posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 04:12 PM
What I find interesting and at times extremely frustrating is the apparent misunderstanding of many regarding the bounds of Logic and Reason.
Honestly, I can't tell you how many times I've seen people discount the belief of another based on it being illogical or unreasonable, yet does
this necessarily make that belief untrue??
Consider that people can only use logic and reason within the mental framework of what they themselves deem possible or plausible. That is,
everyone's logic and reason is held captive to the boundaries of the mind. Whether it be a refusal to consider an idea that falls outside their
predetermined box of what is "Acceptable" to believe, or an inability to process all the factors involved in a hypothesis without prejudice.
Despite this, many people would like to believe that they have Mastered the use of Logic and Reason and can correctly Deduce the "Fallacies" of
others beliefs. All the while, they are blind to their own limitations.
You see there are many things which cannot be DEDUCED through mans logic and reason.... there are many things at work in this world which are
beyond our mental abilities to comprehend, or understand thoroughly, and as a result this prevents us from "LOGICALLY" or "REASONABLY" accepting
It does not follow then, that all things beyond our comprehension are necessarily Fallacies or even indeed baseless. One can have Evidence of the
Truth of a matter which cannot be entirely subjected to the Reason and Logic of another or even oneself.
In fact, there are indeed matters of Belief which Exceed the Limits of mans Reason, which can only be considered and accepted according to
Faith. To have Faith in Something is to Believe in something which you have not Seen. It is to consider something to be True even though it cannot
be fully subjected to the litmus tests of the mind, or the observations of Science.
It is here that Faith is NOT pitted against reason or Logic.... it is beyond Reason and Logic and the only means by which one can attain the
Knowledge of Truth that exceeds the limitations of the human mind. Faith is an Enabler, not a Dis-abler when it comes to our pursuit of what is
INDEED actual and Absolute Truth.
All those who scoff at the power of a mans Faith are fools. Faith can lead a man to truth which would be unattainable via any other intellectual
pursuit. This of course causes Man to be completely dependent upon the object of his Faith. And thus it is immensely important to be careful about
what or whom you put your Faith in. Be it an idea, fellow man, or divine Being. Non the less, a Man of Faith can FAR exceed the knowledge and
accomplishments of those who chain themselves to the limits of their own logic and reason.
It is ironic to me that So many people run away from and fear the one thing that can truly set them free..... FAITH.