just a reminder, Paul hasnt even started yet, this isnt his first go round and the national poles show him very strong, things I think are about to
get interesting.I think santorum and newt are done here soon......but ok, Ive had enough. I will not turn on the main stream media because I know
whats there. What can we do to combat this and atleast try to make it harder for the elites to get their way. what can we do to help this guy...and no
trolls please, your mind is hypnotized by the media go away. Here is a list of annoying things Ive done .
- constantly make comments at the bottom of newt,romney, santorum articles on cnn,fox,msnbc websites that support paul,also say i will not vote for
anyone else, true or not, and after non related articles, in a nice way, just throw it in
-spread youtube videos,and facebook, youtube and paypal support ron, make comments, and constantly bitch about the media blackout
-vote and make your friends and family vote,i was made to watch the debates, didnt take me long to see who the teacher is.
-if we say we are only voting for paul, this will confuse the scenario they are creating as far as votes
-we need to have a HUGE party
I know this wont fix anything but atleast people will see just how many fans he has, I cant beleive 2 draft dodgers are being given all of the media
support, thats just wrong. any other ideas please post because Im not all that crafty, if its cold or rainy outside thats what ive been doing in my
spare time, maybe we can make a difference, thanks and leave ideas........REVOLUTION MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS....FIGHT A GOOD HONEST FIGHT
on 3-2-2012 by avatard because: fell asleep