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Are Anti-Racial Discrimination Laws Good or Stupid?

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posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 12:31 PM
I have a question. What do you think of the anti-racial discrimination laws in America? Are they a good thing or a stupid concept? Do they help protect minorities, or simply create taboos and keep mouths shut but change nothing? Do they make any positive difference?

In other countries, people are allowed to state preferences in age, race and sex in their job/help wanted ads or apartment/room for rent ads. But not in America of course, where political correctness rules.

Is it part of human nature to be racist or have racial preferences? If so, can laws or political correctness change that? Do anti-racial discrimination laws really help anyone? What about affirmative action programs?

Realistically, I don't see how laws can have any affect on racial discrimination. Anyone can get around it easily. For example, although all employers will say "We do not discriminate based on age, race or sex" to not get into trouble, it doesn't mean anything in reality. Any employers can hide their preferences in age, race or sex, so that if someone applies for a position who does not fit the preference, he can simply make a polite excuse for not hiring them, such as: "We will get back to you" (and never do) or "We found someone else more qualified", etc. And no racial discrimination will ever be known. Same with sex or age discrimination. Anyone can get around such an anti-discrimination law and get away with it easily. So what's the point of it if it doesn't prevent any discrimination? All it does it prevent the open admission of discrimination, but does nothing to curb discrimination itself.

So logically, such anti-discrimination laws are pointless. People will just put up a non-racist facade to comply with the laws, but can still be totally racist, as long as they don't admit it openly.

Personally, I think the government has no right to tell a business that it can't have racial, sexual or age preferences in who they hire. That is the employer's business. If he feels comfortable hiring only members of a certain race, gender or age range, for whatever reason, then that's his business and his right. The government has no right to interfere with that - anymore than it has a right to tell people that they can't discriminate in love, dating and relationships based on race, age or sex. Same with renting out a room or apartment.

However, if there are extreme circumstances, such as every grocery store and supermarket in the southern USA refuses to let ethnic groups shop there - essentially starving them, then I believe the government should step in and do something, by either forcing those businesses to not discriminate against their customers, or by setting up non-discriminatory public food markets for them. When it comes to life and death, or essential needs, then some protection and assistance should be given.

Same with racial violence. There should obviously be laws to protect people from being physically attacked for their race. People should be allowed to walk in public areas safely. That's a given.

But anti-discrimination laws in hiring or renting out properties is another matter, for it interferes with the rights, freedoms and preferences of those doing the hiring or renting.

You cannot eliminate racism with laws or political correctness. Racism is not a good or bad thing, unless it results in violence. It is simply a preference, and everyone has preferences and tastes, because obviously, not everything is the same. Race is not a social construction. Races are inherently different in many ways. Genes are different. Genders are inherently different. And people are different. Some things look better, more attractive or more appealing than others, and vice versa.

What do you all think?

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 12:45 PM
Malcom X was against things like Affirmative Action. So is Clarence Thomas. They point to the fact that it devalues an individuals accomplishments if they recieve special treatment.

France is the most progressive when it comes to minorities. People seem to be treated as equals in France more than anywhere else.
edit on 31-1-2012 by theubermensch because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 12:49 PM
Like you said: they can already get away with it. Being able to actively discriminate, though, is bad for society. I live in the South. If people could discriminate freely, black unemployment would be about 80%, I can just about guarantee you that. Pushes us into a two-tiered system, drives lots of people into poverty and having to become criminals to survive.

But as far as certain laws, like "hate crimes" legislation, I think it's all crap. A crime is a crime is a crime.
edit on 31-1-2012 by AnIntellectualRedneck because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 12:54 PM
I see it as doing nothing but causing reverse discrimination.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 01:03 PM
i have to say that im not even sure why we have thoughts laws any more, to me it seems like the racism has flipped, i watched a video of a large group of black men (probably in their teen's and 20's) walking around a city attacking and i do mean ATTACKING any white person they saw, they would push them down and just on them breaking ribs. and don't see white people doing that "any more"

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 01:07 PM
You pretty much said exactly how i feel about the whole subject. Very nice thread mate

Also to add I think what else breeds racism is the fact that certain sub cultures are branded as been a black thing, or an Asian thing - when in all realness, its just the culture, a culture in which if a white, black or asian person grew up in, all would be part of this sub culture - tptb make it out like its just a race thing, categorizing. Just to use as an example, there is a radio station called 1Xtra over here in the UK, they call their selves UK's Best Black Radio Show- but yet all they're music contents about is tits, ass, cars, clothes, violence and hoe's. . .is that all that black music is about? Why not play some Jimmy Hendrix, James brown . . Also, while they're at it, if it is Black Radio, then why are a massive percentage of these guys many other races but black(?) surely it should be just be music from black artists been played? But instead what they do is make out like black youth represent tits, ass , money clothes and hoes - And nothing else.

What this causes to the subconscious mind is labeling of a race. Hence why racism is still rife, its in our entertainment culture, plain for all to see.

Star and flag, wish i could flag the sht out of it but i cant. Peace

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by AnIntellectualRedneck
Like you said: they can already get away with it. Being able to actively discriminate, though, is bad for society. I live in the South. If people could discriminate freely, black unemployment would be about 80%, I can just about guarantee you that. Pushes us into a two-tiered system, drives lots of people into poverty and having to become criminals to survive.

But as far as certain laws, like "hate crimes" legislation, I think it's all crap. A crime is a crime is a crime.
edit on 31-1-2012 by AnIntellectualRedneck because: (no reason given)

Well if that happens in the South, the blacks there can just move or set up their own businesses or become self-employed, or grow their own crops, or the government could step in and help them.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by WWu777

Originally posted by AnIntellectualRedneck
Like you said: they can already get away with it. Being able to actively discriminate, though, is bad for society. I live in the South. If people could discriminate freely, black unemployment would be about 80%, I can just about guarantee you that. Pushes us into a two-tiered system, drives lots of people into poverty and having to become criminals to survive.

But as far as certain laws, like "hate crimes" legislation, I think it's all crap. A crime is a crime is a crime.
edit on 31-1-2012 by AnIntellectualRedneck because: (no reason given)

Well if that happens in the South, the blacks there can just move or set up their own businesses or become self-employed, or grow their own crops, or the government could step in and help them.

Much easier said than done.

I am also against teh anti-racial discrimination laws. Like someone else posted, it does cause reverse discrimination.
edit on 31-1-2012 by kimish because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by WWu777
Bad. And I speak of personal experience. It angers me when the census goes round every ten years and demands that I list my "race". For the last two census'es (censi?) under race I would check "other" and put human.
Really upsets those guys.

Race is sooooo 1950's. It belongs with push mowers, Jim Crow, and separate drinking fountains.

My 2 cents.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by WWu777

They started out good, gave those who needed a boost a boost. But now? All they do is prove that we are in fact different from each other and that we each need to be 'taken care of' because we're not adults enough to take care of ourselves.

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 02:57 AM
The laws are good as is... most people don't understand the level of racism in this country.
I've seen plenty of racism on this board as well... Can't talk about the numerous times i've been hassled simply because i'm black.

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by LeoStarchild
I see it as doing nothing but causing reverse discrimination.

Most affirmative actions programs are intended that way. You have to remember a lot of politicians where mad when they had egalitarianism forced down their throats. So if they go the other way severe enough, people will view the old way's as more acceptable.


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