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RRRRRRGGGGGGGGG! FOX NEWS!!!!!!! Ok.... Calm down... Why do I watch this stuff, time and time again? It will be the death of me, I am sure...
Ok so here is what is going on:
I went to Fox's website and tried to get a video of this and every time I clicked on a link to what I wanted to post, it brought me to some useless
page with no video so sorry I cannot show you this evil (not like I'd want to poison your eyes anyway). The episode I am watching on air is called
"Florida Primary Preview" on Fox News Channel. It's just an interview with Gingrich and Santorum with a small group of, say, 30 people. I decided to
watch because I enjoy knowing my enemy, but here is what I decided the problem is.
My enemy, who previously I thought was Santorum and Gingrich, is something else. The media? Yes--wait... no. Well, ok them too, but I found a new
enemy. The people!!!
SIIIIIIIIIIGH. This is frustrating. I watch these people and they begin talking to Gingrich... They are asked on why they like Gingrich and what they
think about what is going on in politics today, blah blah blah, and they start complaining about the news coverage and how it isn't giving Gingrich a
fair chance.
WHAAAAAAT? SERIOUSLY? Joking right..? No. All I have seen on the news for the past, dunno, month is Gingrich propaganda! Ever since he stood up to
Blitzer he has been getting more and attention (and I have my own theories for what happened here btw:
Newt Gingrich Wanted the Debate to be Opened with Open Marriage Question). The people
are so concerned about the media and its spins, and not even once did they acknowledge Paul! Paul did not get sympathy on air with any news channel
when he was asked if he was having sex with Rick Perry, no one cared when Ron Paul was skipped time and time again in the debates, including the one
that Newt stood up to Blitzer. Who (publicly in the news, because I know ATS is good at bringing it up
) ever stands up for Paul when he
nonsensically gets labeled a "racist"??? NOOOOO OOOONE!
That really got my blood boiling, because I fell these people are lost... I do not want them to be, nor do I blame them, but they sit there and say
something, and they push their beliefs and shout their wants, yet, they somehow don't want Ron Paul? No way... so then when they bring up unfair media
and preach Gingrich, I cry. He has more media support than any other candidate (other perhaps than Romney) so that claim is BS!
So as the show progressed (yeah I idiotically kept watching), Santorum came on. Oh boy, the whiny kid with a Nazi-regime comes to make things better,
why did I think it could get better.... and the hypocrisy continued. The first thing that was mentioned, and the topic that continued for ten minutes,
was "issues that matter". They start telling Santorum that he is a very good candidate because he doesn't like talking about thing that don't matter
and wants the focus to be on the issues, not the social aspects. So what do they do? They all talk about it and show clips of him saying that! WOW
THAT IS ACCOMPLISHING! Let's all talk about how the stuff that doesn't matter makes us feel? Ooo oo let's all hug!
Whatever. Come on people, less talk more do. The sad thing is, I only even wrote this post because I really figured it had a chance of being viewed (I
mean I am sitting here complaining about these issues I claim is a waste of time complaining about hahaha so yeah I am a hypocrite too right?). I
thought people would really feel better about clicking on this than something that didn't involve political drama... Really if you are on page with
what I am saying then let's all try to do things about it.
It is impossible to just wake everyone up... people will stay asleep due to many factors, it has to be something that people do under their own power.
Instead, let's actually start with posting the facts, eh? I started a thread a while ago about Mitt Romney, and it got a pathetic 5 flags and I think
that happened because my thread title was boring:
Mitt Romney Information Dump
Further back I tried to start something similar with Rick Santorum but it was called
Santorum-- Watch him Live and Post your thoughts so I think people were turned off to posting in it because it was a "live" event implication...
though honestly I really just wanted people to put down some facts on him.
Anyway, I plea to you to help me out and get involved with these threads! As I was saying, it is nearly impossible to just wake some one up, but if we
can concentrate information into one area, I bet people will begin to wake up under their own power.
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edit on 30-1-2012 by PhysicsAdept because: (no reason given)