I've watched many of the strange Earth sound videos on Youtube, and it's blatantly clear that some of them are hoaxes. A few of them have the exact
same sounds, the person filming is in a busy neighborhood, and no one else seems concerned about the supposed loud sounds the filmer is hearing. I
believe some of the videos are real and likely perfectly explainable as distant thunder, a distant airport with military jets taking off etc. In
fact, there's an Air Force base about 20 miles from my house. When the atmospheric conditions are perfect, you can hear aircraft operations like
it's across the street. They have a squadron of C-130s and you can hear those turbo props just a whaling when conditions are good for sound travel.
When they aren't, you can't hear a thing, even when I can see them practicing touch and go landings from a far. I'm sure the same thing happens
with trains.
So, as to possible explanations of what some of the other sounds are; project blue beam, HAARP perhaps. In addition, like I initially said, many of
these videos just look fake and now this phenomena of strange Earth sounds has gone viral. Well, what would be the perfect way to get a viral
marketing campaign going for say, the new Godzilla movie coming out??? That's right, latch on to the strange sounds fad and put out hoax videos!
Check out these 2 videos from Mark Dice where he discusses this.
I'm sorry but I could not watch more than half of the first video. It's blatantly obvious that this Mark guy is latching on to the phenomenon by the
countless and shameless number of times he advertises his Facebook/YouTube/Twitter/Website in just the first 10 min.
........Oh, is that his book he's advertising behind him? Hmmmmmm?
Sorry, but there is absolutely nothing de-bunked nor explained in his videos. It's just an author advertising himself and his book, which lends no
credence whatsoever to anything remotely scientific in explanation. All he says is that he thinks it's Kevin Smith "fans" pulling this hoax.......Well
sir, prove it with evidence and without hocking your wares.
....and I'm sure there IS a logical explanation for these sounds. It just has not revealed itself as of yet.
edit on 1/30/2012 by CastleMadeOfSand because: (no reason given)
edit on 1/30/2012 by CastleMadeOfSand because: (no reason