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DEA is Investigating Montana State Legislators Over State Laws

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posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 05:48 PM
No one get me wrong here. I'm not calling for nor advocating any secession or revolution. I just want the government reminded they are here..."of the people, for the people and by the people." And the elected ones at least at the will of the people too. Even the alphabet agencies eventually have some elected official they answer to.
For now at least......

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 06:23 PM
when I moved to MT it was because of the laws and the attitude of Montanans (old school montanans) what i see happening here is an attack on the last free state next the ATF will be going after the MT law that says we can make most any type of gun in MT as long as it stays in MT. waco was a good example of this they started gaining money power and people this is just NOT acceptable to BIG Gov. and it can be seen even here on ats in their T&C this is the second time today I have said with all my heart i am ashamed to be an american.

what our country once stood for is a mere memory heard in stories from our elders who lived the Free american dream. over 100yrs ago my great grandmother came here from Canada and the stories I grew up hearing sadly are just hopes and dreams now.

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 12:45 AM
All law enforcement agencies are corrupt. They have quotas. No tickets then no funding. When will ATS accept freedom of speech? Or at least remove the deny ignorance motto.

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 01:53 AM
Another thing that is very interesting is taking a look at the presidential pardons list, they are filled with drug traffickers. The one's I find most interesting are the one's that get pardoned from the 1980's it's all coc aine traffic, which give's a lot of credence to the theory that the CIA was involved in trafficking coc aine to introduce crack to start the war on drugs, to terrify parents into a 1950's style trust in the government and stay asleep, so big government could grow into the massive rights destroying machine it is today. P.S. don't forget George Bush Sr. was head of the CIA before he was in the White house, all of this was planned ahead of time, and 20 some years of Bush influence in the White House has decimated everything we hold dear. So news such as this does not surprise me, whatever the governments agenda is they won't let anyone stand in the way of that agenda, including every last citizen.

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by AnIntellectualRedneck
Keep going federal government, you're going to spark a secession and another Civil War. Oh, and the beautiful part about it is that if the right states secede, you'll never be able to get hold of your precious little tanks and aircraft, either XD
edit on 31-1-2012 by AnIntellectualRedneck because: (no reason given)

If by some random freak miricle a State did separate it would not retain any of the Federal Branches deployed there. The base or port would be considered lend lease and they would be charged rent until they moved out. All the staff, equipment and resources leave with the Federal Goverment.

Your pretty much left with Militia Groups, Gang Bangers and Bikers left to support the local authority.

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by Toolatetotalk

Originally posted by AnIntellectualRedneck
Keep going federal government, you're going to spark a secession and another Civil War. Oh, and the beautiful part about it is that if the right states secede, you'll never be able to get hold of your precious little tanks and aircraft, either XD
edit on 31-1-2012 by AnIntellectualRedneck because: (no reason given)

If by some random freak miricle a State did separate it would not retain any of the Federal Branches deployed there. The base or port would be considered lend lease and they would be charged rent until they moved out. All the staff, equipment and resources leave with the Federal Goverment.

Your pretty much left with Militia Groups, Gang Bangers and Bikers left to support the local authority.

Sorry, and thats a bad thing or worse than what you already have !?!?

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by webpirate
My family have owned a fairly large piece of land in Montana since the early 1800s when a branch of our family were cattlemen and miners. For some time now, few of us maintain year around residence and have paid the taxes and other expenses of maintaining the properties via leases of various sorts. It is a well known fact that in recent years the Federal Government and well connected private parties have come into the state and used every sort of dirty trick, including the use of Federal Agencies to do their bidding's and were it not for the fact that we were well prepared and down right vicious in not only protecting our land rights by pursuing the attackers where ever and whomever they were (by/with attorneys, elected officials, the courts and other legal means) we have no doubt that the Federal Government representing their special interests would have stole our land a long time ago.

This perspective having been painted, if you don't own land or by whatever means are someone who rents and for the most part have little, you may think those of us who HAVE should not have so much and think the Federal Government should by some means take from us and make it available to you and other people but you are fooled thinking the Feds are protecting and putting forth the interests of the "Little Man", they are not and an example of this is how the Federal Government has no respect or regard for laws voted for and enacted by the people of the State; for example Medical Marijuana. The facts are and history proves the Federal Government has no regard for Property Owners Rights or the Will of the People; the facts are the Federal Government represents the interests of Special Interests, many of who are Wealthy Globalists and do not pursue to promote, protect and defend our Constitution and Bill of Rights and the principals set-forth therein but serve the agendas of the United Nations whose goals include the overthrow and destruction of all Human Rights. The list is long and what the DEA has been doing in Montana, Colorado, California and throughout the USA to deny the right of an individual to use Marijuana is just the tip of an Iceberg that will soon include the use of Vitamins, raising your own food; raising and educating your children as you deem fit and the list goes on.

So, when you are voting for Obama or Romney or Gingrich, think hard about who they represent and/or will represent, You or the Federal Government and their Globalist Controllers, as I assure you these men are Federalist-Globalists.

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 12:35 PM
Are you freaking kidding me? This is so stupid, so moronic, No, I won't say it. I will say this, however. The DEA has far more on its plate concerning the illegal shipments of more deadly substances over our mexican borders and through our intercoastal waterways in the Gulf of Mexico than to be picking on a state legislator from Montana. Of all the short sighted nonsense!
The more I think about it though, perhaps the DEA is on the uptake with the Mexican drug lords, so they are working to actively prevent homegrown, violence free substances from being sold in the USA. I can see that, actually. Hell, why grow perfectly good stuff here on American soil and go through a process that is somewhat ( I don't know how regulated it is, so I say 'somewhat') safer and regulated when you can pay off cops, the fed, and an entire government to do it for you without the headaches? Hell, if anything goes wrong, we can blame the mexicans again! The DEA as well as local and state police who take bribes and gifts from the dealers won't have to give up their goodies that way. I'm ashamed that they would be so petty as to commit such an act as this. I'm even more upset when I think about how many folks are taking money to look the other way while our money is going to mexico and further south for a substance just as easily grown here, sold here, and can be regulated for safety here. How much good would it do the economy if we legalized pot in the US? Growers, suppliers, hell, Lowes and Home Depot would cash in on sales of sundry supplies! I see a way to boost the economy, cut down on crime, give folks jobs, and secure our borders just a bit more. Does anyone else see this plan as a good one?
edit on 1-2-2012 by volafox because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 12:35 PM
I hope this isn't winding down too far as a thread atm, cause I seriously doubt this is the last we will hear of this or similar issues. I do appreciate the fact that everyone has been very adult like in this thread and there weren't any T&C issues.

My thanks again to SkepticOverlord and at least 2 or 3 mods or super mods I know of who helped frame the intro of this as the first couple of paragraphs had to be reworked. DontTreadOnMe, Gemwolf I know had parts to play in this and GreenEyedLeo offered her assistance and suggestions too. I wish I could give you guys applause for the assistance. I'm sure there were others too who helped that I just don't know about.

I have been hoping for any updates in the paper here since Sunday on this, and have been searching other sources too, but so far haven't come up with anything else to add as fas as this investigation or the whole issue.

The legislative branch makes the laws and the executive branch enforces them. But we have a clear violation of the executive branch attempting to influence or sway.....nvm...THREATEN the legislative branch here. Even if it is federal versus state. I have little doubt the feds will win in the end. One way or another. That doesn't mean we should stop voicing our opposition to what is going on.

It seems I remember once before where the ruling powers of this land didn't listen because they thought they were either above the law, or the peoples opinion didn't matter. No offence to our British friends here, but remember King George III? And no...I don't mean George W. Bush...the third President named George either! Although the similarities......

edit on 1-2-2012 by webpirate because: quick re-edit

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by webpirate

I have to wonder if she is one of the names that are attached to this.

I can not help but think there is much much more to this story.

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by MrWendal

It certainly is possible. I frankly was surprised at at least one of the Senators who voted yes on that. Then again....6 years in Washington is more than enough time for the corruption to start....

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 12:44 PM
a government agency pushing the boundaries to make itself seem relevant - perish the thought.

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by webpirate

Hooray for Diane Sands. I have issues with the DEA, which I will discuss now, keeping to T&C, of course. I think many us us are plain tired of Big Government. At the same time our government does get bigger, and draws the American People farther and farther away from their Constitution. Our Constitution of the United States Is Supreme, it is the Law of the Land. Only amendments can alter the Constitution. Treaties definitely can not. No one is above the Constitution, not even the President. (this was stated for the record in the Clinton impeachment hearings.) The Constitution protects freedoms of Individuals, not just groups. All laws contradicting the Constitution are unconstitutional, null, void and unenforceable. The Constitution, in all basis if fact, is the very job description for all federal government employees, from the President on down. The Constitution tells the federal government what it CAN do, not what it can not. However, what the Constitution does NOT authorize the federal government to do, the federal government is NOT authorized to do. 95% of Congress and the White House should be in prison for violating that Constitutional law. Under normal circumstances as planned by our Founding fathers, county sheriffs have power over federal agents where the federal government is limited by the U.S. Constitution. County sheriffs have the power and responsibility to stop within their borders those federal agents overstepping their bounds. The limiting power of the U.S. Constitution, reiterated by its inherent 9th and 10th Amendments, come into play here.

That being said, in my considered opinion, the DEA is one of many completely unConstitutional government agencies that treat adults as if they were children. The fact that they (DEA) demonize private property pushes the drugs into a black market that sells the drugs indiscriminately to the very child markets that they (supposedly) are designed to eliminate. Meanwhile, the Rights of the people who could in fact realize a better way of life from the Herb (taken for medical purposes) are violated. Even though the State wishes for the American citizen to have that which helps them, the Federal Government steps in, slaps the State's Constitutionally elected Government in the mouth, and enforces "Law by Edict" upon the people, the Citizens of the State. Are State governments powerless to this Federal intervention?

The war on drugs (as well as many of the other "wars" on obesity, poverty and other types of federal programs) are just unnecessary on a Federal Level and generally aren't within the traditional Constitutional limits placed upon the Federal government anyway, so in a sense they don't even legitimately represent the U.S. federal government that We the People elected to do the business of the People. We the People did not elect representatives to create laws that violate the original intent of the Constitution, and our personal Right of A Pursuit of Happiness
U. S. Constitution:
Amendment IV
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Amendment X
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

The drug war is lost, and no progress will be made as long as this society thinks that law enforcement, and punishment in prison is the answer. We need to change our thinking and see this as a public health issue.

Medical cannabis refers to the use of parts of the herb cannabis (also referred to as medical marijuana) as a physician-recommended form of medicine or herbal therapy, or to synthetic forms of specific cannabinoids such as THC as a physician-recommended form of medicine. The Cannabis plant from which the cannabis drug is derived has a long history of medicinal use, with evidence dating back to 2,737 BCE.[1] Synthetic cannabinoids, such as Marinol and Cesamet, are available as prescription drugs in some countries. A number of studies, some disputed, claim that medical cannabis relieves symptoms and is helpful in the treatment of many diseases.
Wiki Source

Minds are slowly beginning to change. artment-follow.html

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by autowrench

Yep. The problem though, is as I have stated in an earlier post is Congress's use, along with the supreme court's interpretation of the commerce clause. Basically anything that has the potential to cross state lines..even if unintentionally, it falls under federal jurisdiction. Including a spacific Supreme Court ruling on private use of this particular cause of this whole issue. I'd link it, but its hard to multi task on my tablet atm.

edit on 1-2-2012 by webpirate because: spelling

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 01:56 PM
This is what happens when the states try to mess with the feds' side business.

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by webpirate
Eventually it all won't matter anyways I'm afraid. The 10th amendment was added to the Bill of Rights to ensure that states had the right to make laws that the federal government otherwise didn't, or hadn't made them on. But we have seen the feds trample on the states ever since the adoption of the Bill of Rights. Congress has used the Commerce Clause for most of the 20th century and 21st now to get around this issue.

And it will continue. Very very rarely has the US Supreme Court sided with the states over a 10th amendment issue. And even then, there have been federal "outs" so to speak. The last time was in 1992's New York v. United States. The court did indeed at least partially side with the state there, but Justice O'Connor wrote in the opinion that the federal government can "encourage" the states into making or following laws using spending power.

Or withholding money. We saw that in 1974 I think it was when the 55 mph speed limit passed. And again with the age 21 minimum legal drinking age. The feds withheld state highway money until the states complied. Again..after the 55 mph limit was removed and again left to the states, there were portions of Montana interstate highways where there was NO speed limit. The law read something like you had to travel at a reasonable and prudent speed.

Again...federal money was threatened to be withheld. Highway money. And trust me. It can be an awful lot. Montana finally gave in and made a 75 mph speed limit for open interstate. However, basically giving the feds the middle finger, they also made fines ridiculous too! Under 10 mph on the interstate for speeding is $20 and no points. Up to under 20 mph it's only $40 and no points. So basically, I can drive 94 mph on the open interstate, and only have a $40 fine and no points. These have all been overt actions by the feds.

They trouble me enough. But the topic of the thread here is dealing with basically covert actions. We know they are going on. But for how long? And as I said before, I'm guessing not just the DEA, but other agencies as well.

It used to only be the mob, lobbyist and special interest groups who influenced lawmakers.'s law enforcement too I guess.

edit on 31-1-2012 by webpirate because: additional thoughts

spot on with that post. they always bully the states with threats, which apparently still works. the citizens and states of this fine country are being bullied by the feds into everything, our wants, needs and the facts don't matter any longer.

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 02:13 PM
This is exactly why our founders gave the US senate to the STATES not the people. The people were to be represented by the house of representatives. The end of state representation was the first step down the slippery slope that has brought this about. Soon, states will have no more power than counties and cities currently do.

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 02:14 PM
What does the DEA do that the FBI, states, counties, and cities can't do on their own?

I mean seriously, do we really NEED the DEA?

Were do you draw the line between a "conspiracy" and a "witch hunt?" And whose line is it anyway?

Maybe Montana should investigate the DEA's Montana operations. Spies don't like to be spied on while they are spying.

Maybe Montana should order all DEA agents in Montana to take random drug tests. Keep fishing until you nail somebody, the penalize the entire Montana division of the DEA.

Two can play at this game.

Motana should accept the DEA's invitation to the dance. Show up to the party and dance the DEA away.

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 02:21 PM
IMO, the DEA is UnConstitutional. Can anyone tell me what part of the Constitution grants them their power?

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 02:22 PM
Why doesn't the DEA do it's friggin job and bust all the drug dealers in all the ghetto neighborhoods everywhere instead???? I mean, you can literally walk just about anywhere, in any neighborhood in the USA and get whatever you want...crack, coc aine, weed, pills, name's not hard to find that crap at all. And drug dealers are everywhere...and it's rampant. I'd be willing to bet that everyone you know is on or illegal.

So where are the busts? There's crackheads and prostitutes everywhere! :p

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