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My Criticisms of The Morality of Jesus: Who Can spot MMM?

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posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by borntowatch

reply to post by borntowatch

i like the way you side stepped the answer. irrespective of who Paul is was or isnt, you should explain with evidence your vague miss leading comments first

The only side-stepping happening here is you suddenly shrugging off the Paul issue.
Ironic, considering the only scripture related part of your posts towards me was focussed on Paul.

" I recommend you study Saul of Tarsus, then read his "Road to Damascus incident" .Finaly read the book of Romans. A book Saul wrote to the Gentiles."

Paul, not Jesus seems to be your only contact with "Christianity"....Like I implied earlier, your head is filled to the brim with Paul's lies.

edit on 2-2-2012 by sk0rpi0n because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by windword

Dear Seeker,

You are wrong in assuming that I am an atheist. I am not. I don't however believe that the God of the Old Testament is indeed "The Supreme Being," nor is he worthy of worship. He is not the creator, but an impostor.

This deity that the bible describes is a despicable personality that inspires fear, not love, force not loyalty, threats not rewards

I do believe in a spiritual hierarchy, but god, the supreme being, never has and never will set foot upon planet earth. God IS the universe and all of creation. God's "word" is etched upon the spirit of humanity, which some refer to a 'Christ Consciousness." It isn't in the bible. You won't find God in the bible.

Babble and blind biblical rhetoric make me angry, pushing personal agendas and judgment using the empty echoes of scripture make me angry. Pious, unrequested pity and arrogance make me angry. Hypocrisy makes me angry.

I am heartened that you do believe in God, the Supreme Being.

You believed that He lives inside you, etched upon you in spirit as you too are a fellow human.

So what's next?

The Messiah had once said in the book of Luke Chapter 12 :-'(6) Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. (7) Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.'

Animals too have a role to play in the grand design of our Creator. The sparrow hatches from an egg, is fed by its parents, taught to fly, assisting in an environmental role, mating, giving birth and then passing on, the cycle of life on its animal level.

You too, are a creation by God, with a role to play. And you are worth more than many sparrows, with a bigger role to play in this cycle of life than the sparrow, for we humanity had been given gifts far greater than the sparrow.

Just as the sparrow had to be TAUGHT to fly, so too must human be educated, for fulfill our destiny. It begins with fellowship with others - to discuss, debate and improve upon learning inorder to progress, for alone, we will never progress.

You may claim that you are a created being, and thus need no teaching. It is only natural to make this assumption, for we are flawed beings , egoistical and never perfect. Can you part the red sea, turn day into night, knock down stone walls with one trumpet blow, walk on water, move mountains, turn water into wine, feed thousands freely, etc? We humans can't, and thus the need to learn from others whom can perform such miracles.

Fortunately for mankind, there are historical records of such Beings performing those miracles and more to our ancestors, which can be found in jewish, christian and muslim historical chronicles known as the Torah, Bible and Koran. But before we humans can fly, we must first learn to walk, and thus guidelines set out by our common Creator for us to coexist in peace and progress as a society.

You may discount those words, either due to disbelief in the writings by flawed men, or simply plain ignorance on your part over the contextual situations our ancestors had to face and come out with solutions.

But you cannot deny the civilisational benefits those teachings in those books that had allowed our presence on Earth today, for without them, mankind would had long perished, the way many animal species had vanished from our planet.

Be clinical in your search for the truth, and never allow emotions to cloud your judgement, or you would have only wasted this gift of life by our Creator to you, who is worth more than many sparrows, with a role to play in this circle of life...

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by sk0rpi0n
reply to post by borntowatch

reply to post by borntowatch

i like the way you side stepped the answer. irrespective of who Paul is was or isnt, you should explain with evidence your vague miss leading comments first

The only side-stepping happening here is you suddenly shrugging off the Paul issue.
Ironic, considering the only scripture related part of your posts towards me was focussed on Paul.

" I recommend you study Saul of Tarsus, then read his "Road to Damascus incident" .Finaly read the book of Romans. A book Saul wrote to the Gentiles."

Paul, not Jesus seems to be your only contact with "Christianity"....Like I implied earlier, your head is filled to the brim with Paul's lies.

edit on 2-2-2012 by sk0rpi0n because: (no reason given)


Was Abraham or Abram a Jew, his wife or tribe. Was Adam or Eve, was Noah. Was any of Gods chosen people before the law was applied by Moses to the Hebrew nation, Jews.
Whats with it with you people. You comment on the bible and have no idea at all what it says.
Your understandings and common sense is non existent.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by borntowatch

Originally posted by borntowatch

Originally posted by sk0rpi0n
reply to post by borntowatch

reply to post by borntowatch

i like the way you side stepped the answer. irrespective of who Paul is was or isnt, you should explain with evidence your vague miss leading comments first

The only side-stepping happening here is you suddenly shrugging off the Paul issue.
Ironic, considering the only scripture related part of your posts towards me was focussed on Paul.

" I recommend you study Saul of Tarsus, then read his "Road to Damascus incident" .Finaly read the book of Romans. A book Saul wrote to the Gentiles."

Paul, not Jesus seems to be your only contact with "Christianity"....Like I implied earlier, your head is filled to the brim with Paul's lies.

edit on 2-2-2012 by sk0rpi0n because: (no reason given)


Was Abraham or Abram a Jew, his wife or tribe. Was Adam or Eve, was Noah. Was any of Gods chosen people before the law was applied by Moses to the Hebrew nation, Jews.
Whats with it with you people. You comment on the bible and have no idea at all what it says.
Your understandings and common sense is non existent.

Wait...what did I ever say Abraham, his tribe, Adam or Noah being jews? Are you kidding?

Evidently, you seem to be having a hard time keeping up with whats being said here, so one can imagine how well you "understand" the bible.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 09:31 PM
You didnt, yet you are suggesting God is only for Jews by inferring Jesus is only for Jews.
Its ABSURD to suggest God hadnt dealt with Gentiles prior to the laws of Moses. The Old Testament explains that in Genesis

and what? still no answer? Do you know what you are talking about???
edit on 2-2-2012 by borntowatch because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by borntowatch

You didnt, yet you are suggesting God is only for Jews by inferring Jesus is only for Jews.

If you are referring to my earlier comment that Jesus was "sent mainly to the Israelites,"...

You are making the wrong assumption that the biblical "Israelite" automatically means "Jew".
Its not, and I never implied it anywhere. In fact, I've argued against making that assumption several times on this site.

As for Jesus being sent for the Israelites... its there in the bible.
He stated "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" and also instructed his disciples to avoid the gentiles and "Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel."

Its ABSURD to suggest God hadnt dealt with Gentiles prior to the laws of Moses. The Old Testament explains that in Genesis

Of course. There were several biblical personality who lived before the laws of Moses. I keep bringing it up with ignorant christians who think everybody in the OT were jews.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 08:03 AM

I wont waste any more of my time with you. This has been done to death many times before and you will never listen anyway
Have fun

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by sk0rpi0n

As for Jesus being sent for the Israelites... its there in the bible.
He stated "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" and also instructed his disciples to avoid the gentiles and "Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel."

As I had said to others like you, whom are merely ignorant, do spend time reading and re-reading the religious scriptures, so that you may COMPREHEND what it says.

But for your sake, I will try to help out yet once again after helping numerous others.

1. In the old testament on the era of Nebuchanedzzer, was our common Creator the God of BOTH Israel and Babylon? If you had read it and comprehended it, you will realized that both nations had only been worshipping the same Almighty.

One nation to be elevated, and another only to be taught to learn its responsibility of being a chosen group amongst mankind, a choice offered to both but sadly, through our ancestors gift of free will for our Creator wanted no robots, they both failed time after time.

2. Read the books of Matthew chapter 15 and Luke chapter 12, and you will realized the universal appeal and more critically, the compassion of the Messiah. He tested a non-jew/israelite with insults, and because of her faith and trust in our common Creator and the Messiah's compassion, her daughter was healed.

It goes to prove that the Messiah did not limit his original mission to help the '[stiff necked' jews, but his compassion for others is enough to save others through his intercession to our Creator. There were many whom were not jews that followed him, and yet, he helped them all, just as he had been helping us now in our present times and woes, if only we would acknowledge and call upon our Creator.

There is NO atheist in a foxhole while a B2 bomber raid is overhead.

3. The Messiah gave up his precious gift of mortal life for you and me. He was willing to endure torture and suffering and then death, for us, to show us the way out of the morass of iniquities by our ancestors living in brutal times so that we may attain civilisation, peace and progress, standing up courageously for what he had taught to save mankind and being murdered for it.

He prayed several times just before his captivity, not to escape it, but in the hope that it may be delayed so that he can have more time to awakened humanity.

Unfortunately, our Creator showed him reality - even his closest disciples were sleeping - 3 times.

That awakening will come, but not then in that era, but in another era when mankind is more educated to comprehend the teachings, which may be today for you and I.

You may discount all that I, only an insignificant nobody, had written, but you cannot discount the archeological records of babylon history and writings of those closest to the Messiah in different books which wrote the same accounts, as well as the teachings which are relevant even to today.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 06:43 PM
John10:16 (Jesus speaking to Jews)
And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.

Skorpion, where is your sting? Where is your evidence.
Jesus is God and he is a relational God before creation. Jesus and YHWH know what love is because they are relational. The Holy Spirit is the completion of the Trinity. Omnipresent and omnipotent.
Your god is one, it cant be omnipresent, it cant be relational. It isnt everywhere.
If it is explain how it can be?

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by borntowatch

Jesus and YHWH . . .

Jesus is YHWH.
Jesus is now the one who holds that name, replacing the angel of Sinai who was formerly the one who bore that designation. Jesus makes that known by calling himself the I Am.
Jesus said no one has seen the Father, so we know Him through Jesus who represents His character, and so the bearer of the name of God.

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by borntowatch

Jesus is God and he is a relational God before creation. Jesus and YHWH know what love is because they are relational. The Holy Spirit is the completion of the Trinity. Omnipresent and omnipotent.
Your god is one, it cant be omnipresent, it cant be relational. It isnt everywhere.
If it is explain how it can be?

I'll stick with Jesus on this....
My God is the one God who Jesus prayed to... before his capture, where he declared "your will be done"
My God is the one God who Jesus instructed his followers to pray to.
My God is the one God who Jesus said is to be worshipped, when he drove the devil away.

So, is my God...the one God who Jesus prayed to, omnipresent, relational and everywhere enough for you? Yes or No?

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 02:03 AM
reply to post by borntowatch

All I see is a game of connect-the-verses being played in that link.

Basically, explaining away an uncomfortable verse, (in this case, Jesus statement that he was sent only for a specific people) by making imaginary connections to a set of unrelated verses.


As for John 10:16..."And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. "

What makes you think "not of this fold" = everybody else?
Again, you already have your conclusions and are just attributing imaginary meanings to unrelated verses.

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