posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 10:40 AM
I have been thinking about several things with a SHTF lately. I see the global economy and figure...we all could be in for a long tough road ahead,
with that being said, I know that during times in history, many illnesses took a lot of lives. People that weren't very healthy didn't make it
through...some didn't have the right mindset or just to weak mentally, to deal with it.
Now some wanna run to the hills and camp and live like Grizzly Adams in the woods and avoid it all, and others see life like Red Dawn. Either way, if
your out in the woods or at a BOL, when someone gets spreads and causes many to catch it. After awhile, your bodies build an immunity to
many things and the strongest survive.
If your a single guy/girl....would you want someone from the opposite gender there? Many of us have a wife/husband,boy boyfriend/ girl friend. Have
you thought about if your partner doesn't make it?
If we have a major event, and say 1/3-1/2 of the population dies, chances are..someone your close to will be in those numbers.
For those of you that are single and don't have a would you find someone to start a life with?
We all would be starting over and starting a new life...many would be alone and wanting or needing someone.
How would do that? Is there anything your doing now to make sure that your not going to go through hell, just to be alone?
I know that many times in my life, I wished I had someone else there with me, but due to my geographical location and was impossible. I have
seen the most amazing sunrises and sunsets alone. I have seen the middle of the atlantic ocean look like a sheet of glass, some of the places I've
been and things I have seen...all I wanted was someone to share it with, yet there I was alone.
I just wanted to mention this, it too... is a prep...if your partner isn't with you, or mentally isn't able to deal with what is or has
happened...they might give up, quit or eat there own bullet. There will be those that are able to make it through, but say they get a cut or there is
an accident and they get hurt and die...
I am saying this because if this does happen...what will you do? Are you able to still survive on your own, or without them? Would you wanna find
someone else to be there for you?
There will still be all the chores and gathering to do, security, gardening, patrols, building, and storing of anything and everything you
can you do it on your own? Men can you do the gardening...women do you know how to do everything your partner can?
Are any of you including your partner in survival schools, shooting schools, or even teaching them how to hunt and fish? You all get the idea.