posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 06:32 AM
I have a question about the layout on the members profile pages.
In the past, there was an option to see the oldest posts first. Why is that option not available?
Instead it reads:
“800 posts sorted by creation day, most recent first”
Now I realize that 800 posts is plenty, but for posters who are active repliers that only goes back to the last year or two.
I found the option to see old posts very helpful when trying to find interesting threads and I know that a certain poster made excellent points and
some even had very relevant links to back up their claims. I would like to have that option of being able to go back and easily find the link for
future research and reference points.
I’ve tried using the search function, but that too only gives me the top ten listings and even then the dates don’t go back far enough. It’s
very frustrating to not have the original ease of revisiting the older posts.
Am I missing a way to search for older posts and can there be a way to “archive” older posts on the next new and improved version of ATS?