posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 11:01 AM
So I go home for vaction last week for a few days, and Oh My God, all my dad watches IS THE GOP Debates and all the political news thats on TV 24-7! I
wasn't up to date on it, sometimes wasn't understanding the big uproar about it and the people running when I read many of the threads about it here
First of all ole Newt has got to be wearing a hair piece, and according to my dad and his description of his past events, the democrats have got some
major secrets on him that will kill his run for pres! Next I guess Romny was the guy to pick, but now people are outraged because of his 40 million
dollar tax claim. Third I think Ron Paul is absolutely awesome, and is so funny! I find him more entertaining, so much I have a hard time taking him
seriously. And last well, I can't even remember who that other guy is, so enough said.
My family and I being Liberal, still has nothing to do with the way we vote, but this year it seems like Obama is the best bet! And why in the heck is
my dad so obsessed with this run, way more than he EVER has been in the past years? (and he has always kept up with the politics) Why is this one SO
Much more important to people? He's not the only one hypnotized by this debate, its also my boyfriend, and friends whom never even gave a hoot until
I just find it weird, and I also find the GOP Debates odd! Jeeze I am more confused as ever who to pull for, and now I think I am becoming obsessed to
see the outcome of everything. I was Obama all the way, but I realize I need to always do my research before just automatically making my mind up. And
sometimes the safe way isn't always the way to go.
Also got to say I do believe that something will happen in 2012, even though I don't know what, and maybe forces unknown are getting people's undies
in a wad over this debate and presidental race. (just my opinion) Cause really help me ATS Members, does it not seem this way to you? People are
Obsessed and more confused than ever, I mean....WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?