posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 09:51 AM
Originally posted by havok
We have all noticed a different temperature fluctuation than previous years.
But the only thing we can do is ride it out, because we can't control it.
So why worry?
Or MAYBE, we CAN control it. Someone posted info, on another post, regarding geo-engineering and the ability to cause droughts; which made me think
about the TYPE of spraying i've seen, everyday, since Christmas. This month has been VERY warm. Warm enough for me to go outside and do my yard
work; that i usually don't do, until April. And yeah, i also noticed my trees budding.
Why worry? Think agriculture and not enough food to eat. We're only 1 month into winter...and 2 more to go. If trees start yielding it's fruit
now....and it snows...that would be a bad, BAD thing. The ENTIRE food chain would be messed up. And YES that includes...ours.
Maybe this is that SHTF scenario. Wouldn't THAT be a trip???