posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by Virgil Cain
I left off the place where it would be installed since I was more interested in the technology. Here is where it is going.
However, secret locations get cameras too, but you can't put up a contract to install a camera at Groom Lake. I haven't figured out how their
contracting gets done. I have uploaded some old bills from EG&G to the CIA, which is probably indicative of how they get paid. But I don't know how
you get a contract for doing work at a top secret facility. is a good place to troll, and I troll it on a weekly basis. ATS members like to troll youtube, and 99.999999% of youtube video is pure crap. I
simply don't understand why anyone would use youtube for anything other than pet videos. I can count on one hand the number of people I know that put
anything useful on youtube. You can't believe the amount of moronic crap I viewed on those Bob Lazar threads. We're talking video from people who
couldn't find their arse with their own two hands. Just watching that garbage makes you dumb.
On the other hand, is where stuff happens. There are things the feds just can't do. Now the bases lately have been contracting using a SABER
(Simplified Acquisition of Base Engineering Requirements). You demonstrate a level of capabilities, and you get a contract to do work within the scope
of those capabilities. That may be how some of the Groom work gets done, but that is just a guess. That recent microwave dish on Bald Mountain was
probably done with an outside contractor since tower work has a bit of regulation associated with it these days. [You need someone on the ground
qualified in tower rescue.]
When I get around to it, I'm going to put a few links on my website on where to search government documents. There are currently
contracts from the Army for new Directed Energy "devices" and social media monitoring. I've been archiving the social media analysis contracts and
will start another link since it is relative to Nellis. I also have an interesting Creech contract to post.