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If You Could Make Entire World American, Would You Do It?

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posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by ChiForce
Sorry, I have to shoot this thread down. Is like what if the Nazi won the war.....LOL What? So the Americans can tell everyone on earth that they should abandon their own cultures and governments and to become Americans. What is American that is distinctly American? Since we often talk about spirituality and enlightenment on this message board, what can we learn about these issues from the American history? Are there a particular point in the American history that highlights this supreme sense of spirituality and enlightenment?
America has a history ? try reading the history of Britan, we have a pub(bar for you yanks) in our town that is over 1000, yes 1000 years old, and someone had to be sober enough to build it.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 02:58 PM
No. Americanization of any place else would spoil the diversification of the planet.
I had this conversation in June 2005 with a woman in Ireland. I told her she did not want an ugly wal-mart in fairy tale land. I think we could learn class and recycling tips from other nations. We are wasteful and we make things tacky and ugly.

What we have as a positive are public toliets, public trash cans, public national parks, public libraries, and nice wide roads. Even our dumpy hotels are luxurious. What we lack are social graces, history, and good food. Mc Donalds ( and other fast food places) just does not meet the standards of nutritious good food.
I only saw 1 Mc Donalds in all of Ireland for a total of five weeks over there. Thankfully.

We do have better standards of personal hygene. We bath and shave move than the European women/ men do. We are into dental hygene and refrigeration (ice production). I guess we could all really learn from each other.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 02:58 PM
Oh Jeezes!! What a question... HELL NO!!!
Why on earth would anyone want the whole world to be ruled by corporations; breathing the toxic chemtrail air, eating this toxic SAD diet full of GMO foods; and send their children to our dumbed-down so-called schools!?!?!?!

I think I'd sooner just give in to a one-world government... well maybe not, because there wouldn't really be any difference...

I'm not being anti-American, or even un-American, either, but I see the slow agonizing death of the American dream, and it will never return to it's former glory, imo. We're just a few CDS defaults away from being another third-world country.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 03:01 PM
I wouldn't consider offering what we are serving until the USA is worthy of that imposition upon the world. It is one thing to know what is good for you, but to boast such a grandiose claim that the USA is a model country is a huge overstatement.

The fact that the executive branch has striped its country of democracy and its congress by ignoring the constitution and previous president's actions is a gross neglect of faith and office.

The executive branch by its current state of privilege and its own authority to grant that same privilege, and regulate /investigate itself would be the single greatest tyranny ever imposed upon the free world.

In our own country the people being governed have no power, be it legal or implied to exact government in line with our laws. We have secret laws passed in the form of internal documents and memos that effectively eliminate democracy by eliminating our representatives from the policy making apparatus.

The constitution and congress are all but void of power to investigate a president for abuses to his country or humanity. If ever a scandal arose that implicated the president he would argue secrecy so as to avoid personal adherence to the law, all under the pretext of national security. That is not democracy.

We dont even practice what we preach, why would you impose hypocrisy upon the world?

edit on 2-2-2012 by casenately because: fix

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 03:04 PM
Further if you had to chose then which super power would you pick from? If you had to chose Americanaz, China, Russia or UK? they all got issues it just seems Americanaz has the genetic mix the most I may be wrong?
edit on 2/2/12 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 03:08 PM
America is the nation that have more prisoners than any other nation on earth. I fear what would take place if they ruled the entire planet.
They could effectively imprison a whole nation or a whole continent. And convince the rest of the world that it is the right thing to do.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by spy66
America is the nation that have more prisoners than any other nation on earth. I fear what would take place if they ruled the entire planet.
They could effectively imprison a whole nation or a whole continent. And convince the rest of the world that it is the right thing to do.

The power of persuasion is immense...

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 03:55 PM

Americans got plenty of bullets for you mate.....

Yeah, but stand straight in front of them [gun] and jobs sorted.

They couldn't shoot straight if they had outstretched starched shirts on with support rods for extra assistance.

EDIT: BTW, whilst I, and a lot of my countrymen may be against civilian firearms ownership, a lot more Brits than you think own them, legally or other.
edit on 2/2/12 by woogleuk because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by survivaloftheslickest
The premise is simple: you have got the power to turn the entire world into a U.S. colony. Would you do this, or rather not, given what is currently happening on the planet?

I'm British, what do you think?

But I'd love to replace all your coffee shops with tea rooms

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by survivaloftheslickest

DEPENDS on what is meant by that.

1. Not with the current 50/50 shredding of and tortured grinding of values by the satanic globalist oligarchy seeking to destroy the USA to enable their easier establishment of the one world government of utter tyranny.

2. I know it's not always accurate to talk about the 'good ole days' because the globalists have been at work at least 110 years and likely 400+ years . . . the whole of the Republic's existence.

3. Nevertheless, WHEN AND WHERE

A) Loving God fully wholly from the heart was the supreme priority
B) Loving others as one's self
C) Doing unto others as you'd like done unto you
D) Caring for the widows and orphans--a true test of religion undefiled

were lived out in a majority of the daily lives of the people (actually even when 10-20% did)

there was far less crime; less abuse; less theft; less murder; less corruption; less alcoholism; more solid loving families; better training and education; . . .

4. Those values and behaviors would be great to spread around the world.

However, coercion does NOT work.

That's the reason, imho, God set up our sense of free-will.

Love requires the option to choose NON-love with REAL non-love consequences else the choice is not a real choice.

There's the rub.

Selfish folks love to do the selfish thing and blame others for the consequences.

Nevertheless, the law in the multiverse is that we all


One doesn't plant garlic and harvest peaches therefrom.

Sadly, I don't see a culture or Nation I'd like to currently spread over the whole world.

Maybe there's some tribal groups with mostly good values per the above. I don't know.

Certainly there are some authentic Christian groups like that here and there.

Most of them, if they've existed longer than a year and a half have begun to allready distort and corrupt the walking out of authentic Christianity to a horrible degree.

Soo, I guess in summary . . .


Sure--spread that far and wide.

In terms of the current realities? No way.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 03:59 PM
Ideally, I'd like the whole world Amazonian Indian.

Think about it

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 04:17 PM
The argument of a One World government is sound but the methods we would try and use to employ it are against the very nature of humanities conscious mind.

We lack a single valid working form of government because we have never eliminated the single root cause of all bad government.

You can decide what that is for yourself but I tend to think that the issue lies with leaders not fighting for the interests of the people over those of the government ruling it. The very concept of "ruling" implies a feudal element that negates the idea of government. That is, to represent the will of the people, not impose government will upon the people it supposedly represents. If we carried as much weight as a corporation or bank then we would not have a single hungry person going to bed tonight. If we had universal law for all we would not have a fraction of the crime we have today.

If in that functioning system, personal ambitions and initiative would be for learning and greater understanding. Foremost then is the Supremacy in Health of mind body and soul. These noble and essential motivations are what drive a civilized society to its greatest heights. A world civilization is indeed on its way, but its true form will be an adjustment of its fledgling beginning.

When the world government is finally established it will actually be the force that congeals human resistance to tyranny by giving us a common enemy. So in its initial phase the leadership will immediately face self preservation issues since it has already achieved its maxim.

The only challenge for total power is every single insignificant deviation from established rule. If you want to control all, eliminate everything, because the only way to control everything is not to have power challenged at all. It really is all or nothing.

By creating this unending display of defiance to rule by any single person or event, a Universal Leader would have opposition from literally everything and anything during his brief reign. He would eventually be deposed either by the mass he wishes to control or by another opposing force of rule.

He either transfers power to his rivals or resets the whole system back to self governance out of spite or self preservation. There can be no universal rule if not by universal acceptance of that power. If power is taken against the people's best interest, It then only exists to be usurped or eliminated as conflict is unavoidable.

The way it could work is if in those transitions, power is not conferred to ones rival out of bitterness or survival, the rule of the land is returned to the land. This would be all but impossible to overturn in your favor after the unifying effect is known by the emerging civilization. Every civilization is constantly giving birth to new cultures and more complex forms of coexistence.

The future One World, after removing an insufferable transition will not be simply turned by winning a single group of people in your favor. You have to echo the voice of the people because if not at that point you are almost as an insurgent in the new cultures identity.

The "poser" is ousted of any social network of people once a clear perspective of identity is created. That identity in the world's case would not allow a singular entity any real power over the newly formed/ self-aware whole.

Once you know the body of your consciousness you cannot act against a single finger of its existence. This is Truth in its active human form. Enemies of true public opinion will destroy themselves leaving a unified people to become the Earth of tomorrow. The envisioned One World will die almost immediately after it is consolidated and formed. The rebirth of a World As One so to speak, will be an unprecedented event that realistically cannot be faithfully speculated on due to its current inexistence. Neither speculated on or far less written off as impossible. I say it is unavoidable.

Singular Evil is stronger and so wins over universal Good. Evil is destructive even upon itself. Good is the very preservation of life in humanities case. Good will outlast evil and come to know itself because of that Evil. Good forged in trial and tempered in strength is impossible to eliminate. Evil then can only submit and infiltrate it and pervert it.

Evil at that point will have to be voluntary and so would be hard to achieve because the identity of Human Citizenship would negate the thought of ill will toward the greater whole you identify with.

A strong neighborhood is born when neighbors come together in the name of the community and personal identity is known through everyone of their neighborhood from a personal level to universal aspiration.

World government has been the point even before it was hijacked by elitist privilege and singular benefit at the cost of universal blight. A World As One will probably be the antithesis to the opposition it will face in its birth.

edit on 2-2-2012 by casenately because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 04:32 PM
I am basically saying that the world will be forced into a negative form of one government and that will lead to the birth of many governments for the first time acting as one. They will be formidable and not easily challenged / corrupted.

I think it is the way of things. Your stronger enemies win and win to well, destroying themselves. You and your weaker allies lose but grow stronger and eventually become the victor by greater forms of existence, eliminating the weakness that caused defeat.

edit on 2-2-2012 by casenately because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 04:53 PM
And screw up Anime,German beer and the pyramids!!?NEVER!

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by survivaloftheslickest
The premise is simple: you have got the power to turn the entire world into a U.S. colony. Would you do this, or rather not, given what is currently happening on the planet? Whatever comes to your mind is acceptable, let us focus on what could be, rather than what is. Your thoughts on this will reflect your inner mindset

edit on 2-2-2012 by survivaloftheslickest because: none

well, first of all - how would this affect food?

I mean, I like meatloaf and KFC as much as the next person - but I would seriously miss a nice curry now and then


my inner mindset is hungry

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 09:28 PM
We can't even make half the voters American. And the half that think the government is their Daddy are ruining it for the world. So no. The planet can all go do it their way...and you're more than welcome to our moochers.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by survivaloftheslickest


What would be the point?

I've never been one to understand "Manifest Destiny" and all that. I don't believe any one belief system or lifestyle or mindset is the true way.

I appreciate that there are many cultures in the world, and I think that there are many things to be learned all around.

That said, I am very detached from the "typical American" mindset... I look at people and cannot even fathom what they are thinking. Truck balls? FroYo? Pajama Jeans? $200k debt just to gloat about a degree that means exactly the same thing as a $20k one? People who want houses identical to the one five feet away? People who have never been to a library? Couples on dates facing away from one another as they stare into their phones instead of at each other? Help MEEEEEE! I don't even want to be around (US) Americans a lot of the time, there's no way I would ever want to force it on everyone else in the world.
edit on 2/3/2012 by ottobot because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by ottobot

That said, I am very detached from the "typical American" mindset... I look at people and cannot even fathom what they are thinking. Truck balls? FroYo? Pajama Jeans? $200k debt just to gloat about a degree that means exactly the same thing as a $20k one? People who want houses identical to the one five feet away? People who have never been to a library? Couples on dates facing away from one another as they stare into their phones instead of at each other? Help MEEEEEE! I don't even want to be around (US) Americans a lot of the time, there's no way I would ever want to force it on everyone else in the world.


I'm the opposite of a violent person. And I'd certainly never come close to doing such . . . however, occasionally . . .

like in Walmart . . . there can be a slight tinge of an urge to

slap some people awake!


Cluelessness about CAUSE AND EFFECT behavioral stuff is epidemic.


and expect to HARVEST PEACHES OR ICE CREAM????!!!!



posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 05:22 AM

Originally posted by baalbuster
I'd rather the whole world just be Human

What he said.

Only for every single living being on this Planet to realise, we are all one and the same

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 05:43 AM
If you mean making the entire world Native American, yes, I wouldn't mind that. Where do I sign?
edit on 3-2-2012 by lupodigubbio because: (no reason given)

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