posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 07:16 PM
I am a HUGE Doors fan, and even a bigger Jim Morrison fan... I know he was very open and into many different things and works of literature.. Anyways
I started reading the Satanic verses and saw that there was a big similarity in it... We all know the door's goes "If we dont find, the next whiskey
bar... I tell you we must die, I tell you we must die.... Oh moon of Alabama....." right? Well here is the satanic verse I was referring to
"Just before dawn one winter's morning, New Year's Day or thereabouts, two real, full-grown, living men fell from a great height, twenty-nine
thousand and two feet, towards the English Channel, without benefit of parachutes or wings, out of a clear sky.
"I tell you, you must die, I tell you, I tell you," and thusly and so beneath a moon of alabaster until a loud cry crossed the night, "To the devil
with your tunes," the words hanging crystalline in the iced white night, "in the movies you only mimed to playback singers, so spare me these
infernal noises now.""
In paragraph two you will see the reference.. Also moon of alabaster... its possible it was changed to moon of Alabama due to the fact more people
know Alabama haha
Anyways I though it was really cool, leave your opinions below.