posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 01:06 PM
I just was in an interesting debate with my father, at work. We had started talking politics, and this branched into a theory I ended up
proposing...(keep in mind that while we are both intelligent people, we are by no means scholars in any specific field, let alone world religions)
We began discussing similarities in the Abrahamic religions. This lead to the consession from my father that while he does believe that Christ is Gods
only begotten son, he also believes that (his) Holy Grail is the knowledge of Christ's lineage on Earth. He conseeded to me that through Christ's
bloodline on Earth, the second coming of Christ will come to "clean" the world in the likeness of Sodom and Gomorrah. This is his theory on the
"2012, end of the world "non-sense"".
From this consession, I asked him about his beliefs in the Merovingian families belief they are from the bloodline of Christ and Satan. He stated that
he knew of the family, and its connections to the theories of the Illuminati, Old World Order, Occultism, but that he did not know they believed
themselves to be of Christ/Satans blood. We moved on to discuss things such as tithing, war/violence in the name of "God", and control/manipulation
of populations.
In the end I asked him to comment on the similarities of two different systems of beliefs that when layed out on top of each other, the pieces "seem
to fall in to place, perfectly".. My proposal was-
A Christian is to believe that man is wicked. It is repeated over and over, we were made in Gods image and likeness, but because of the sins of the
flesh and the knowledge from the Tree of Good and Evil, we were cast out of the garden of Eden (living aboundantly) and all subsequent generations
were trapped in their flesh to sin. Because of this sin debt were are all in debted to God, we must bow down and submit to the will of God, and we
must tithe to fund the missions of God, in spreading his message of salvation to the globe. Through to the end, we must follow specific rules and
guidlines, give money, submit to the "ultimate" authority, and have FAITH that one day in the distant future, God will again send his son to
"save" mankind and usher in a New World with Christ as the King of Kings
Now we look at this Merovingian bloodline, and their supposed ties to the Old World Order. alternative media sources would state that the Old World
Order (Illuminati- not going to debate either way if the Illuminati are really workers for good, or evil occultist) has been in place for centuries,
if not thousands of years (some would state the OWO is branched from the Mystery Religions of Babylon). This long standing entity is said to be the
force behind almost all of the evil in the world today. This force is said to have manipulated its way in to government, banking, education, almost
every subject of influence throughout the course of modern history. This OWO is said to be working feverishly to usher in a new era of complete
control. This new era will be a police-state/world, one world government/bank, one world religion, and a complete devolution in people from citizens
to serfs. What does that imply?
Well, back to the Merovingian bloodline...
They are involved in the Old World Order, this order is working to mandate that every person follows a specific set of rules and guidlines, pay a set
amount of taxes, submit to their "ultimate" authority, and have FAITH that any suffering will be made right by the knowledge of future security and
protection. the Merovingian's would probably want to instill the FAITH in the masses that one day through THEIR bloodline that Christ will again
reign on Earth.
To spell out my proposal more directly; both theories invoke the same principles: follow the rules we have set out for living, follow the guidlines we
have set to how you should live your daily life, give money to the authority (tithing, taxes), understand that you yourself are not strong and are
weak in the eyes of the "Lord" and must bow and submit fully to their will for any chance of life, and have FAITH that one day the second coming of
the Son of God will again reside on this Earth to rule as the King of Kings.
I believe in a great Creator, but I believe that man has manipulate the truth of the Creator, by placing names and dates to create a persons own spin
on things, for the ability to lead and control the masses. I am not proposing this discussion I had with my father at work is of any credibility or
scientific fact lol. this is just a question and string of ideas I had come up with. I wanted to know If anyone has had a thought such as this before,
and if anyone whom has would like to elaborate and educate me on your thoughts.
Equal Righs, Justice, Peace, and Love to All