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War between Japan and Australia?

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posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by markosity1973

where do ya drink mate i would buy you a beer
some logic too this pathetic thread


posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by Jace26

Until Australia has a ratified Constitution, there's nothing legally Australia can do about it.

And when the next Australian tells me they do have a Constitution, show me one that was first approved by the UK Parliament, signed by Queen Victoria and then was ratified by the Australian public!

See, that's the catch....and the Japanese Govt KNOWS!

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by auswally

The changes to Australian defence posturing is happening, I was speaking to my brother
in law, who's an Australian Naval Officer and he was saying that their is an urgency to what
they are doing right now which he hasn't seen before. from the building of new landing craft,
and variouse other actions including the shift in focus to resource protection. Purchesing new super-hornets
and a range of other things happening, this in not coincidental this is preperation.
The latin proverb, victory loves prudence.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 05:48 AM
Nuke the whales! Im with Nelson. You gotta nuke something.

If the Japanese want to eat whales I couldnt care less. I also dont care where they catch them. Why would you even care? Are you a whale lover? Or protective of the things that happen to swim into "our" waters. Isnt there something more important to think about?

I was so happy when I saw those 'whale lover activists' were being held on the Japanese whaling ship. I wish the Japanese had taken them back to Japan and thrown them in jail where they belong. I also think they should work the rest of their whale loving lives to pay back every cent of Australian Tax Dollars that we had to spend rescuing these whale lovers.

Actually forget nuking the whales,we should nuke the whale lovers if anything.
edit on 29-1-2012 by theubermensch because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 06:03 AM
reply to post by bluemirage5

Serriously if the PM sent a, naval or customs vessel down there to monitor what the japanies
do or don't do, you'd get those stuping shock jock idiots with jumping up and down on there
right winged hats about the cost of doing that. plus you'd get the japanies trade minister limiting
the amount of wague beef they get from Australia. the government doesn't care all that mutch
so why would we go to war over that.
buy the way we do have a constution, passed buy both houses of parlement and signed buy the
governer general in 1901. we can act without british authority and we do constanly, started to
come into our own though WW2 and been getting more head strong ever since. The GG is the
Queens rep in Australia, but she has F all to do with the running of the country except some
cerimonia occasion. The british queen has got verry little to do with our courntry except make
the guys in the RSL halls feel okay about lossing thousands of Australian lives for all those
bloody english wars we were pressured into. no more of that, we'll just go were the Yanks point
us now. lol, mirth

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 06:18 AM

Originally posted by Frankenchrist
Aborigine VS Ninja

Who would win?

Im just throwing out a movie title and tag line for Hollywood to steal from ATS.

I want to see this movie

Therein could be indeed a quiet and nasty conflict between
the Yakusa and Attack Force Z vets. Get out the Geritol, it's...
Sonny Chiba v. Sam Neill?? (yawn)
But seriously if the Japanese moneymaking in, get this now,
INTERNATIONAL waters don't violate international ecotreaties
or sufficiently arouse te UN otherwise, it's all just flap.
I personally don't believe that killing the largest (and maybe
most pragmatic and benign) mammals in the world is right.
Public opinion in regard to our huge friends has been adjusted
all this time to make them look like prey so we can butcher them,
mostly for the grease in cosmetics and other 'civilized' products--
because it's cheaper than cracking something from the dirt.
If anyone saw the eyes of a whale being filleted alive, 'twould be
otherwise: it broke my heart. But hey, I'm only human.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 06:40 AM
Not a chance, the relationship is too good. Not only do average Japanese people love the country (its a very popular honeymoon spot) but the power elite love the economic relationship too and you'd be hard up breaking that up.

All the drama is just media garbage, this stuff sells for some reason.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by wondera
reply to post by auswally

The changes to Australian defence posturing is happening, I was speaking to my brother
in law, who's an Australian Naval Officer and he was saying that their is an urgency to what
they are doing right now which he hasn't seen before. from the building of new landing craft,
and variouse other actions including the shift in focus to resource protection. Purchesing new super-hornets
and a range of other things happening, this in not coincidental this is preperation.
The latin proverb, victory loves prudence.

Its not just Australia its the entire region. The Phillipines are pushing the US for more exrcises and a more visible presence in the region. ASEAN in partnership with its close ally in the US have re-embraced lost member Myanmar and its half million man army for the same reason they let Vietnam join. And yes this all has to do with China. China getting a carrier is a sign to states in the region that it wants to challenge them. Right now they know the USN can not be challenged so they want it back in force in the region. The real concern for them is what if the US goes away for political or economic reasons and withdrawls from the region. This of course would lead to a massive arms race in the region most likely multiple nations going nuclear over night. So the best play for nations in the region is getting getting the US to stay in the region.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 08:02 AM
Well, if they really want it to stop. They could just sink the whale boats. Leave no witnesses and eventually they would stop coming.

Kind of the way the Russians handle pirates. We set em loose in a little boat, no idea what happened to them...

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 08:10 AM
Australia in Asia..

You people do realise that Europe is only 20 miles or so from Africa??
Australia is 100s of miles from any South East Asian country.
London is Physically Closer to Nairobi, Kenya, than Sydney is to Tokyo, Japan!!!!!

Perhaps the Europeans should be called Africans.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 08:43 AM
Seriously don't worry about Japan
All the escalations are to do with the growth of china and the US re asserting its dominance
Infact even Japan's worried about chinas dominance in the region

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 09:46 AM
I really dont think the "free world" will combat one another, especially over fishing territory. The only way I can see this taking place is if there is such a food shortage in the sea that it would cause people in all countries to take arms over it. I really dont see that as possible, no matter how much influence china has in Oz. Oz, for the most part, is still very much peaceful as is Japan

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by Jace26
Australia is NOT a western nation, Australia is an Eastern nation. The EU and USA are the Western nations.

Although Australia is geographically a nation to the East of Europe, it is often referred to as a Western nation due to the political alignment. The "West" is often considered to be the liberal democracies who stood up the the autocratic "East".


posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by theRhenn
I really dont think the "free world" will combat one another, especially over fishing territory. The only way I can see this taking place is if there is such a food shortage in the sea that it would cause people in all countries to take arms over it. I really dont see that as possible,

Marine stock depletion in Japanese waters is escalating through contamination from Fukushima.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by Bilder

Sorry - but that was the New Zealand Tax Payers.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by Jace26

Both Australia and Japan are allies of the US, I don't think the US would let them do that.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by Jace26

So then would that make Japan a western nation? Or South Korea? Or Brazil? Or South Africa? Are they western nations too? Since they all have similiar politics, society, values, law, etc.

Not according to Samuel Huntington, the author of "Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order".

Apparently there is something called Western "Civilisation" and those countries that are part of this "civilisation" are Western nations, the 'West' part of the Western having nothing to do with any direction. It, I believe, has something to do with some Judeo-Christian "values" and "tradition" which apparently South Americans don't possess, but Australians and New Zealanders do.

Yeah, to cut a long story short, you can recognise them as all countries populated by a majority of "whites", that again having nothing to do with any colour. I think it is merely a coincidence that only "white" countries figure in the "Western Civilisation" and not racist at all

edit on 29-1-2012 by Observor because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 03:18 PM
Australia will NOT go to war with Japan. If Australia does then New Zealand is siding with Japan!!! Much love Nihon.

Honestly thought :/ what its the future man? We don't need wars anymore. We are very aware of this in the pacific.

Im not in the mood for any country to have another fake war just to further the New World Order, Illuminati agenda.

Wana be a useless puppet Australia? No? Didn't think so.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 03:57 PM
The problem is our leaders don't have the stones to stand up for what is right. Instead the y look at how it will affect trade agreements. To me the are a bunch of scared children on this issue and memories of them running for their dignity like on Australia day come to mind whenever I think of how they handle this important issue.

This is one of the reasons the Sea Shepard is so important and you should consider at least a yearly donation if this issue is important to you, They seem to be the only ones in the world who are actively confronting this issue on a face to face basis.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by teapot

Originally posted by theRhenn
I really dont think the "free world" will combat one another, especially over fishing territory. The only way I can see this taking place is if there is such a food shortage in the sea that it would cause people in all countries to take arms over it. I really dont see that as possible,

Marine stock depletion in Japanese waters is escalating through contamination from Fukushima.

Hmm I did forget about that - stupid me!

Still, I think we would be sending tons and tons of food, along with other countries before it became a problem between governments. The people would be really pissed though.

Thanks for the reminder
That's a very valid point.

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