posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 11:57 PM
Two British travelers were barred from entering the U.S. after posts on Twitter indicated they had plans to 'destroy America' and 'dig up Marilyn
Monroe,' The Sun reports.
Leigh Van Bryan, 26, and Emily Bunting 24, were detained upon arrival to Los Angeles after Homeland Security discovered the tweets.
The two were then reportedly questioned for five hours before being put on a van with illegal immigrants and then held overnight.
Despite Bryan telling officials the term 'destroy' was British slang for 'party,' and the reference to dig up Marilyn Monroe was a joke from the
show Family Guy, the two were reportedly held on suspicion of planning to 'commit crimes."
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This is really one of the stupidest things I have seen yet, because of a Tweet that they explained meant to party like idiots they are barred from
spending good old money in the US... WTF for a tweet... HMS has taken stupidity to a new level...
Marine Sniper...