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'I'm going to destroy America and dig up Marilyn Monroe': British pair arrested in U.S. on terror

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posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by daaskapital

Sorry I did a search, this is posted in the correct forum as a alternative news with the exact headline from the paper, I am not a star and flag tart, dont really see the point of them as what are you going to do, sell them

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by On the level

Huh? No i don't care either just responding to the guy. Settle down mate

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 09:25 AM
How did the US TSA/FBI know what they wrote on Twitter? Do they have a department that scans Tweets all day and then check airlines itinerary?

Can someone please explain this to me?

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by Maxmars

Originally posted by Maxmars
But none of that matters in the world of fear... which is where the establishment want's us to live... it's easier for them that way.

Or it is simply a fearful populous produces this kind of governance. We have what we have today, because the electorate has permitted it...and continues to do so.

9/11 produced blame on our security apparatus by the public. Our politicians responded in kind.

Now we have what we apparently wanted. 'Safety' at the expense of reason.

Even Obama fears the electorate more than he fears terrorism, imo. So it is true with most other politicians. In this context, there is only one ideology- better safe than sorry, no matter how ridiculous, inconvenient or unjust the outcome.

+2 more 
posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 09:29 AM
People need to quit worrying about "choosing their words wisely" and get some GUTS!

I use facebook....I say things that could be misconstrued ALL the time....
Am I worried? NO
Am I afraid? NO
Am I sure I am on some list? Probably
Do I care? HELL NO

Because if such an instance arises that my words are "misconstrued" or "taken out of context" and "the man" comes to "detain" me.....Some sorry "person" is going to find out what really being free means.....simple as that...don't care about those who claim I can say it but won't live it.....You wouldn't know, now would you?

People in this country are so afraid of "the man" and "big brother" anymore.....when is SOMEONE....ANYONE going to STAND UP and FIGHT BACK......Hell, be an example to others....
We need ONE PERSON to stand up when such a thing would surely show others that are right on the fence that it can be done.........oh wait I take that back....No it wouldn't because if one did such a thing they would be deemed the bad guy and EVERYONE else would fall in line sooner or later....either because they believe "the man" or because they are AFRAID......

What is everyone so afraid of? DEATH
Loose that fear and you will's time to "MAN UP"....
We all have to die....and IF.....IF it comes down to it.......why not go out on principal....

Not directing this at anyone in particular but I think you politically correct - oooohh better watch what I say online because I don't want the hassle in my comfortable little existence OR I am scared because I know they have "camps" set up - people are really part of the problem......this unwillingness to sacrifice self or ANYTHING you have......honestly it disgusts me....but I try not to judge....I understand it is a position of fear that many mask with the "live to fight another day"....."I am smarter than that"....."walk softly..." garbage......And all that is fine....just remember, until we are willing to STAND and FIGHT this will only get worse........watching our words and restricting our own speech solves ABSOLUTELY NOTHING because in actuality it PERPETUATES the problems................"give them an inch and they will take a mile"

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by CALGARIAN

Yep, There was a thread that had statements from the CIA stating that thye have a specified group who mintor Twiiter Facebook etc. However, it runs on the word tracking system, so when they wrote that certain sentence, those last couple of words would have got picked up then they would have been detained

+2 more 
posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by caladonea
Even though I think those 2 young people were just using the slang of their country...and really don't mean any harm to America...they were very foolish in their messages.

Foolish how? For having a bit of fun and using British slang?

They tweeted it, they didn't send it to the White House.

What's foolish is even having to think twice about what you're tweeting for fear of being spied on by the US. I write lots of crap on facebook, anything that comes to my mind really, that's what twitter is for. If I went back and viewed all my facebook messages I'm sure I could find plenty that COULD be interpreted as offensive/threatening, if they do not take account slang and my sense of humour.

Don't call these people foolish just because the system is f*cked.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by svetlana84
Note to self:

- never ever ever go to Amerika
- never ever ever open a Twitter Account

"They went through their suitcase to search for spades and shovels..". Damn this would be so funny if it would not be tragic. land of the free prisons, home of those who are afraid of their own shadows...

(not meant against the citizens who have to suffer from all this nonsens)

Oh its never I don't hate Americans, just their government crap. Sorry but a stupid tweet deserves to be taken seriously. As for the TSA, their rank amateurs and no I do not think they do a hell of a lot to make Americans safer. Much better profiling, yes profiling which means not racial or "the usual appearing suspects"but observation of behavior for what are called "stand outs" It's based on observational psychology along with logical and practical technology works well, and don't do the ridiculous crap my own countries TSA dose. Israel has done this very effectively for many years and it's largely UNNOTICED. Good security usually is, it blends into the "woodwork" That with good counter-terror&good structural intelligence, meaning the airline/airport activity and that which could affect it infrastructure.

And in case anyone is interested if you want to worry about "big brother" people should be quite worried about large corporations and contractors the latter have given us so much grief because they are first often not well trained professionals when their involved in "private security" though some are quite good, many are idiots. And companies are by the way not bound but such things as the Constitution, Bill of Rights specifically,or anything else the bona fide government in any capacity is. So they often use great wealth to whatever they want, and if they rough you up, or plant a GPS device on your car (which the Supreme Court just ruled the government can't do with out a warrant, but any company can do any damn thing it wants.) what are you going to do ? Sue them? Then I hope you have a lot of money for starters. And a safe house.
edit on 30/1/12 by arbiture because: am frustrated hence errors in spelling were made

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 09:32 AM
If those two didn't know that the TSA had no sense of humor they do now. I'd say that they now have something to tweet about to their buddies and have had an experience that is priceless, courtesy of the TSA and other lettered agencies. The sources of the information may not be relayed to the TSA and detention is necessary until the local TSA determines that it was indeed just a jest by a twit or two.
Note that they were released after the most interesting twelve hours they ever spent and it is a great story to tell their grandchildren.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by Maxmars
reply to post by tothetenthpower

I agree with you, but the TSA and DHS does not. As you may have noticed in an earlier comment. People have actually been led to believe that professional terrorists and ne'er-do-wells spend their time leaving clues to their ill intentions on public mediums of exchange.

Yeah it's really ignorant for anybody to think that people who are going to carry out such things would be so blatantly obvious about it. Although that could be the genius in their plan, I highly doubt it.

The reality is those that do such things are usually emotionally-challenged mentally-atrophied people (yeah, they're all over the place) who may be subconsciously looking to get caught - or at least stopped.

Cry for help syndrome as usual. But again, I doubt this occurs with Terrorist Organizations.

But none of that matters in the world of fear... which is where the establishment want's us to live... it's easier for them that way.

Governing a people without fear isn't hard... controlling people without fear is very hard. These "leaders" seem to take (or make) the easy way...every time.
edit on 30-1-2012 by Maxmars because: (no reason given)

Smartest thing I've read all week Max

Honestly, I've been thinking about it and SOPA and PIPA & ACTA are just the new version of the Patriot Act for the "Online Terrorist". The campaign of fear propaganda has only evolved to target those who want freedom now, instead of "Terrorists".


posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by CALGARIAN
How did the US TSA/FBI know what they wrote on Twitter? Do they have a department that scans Tweets all day and then check airlines itinerary?

Can someone please explain this to me?

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is looking to develop a Web app that can continuously monitor social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace, as well as various news feeds. The organization’s goal is to improve its real-time intelligence when it comes to current and emerging security threats.

FBI to monitor Facebook, Twitter, Myspace

Guess they are doing it manually,for now.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 09:49 AM
TSA agents are far too stupid to understand British humor.

Spring break in 88 I was told a guy I didn't care for was coming with. Guy had a major rod up his backside and was a total wet blanket so I was not happy.

Until we hit the metal detectors, and this guy says loudly "hope they don't find my hidden gun".

Walls seemed to turn into open doors in a blink and he was gone, ended up having a very good trip thanks to his quip. He was released after about 12 hours, but our tickets were nonrefundable, so he stayed in MN.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:07 AM
Welp, there goes my holiday plans to dig up Poe and Lovecraft out of the window.
*Unpacks pick axe and shovel*

Damn and drat!

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:19 AM
This is why I quit using Twitter or commenting on news articles. You can be assured that DHS is in the process of compiling an enemies list that will make Mccarthyism look like child's play. It will only be a matter of time, in my opinion, before they begin to use this against law abiding citizens that do not walk in lock-step with the ruling administration.

ATS will be compromised, if it isn't already, and negative comments about the ruling elite will be considered seditious.
I had a thread about sedition a while back that didn't really go anywhere, but I can see this being applied to any who go on record, even by comments they may consider anonymous, against the current or even future administrations.
Soon, criticizing DHS or the TSA will be considered a crime. Heck, they can now make you disappear without even officially charging you with a crime.

Many will soon become a mere lurkers, myself included, and refrain from commenting about the kinds of subjects that would trigger a red flag by government monitors.

Our days of freedom and liberty are over.
edit on 1/30/2012 by Sparky63 because: Spelling...always spelling! *&^&%$#%$@

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by Jakal26
We need ONE PERSON to stand up when such a thing would surely show others that are right on the fence that it can be done.........oh wait I take that back....No it wouldn't because if one did such a thing they would be deemed the bad guy and EVERYONE else would fall in line sooner or later....either because they believe "the man" or because they are AFRAID......

There are many examples of "One man standing up". Most recently the cat the flew his airplane into the I.R.S. building. He was not afraid to die, however the impact of his plane was more significant than the impact of his statement. It did not stir America as the man was immediately treated as a crackpot.

We simply have to many people in this Country to gain the type of momentum that is required for revolution. They are afraid of anything that will interfere with their ability to purchase the latest IPOD or bigger house. They are afraid of anything that will interfere with their regular visits to the happy pill doctor..... When 40% of America is on some type of mood regulator or suppressor there will be no change.

I honestly feel like about 40% of Americans would crawl into a hole and starve to death quietly in any kind of SHTF scenario.

Just for fun I watched Soylent Green again the other night. People were walking into suicide centers in droves. Living with nothing while the wealthy had everything they did not fight, they just accepted their lot and either lived with it or checked out. This is the way of the future for Americans and any other Country that has allowed Big Brother to get the foothold they already have.

The closest thing we have to revolution is a bunch of Occupy wall street holdouts rattling their mouths and doing nothing (literally).

There is no recovery until total collapse, and perhaps not even then. There are simply too many rats in the cage to care if a couple of them want to risk their lives for change. The fight has been bred out of the people that have lived in developed nations the longest.

Bring on ATS the central point for complaining, whining and preaching change, from the safety of our bedrooms and offices..........

I am unafraid to fight and have been in a state of revolt for 25+ years. There are ways to fight the man quietly. However if 20% of America had the nuts to fight as I have been there would be a significant change in how things are done in this Country.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by humphreysjim

Originally posted by capone1
I like this. Im glad he was arrested. Don't post stupid /borderline troublesome comments on twitter. And it seems like a lot of crazy people tweet or facebook these little quotes before doing something awful.

You can't be serious?

Destroy has other slang meanings, aside from actually destroying America. How would one go about doing that anyway?

What's next, if I'm out with my mates and my friend sees a girl and says he wants to "tear her ass up", is he going to get arrested before he kills someone?

What if I tweeted "I would kill for a beer right now", you gonna send the cops round to get me before I go on a killing spree just for a beer?

Absolutely ridiculous. There would have to be way more evidence that these people were dangerous apart from some harmless twitter comments in order to put them under the radar. I mean please, digging up Marilyn Monroe? The world is going mad.


edit on 30-1-2012 by humphreysjim because: (no reason given)

It's situational, obviously.

Let's say he was never arrested, and he got into America and DID committ a terrorist crime. What would you, or others say then? "He posted that on his twitter account and nobody did anything?!?!"

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by loam

Or it is simply a fearful populous produces this kind of governance. We have what we have today, because the electorate has permitted it...and continues to do so.

I have some difficulty characterizing this as a manifestation of public fear. I suppose you could very well be correct; but somehow it seems that it is putting the cart in front of the horse.

It requires an effort to establish a consensus among citizens; that effort needs an actor to carry the message forward. Our leaders have been only too eager to carry the message of fear, dread, and anxiety... along with the sensationalism of the professionals in the entertainment industry, and the mind-moguls of Madison Avenue - they have managed to convince people that they should not have privacy... because that privacy might be a threat to them.... to me that embodies fear.

Yet "privacy" is a consequence of personal sovereignty, and to eradicate one, for whatever excuse, is to eliminate the other.

THAT... I fear.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:32 AM
TSA, aka the serial rapists, and Homeland Security, aka the Gestapo, showing their negative IQs once again...

What a surprise.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by Maxmars

Admittedly, our discussion is a bit like the chicken or the egg question. But I believe no one can 'make' you think anything, unless you permit it.

Claims of American tyranny and elitist conspiracies notwithstanding, we still are a nation where we elect our representatives to governance. Until the majority have had enough, (and barring any actual totalitarian response to prevent otherwise), we wont see any real change.

In my view, the 'system' is broken because the electorate is broken.

edit on 30-1-2012 by loam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by humphreysjim

Oh ya...I went there...and I stand by my original post in this entire post...not just the portion you mentioned.

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