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are masons evil?

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posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by topsecretombomb
Among the charges against the Templars were that they worshiped some sort of 'bearded head'. What was it? There are various theories including the religious relic head of John the Baptist, the Shroud of Turin, an image of Mohammed (the father of the Islamic religion) and other even more bizarre things. But how would such a respected religious order come to worship a head idol or engage in such evil? Likely, they didn't! King Philip lusted after the Templar wealth and could only take it from them if they were judged heretics. The charges against the Templars were nothing new. In fact, such charges were common when 'proving' heresy. Similar charges continued even through the 1600s and were seen even in the United States during the Salem Witchcraft Trials.

some more things about the masonic practices. having to do with kot.

Nice of you to offer the link... you might try actually reading what it has to say before you post more ignorance about masonry:

Baphoment Search Results
Infamous Baphomet Myth
Templar Expert Stephen Dafoe on The Baphomet Myth
Baphomet Tales told as truth
The Pope, the Pornographer - Leo taxil and the Baphomet Lie

and more...

This is like swatting gnats... really, topsecrettimebomb, you might want to do a LITTLE research before you post these lies and frauds... just to keep yourself from looking foolish...

Just a thought...

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 06:34 AM
Baphomet is not necessarily a corruption of Mohamed in the greater sense, it was widely worshipped pagan god that mirrors the Freemasonry GAOTU by being comprised of both male and female components, a single entity that contains both of each of the opposing forces of the universe (Law/Chaos, Light/Darkness etc�)
Today in Masonic lodges Baphomet appears in the form of "The Hermaphroditic Figure" - he is effectively their �One True God�, the god of Manes.

Have a read of Morals and Dogma, Pike is quite clear on this, he has a few references to it in Knight of The Sun, and as is always the case this investigation inevitably leads to the 30th Degree: Knight Kadosh and the Knights Templar.

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 06:36 AM
My biggest problem is that if you question the "public" description of the organization or suggest that there may be anything more to it.. than you automatically get labeled and treated like everyone else..
It is very much a with us or against us mentality that I have come across.. and commone sense tells you that if you are a secret fraternity that what you present to the public is not going to be 100% complete or accurate... otherwise where would the secret lie?

and just so you know... I question EVERYTHING.

that's my nature... its nothing personal.

I am not a sheep... or at least.. I try really freakin hard NOT to be one.

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 07:03 AM

Originally posted by topsecretombomb

You know the saying, even a blind squirrel... The irony of you posting (surely because the words Anti-Masonry are so BIG on the first page) merely confirms two things, you don't do your homework, and you disregard the vast majority of replies to your ill founded "posts" (it would be interesting to see how many times was included in replies to your "posts").

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by MrNECROS
Baphomet is not necessarily a corruption of Mohamed in the greater sense, it was widely worshipped pagan god

There is not now, nor has there ever been, any "pagan god" named Baphomet, nor any people in ancient times who worshiped such a deity. Baphomet made its first appearance with the sham charges against the Templars, and only quacks still make such ridiculous accusations.

Today in Masonic lodges Baphomet appears in the form of "The Hermaphroditic Figure" - he is effectively their �One True God�, the god of Manes.

There has never been, of course, any "hermaphroditic figures" in Masonic Lodges, nor any Baphomets. Necros is now sinking further and further into his bizarre imagination.

Have a read of Morals and Dogma, Pike is quite clear on this,

Indeed he is. While discussing the charges against the Templars in Chapter 30 of Morals and Dogma, Pike writes: "It is absurd to suppose that men of intellect adored a monstrous idol called Baphomet, or recognized Mahomet as an inspired prophet." (p. 818).

Fiat Lvx.

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by MrNECROS
Baphomet is not necessarily a corruption of Mohamed in the greater sense, it was widely worshipped pagan god that mirrors the Freemasonry GAOTU by being comprised of both male and female components, a single entity that contains both of each of the opposing forces of the universe (Law/Chaos, Light/Darkness etc�)
Today in Masonic lodges Baphomet appears in the form of "The Hermaphroditic Figure" - he is effectively their �One True God�, the god of Manes.

Have a read of Morals and Dogma, Pike is quite clear on this, he has a few references to it in Knight of The Sun, and as is always the case this investigation inevitably leads to the 30th Degree: Knight Kadosh and the Knights Templar.

hahahahahaha, you're kidding, right? Where do you come UP with this twaddle? First, there is no such thing as Baphomet, which, of course means, that there isn't one in any masonic lodge. By the way, what is a MANES?

If yoiu want to attribute things to Pike, please be so kind as to reference page and quote...

You make it SOOOOOO easy, there Necros. Are you short of your meds again? I mean, really! Baphomet, in lodge... male and female... hahahahha

I have been in MANY lodges, and there is no such animal in any of them... and your assertion, bald and untrue as it stands, would certainly come as a complete surprise to the 90% of masons that are Christian...

thanks for playing, though.


posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 03:48 PM

I have been in MANY lodges, and there is no such animal in any of them... and your assertion, bald and untrue as it stands, would certainly come as a complete surprise to the 90% of masons that are Christian...

Theron, why do some Christian churches think that Freemasonry is out to destroy Christendom, and especially to destroy the Catholic church? Where did this stem from?

[edit on 26-10-2004 by chief_counsellor]

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by NephraTari
My biggest problem is that if you question the "public" description of the organization or suggest that there may be anything more to it.. than you automatically get labeled and treated like everyone else..
It is very much a with us or against us mentality that I have come across.. and commone sense tells you that if you are a secret fraternity that what you present to the public is not going to be 100% complete or accurate... otherwise where would the secret lie?

and just so you know... I question EVERYTHING.

that's my nature... its nothing personal.

I am not a sheep... or at least.. I try really freakin hard NOT to be one.

Hey, I have problems with honest questions. What necros and the FEW others like him (well, there really is no one else like him... similar then) do is post a statement, filled with lies and half truths as if they were the truth. Honesty goes a long way, and an honest question is okay, no matter how probing, but a question like: do you still beat your wife? isn't really a question, it is a statement.

No one wants sheep. If you have a question about masonry, ask it. By and large, we answer all legitimate questions.

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by chief_counsellor

I have been in MANY lodges, and there is no such animal in any of them... and your assertion, bald and untrue as it stands, would certainly come as a complete surprise to the 90% of masons that are Christian...

Theron, why do some Christian churches think that Freemasonry is out to destroy Christendom, and especially to destroy the Catholic church? Where did this stem from?

[edit on 26-10-2004 by chief_counsellor]

In MY OPINION, and from reading the tripe they post, SOME honestly feel that since Masonry does not raise up Christ with every breath, or the version of christ that church pushes, or, abjure and ridicule anyone that holds a different faith system, that we are "evil" "demonic" "opposed" "antichristian" or whatever the current epithet is that day.

What they can't seem to undertand (and I think it is deliberate) is that masonry is NOT a religion. It is a fraternity of RELIGIOUS men. We require that a man believe in g-d, however he knows him, to be a member, and many evangelicals (they aer the worse) really are hatemongers. They hate anyone that does not ascribe to the jot and tittle of their understanding of Jesus, and in their lexicon, if you do not follow their fill in the blank here version of god, then you are ipso facto a devil worshipper.

masonry tolerates and promotes fellowship, faith, service, but without specific religion... and that to them is anathema. Its really just a minority. Even the SBC says that masonry is okay for their membership, and they are about as conservative as you can get as a whole. Heck, the truth is that most Catholic priests have no problem with masonry... just the hierarchy, and only because they are toeing the line for the pope... and he only because he is toeing the line drawn in the sand by one of his predecessors.

Just my opinion, mind you, based on observation.

YOU were initiated an EA... did YOU see a "baphomet" in the lodge anywhere?

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by chief_counsellor
Theron, why do some Christian churches think that Freemasonry is out to destroy Christendom, and especially to destroy the Catholic church? Where did this stem from?

The only time I've ever heard such a thing was from Humanum Genus, which of course was merely a piece of political propaganda, analogous to the mudslinging we're currently being bombarded with on TV ads. There is no serious church who believes Freemasonry is out to destroy anything, only a few who disagree with the Fraternity's universalism.

Fiat Lvx.

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 10:39 PM
Hmm....,trying to remember, did I see baphomet?....hmm did I see baphomet....hmmm...who's that?

actually no, I didn't see baphomet at the lodge, last time I checked was eating soup and crackers in my closet. I kicked him out into the streets and told him never to leave crumbs on my floor again.

He apologized, and gave me $5 for the troubles.


posted on Oct, 27 2004 @ 03:33 AM
Hmm... How about this one: Bapho-Mentis = "Baptised in Wisdom"?

posted on Oct, 27 2004 @ 09:39 AM
Theron & Masonic Lite - you two really should learn to use the Index/Appendix on Morals and Dogma.
For the benefit of your ham-fisted attempts to sound like you have actually read the damn thing try the following for starters:
Manes: Pages 565 & 818
Baphomet: Pages 734, 779 & 818
Hermaphradoditic Figure: 653, 655 & 851.

Oh and there's a picture of our trans-gender friend on the opening page of "Sublime Prince" 32nd Degree.

Wow now you've leant how to use an index maybe you can use one and not sound like a monkey or two?

Admittedly the Index is not comprehensive, you can buy a few additional ones written by third parties if you like but I find it is sufficient in most cases.

[edit on 27-10-2004 by MrNECROS]

posted on Oct, 27 2004 @ 09:57 AM

The book is available on line for those that have afew days to research it.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by theron dunn

The point gets across, you cant just mistake baphomet for jesus right?

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