posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 06:49 PM
Just repeating one small thing for the Christians regarding Heaven and Hell.. and no offence is intended.
I have been active in the spiritual realms for all my 52 years of life so far.. some of my involvment has been to take the dead who are lost into the
Light and watch them wake up from their Dream of Life on Earth.
When I observe this happening.. they begin to shine from
Inside.. and as it gets brighter EVERYTHING they BELIEVED about Life and everything
else.. all Human Beliefs.. drop away from them like dried mud until they are Awake and Remember where they are.
But.. some people don't make it to there.. or stay around here either. In the lower 'astral realms' is an area called The Belief Territories.. and it
is Here you will find the dead experiencing some form of THEIR OWN HELL.
Yes.. they self-create it because of their BELIEFS about their Value and Faith, their Beliefs about God and how they lived as a human being... and
every other Belief you could imagine.
Living humans go into that Territory and assist those who are beginning to wake up from their self-imposed Hell Experience and when they are ready are
helped across into the Light. There may be as many as a thousand people around the world who do this to help in the spiritual realms.
I tell you this not as My Belief.. not as any Belief.. but it is exactly what I have experienced in my current time. It needs No Faith to experience
it. It is constant, never changing in that respect and so it is closer to the bigger picture reality that exists around us all the time than anything
I have ever seen written by Man or 'God'.
Please take no offence as none was intended.. I am simply sharing a greater truth I know from direct experience.. this does not make me anything
special.. it only makes me Loving of All things that exist.
edit on 4-2-2012 by Tayesin because: (no reason given)