But you know what was the best? Besides family values and church on Sunday, was Christmas.
Christmas, if you were like me. you would be upstairs in your room, and downstairs, your dad would be drunk out of his mind, wearing the lamp shade on
his head, because that was what people did at parties in HIS generation, giving his friends trick drinking glasses that spilled down their shirts,
with polka music going full blast, and bang crash, there goes the tree, again.
You see if you think we were bad, our parents were worst. They were drunk like 80 percent of the time.
My dad had a gas station, and it had a little back room, and during the day, everyone went into that little back room, including the detectives from
the area, and few came out of there walking straight.
Oh, there he goes again with the spring from a big truck, gonna bend it over his fat belly for his friends.
Oh, there is one who can barely walk, and now has to drive home.
"Just leave the window open, and you will be alright."
And the cars?
The day he got hit by a drunk driver in a dump truck, he was driving a brand new baby blue Cadillac convertible, with the big fins coming out the
back. 6 miles to the gallon, so that was gonna cost about 8 bucks to fill up.
29 cents a gallon, whatever that works out to.
But we went places. We were always going places. Mind you I often had to wait in the car.
But you know, we were free. We were free and we felt free.
"There's those darn kids bumper hitching again"
When there was snow on the road, we would sneak up at intersections, and grab the bumper and ride down the block.
Road hockey, football on the street, "CAR!" that meant you had to move the nets.
Don't even talk about Halloween.
Eggs, and firecrackers, and eggs with firecrackers in them, and rotten eggs in the milk door, and burning paper bags on the front step and raiding the
neighbors garden.
And playing kick the can.
And milk was delivered, and bread, and yes, even chips. My buddy down the street, had the Hostess chip guy delivering chips to them.
I was so jealous.
edit on 11-2-2012 by Rocketman7 because: (no reason given)