perhaps invite them for a coffee if they find a babysitter one day

Anyhow. I don't need to see, nor not see a breast in order to determine if a mother is attractive...I am a eyes and lips type person. Believe it or not, a new mother does not give birth through her thats typically in tact

Well, human mothers...alien bug mothers or something may, but I try to stick with my own species (pleadians can be an exception)

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by blupblup
It is you who has the problem as you are the one who feels uncomfortable, try and figure out why you feel this way and work on it

I've been contemplating this question and I think I have an answer. I have never had a problem with boobs. I HATE milk though. Absolutely HATE it. Not even chocolate. Maybe that's what bothers me.

+1 for your introspection.

Exactly how much do you hate it? If I tricked you into drinking a glass how would you react?

I'm just trying to figure out if you dislike the taste or the concept.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by theubermensch

Originally posted by spav5

Originally posted by theubermensch

Originally posted by spav5
I think that people who are disgusted by a mother feeding her child are so because they are aroused by it. They can't handle this conflict in their brain in any other way than to call shame on the natural act of breast feeding instead of investigating their own personal arousal by such. ( I am not condemning that arousal, only your response to it).


You have a sick mind friend.

How many breastfeeding mothers do you find attractive? Just after they had a baby. Yuck. They can keep their breasts to themselves.

I only see a mother feeding her baby..I don't know what you see.
I have no conflict with this..apparently you do.

By the way many mothers are beautiful..mine included.

Just as you can keep your opinion to yourself..but you choose not to.


I dont even think of it like that. But thats where your mind goes.

I have clearly stated that my problem with it is that I see it as unsophisticated. Obnoxious. Uncouth. Ill-mannered. Is that so hard for you to understand? Or is it too sophisticated?

I find you to be all of those things you described..but I don't wish you to be banned.

Seek help, that is sound advice.


posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by rexusdiablos
I'm just trying to figure out if you dislike the taste or the concept.

The taste the texture, everything about it. To quote Lewis Black, "I'm an adult now and don't have to drink that crap."

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by intrepid

To set your mind to rest a little, mother's milk neither has the same taste, texture (That claggy stuff on the back of the throat stuff, eugh) or temperature as a cow's.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 12:54 PM

I have clearly stated that my problem with it is that I see it as unsophisticated. Obnoxious. Uncouth. Ill-mannered. Is that so hard for you to understand? Or is it too sophisticated?

I find you to be all of those things you described..but I don't wish you to be banned.

Seek help, that is sound advice.


He's one of only a few in this thread who have even a shred of decency. Facebook doesn't need pictures of women breast feeding their babies, we can do without it.

It's also not difficult to do your business in private, or at least throw a towel over it as someone else mentioned.
edit on 3-2-2012 by L00kingGlass because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 12:55 PM
I missed these comments earlier...

Originally posted by intrepid
reply to post by rexusdiablos

I didn't say it was wrong, I said it made me uncomfortable

Fair enough. Equally, I'm not saying that every male opposed to public breast feeding has a neurosis of some sort; I simply suspect that the majority of them do.

Originally posted by intrepid
reply to post by rexusdiablos

Whew, now there's more time for WoW.

I don't understand this sentence.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 12:55 PM
ok, my stance overall:

Facebook photos...don't care about it. if the friends I chose to subscribe to in order to view their pics have a pic of them breastfeeding, then so be it. I can just decide not to expand the picture to see the fine details..thats my choice, and I am not going to tell others how to run their facebook pages
(pretending I actually used facebook..I do have an account, and havent logged in in over a year..and even then it was for a quick minute to get a name)

As far as in public..moms...I actually don't care, I would just ask you to toss a little cloth around the main area so there is no nip slip. I am semi-fascinated with it when I see it..that comes from little exposure. Also its cleaner if you have a bit of a cloth nearby and lightly covering the process. Not saying you should have to..just a common courtesy. I, being a typical man, enjoy my skewed view of a woman's breasts as a thing of fun and beauty and am comfortable in my stances..I don't want the western civilized woman to have the same sort of feel as some african tribe with woman having droopy boobs with no attraction..a simple functional part.

It may be a bit of a sexist stance on my is, I freely admit I do hold some sexist stances...but hey, you do me that favor, and I will try to not scratch myself too much in public (or pass gas in crowded elevators). So ya, if your doing it, make an attempt to cover it a bit so I don't have to directly see it.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by spav5

Originally posted by theubermensch

Originally posted by spav5

Originally posted by theubermensch

Originally posted by spav5
I think that people who are disgusted by a mother feeding her child are so because they are aroused by it. They can't handle this conflict in their brain in any other way than to call shame on the natural act of breast feeding instead of investigating their own personal arousal by such. ( I am not condemning that arousal, only your response to it).


You have a sick mind friend.

How many breastfeeding mothers do you find attractive? Just after they had a baby. Yuck. They can keep their breasts to themselves.

I only see a mother feeding her baby..I don't know what you see.
I have no conflict with this..apparently you do.

By the way many mothers are beautiful..mine included.

Just as you can keep your opinion to yourself..but you choose not to.


I dont even think of it like that. But thats where your mind goes.

I have clearly stated that my problem with it is that I see it as unsophisticated. Obnoxious. Uncouth. Ill-mannered. Is that so hard for you to understand? Or is it too sophisticated?

I find you to be all of those things you described..but I don't wish you to be banned.

Seek help, that is sound advice.


Well thats decidedly typical liberal thinking. See its the liberals that are always the nastiest. They have no honour. No character. I need help do I? Because I find public breastfeeding and liberals offensive.

Thanks for the concern

Nice how you question my mental state then say peace. Very liberal of you

This isnt about me anyway,its about the article. If you are so worried about bannings then stay on topic and refrain from personal attacks


posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 12:57 PM
If women wanna show their breasts in public, fine. It's whatever. The fact that this remains a big deal is strange. Isn't this just a form of censorship? Breasts are too sexy, therefore all humans with breasts must cover them up. If I see a bare pair in public, I don't feel any "animal" urges come over me. I don't feel the need to get in their business and censor (clothe) them. If one cannot handle seeing a pair of breasts in public, then maybe the fault isn't with the woman with the bare breasts, but with the individual who cannot seem to look away getting mad about it. Instead of putting a shirt on the breasts, why not throw a blindfold on those poor offended eyes?

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by theubermensch

Originally posted by pikestaff
I think those people who say breast feeding is disgusting never had a mother, and dont have a girlfriend or wife, hungry children like to be fed, if they are not fed, they scream/cry/ make one hell of a fuss, and the mother is accused of being a bad mother, thats half the trouble with this world, its run by uptight men.(probably upset they don,t have nice looking chests.or access to one!)

Do you really think a guy with my wit does not have access to a nice chest? Im a looker too.
Females are no match for me.

Im uptight because I find public breastfeeding offensive? Its offensive.

And Im not alone in thinking that. Not at all.

If your avatar is a photo of you, yup... you are a real STUD! Probably have to use a club to keep large-breasted beautiful women from wanting to jump your bones!

edit on 3-2-2012 by wulff because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by Suspiria
reply to post by intrepid

To set your mind to rest a little, mother's milk neither has the same taste, texture (That claggy stuff on the back of the throat stuff, eugh) or temperature as a cow's.

I know, we had 3 kids and it was inevitable. That's even worse.

As far as milk goes, go over to YT and check out Lewis Black Milk and Water. Funny as hell.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by rexusdiablos
I'm just trying to figure out if you dislike the taste or the concept.

The taste the texture, everything about it. To quote Lewis Black, "I'm an adult now and don't have to drink that crap."

It's beginning to sound like the result of the childhood trauma of being forced to consume milk against your will.

Then again, you simply just might not like it.

Why anyone consumes pasteurized, homogenized and fluoridated cow's breast milk is beyond me. We're not meant to be drinking milk in the adult stage of our lives but that's a conversation for another thread.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by theubermensch

I guess people just don't get that not everyone thinks the same and has to bash others for their beliefs...

Geezzz... It's not like we are out covering up people doing it or advocating for a law against it... we just don't think it's right... Now granted you posted something about they should be arrested... I say only if they are asked to stop and do not, or if they are laying it out for everyone to see. I don't like it, but if you are going to do it in public... COVER IT UP!!! and have good old fashion courtesy for those around you...

Or you can be selfish, like the people here are saying to do, and say "fuk ya'll I'll feed my kid where and when I want..." ~ It's beautiful!

Yeah but so is child birth but you don't see me posting my wife's vagina online do you?

And people wonder why Americans are hated so much...
edit on 3-2-2012 by SmArTbEaTz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 01:00 PM

He's one of only a few in this thread who have even a shred of decency. Facebook doesn't need pictures of women breast feeding their babies, we can do without it.

It's also not difficult to do your business in private, or at least throw a towel over it as someone else mentioned.

And how difficult is it for you not to view OTHER peoples profiles? Or simply look away when you encounter a baby being fed.

edit on 3-2-2012 by spav5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 01:00 PM
Isn't mother nature a funny thing?
Breastfeeding apparently affords contraceptive qualities by staving off menstruation and the release of eggs in order for a woman to fully wean her child before she has more. However this time - post birth is also a time where we are our most fertile if not breastfeeding or using other methods.

So someone out there must think new mothers are sexy...

edit on 3-2-2012 by Suspiria because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 01:02 PM
You can't see nothing when someone is breastfeeding unless you look really close.

You can see more on the girls with low cut tops.

There is nothing disgusting about a baby eating.

Zuckerberg and his cronies are just junkies for attention. I'd also suspect that he's a bit of an androgynous douche.

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