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Farm. Fresh. Fun Competition

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posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 06:04 PM
Howd yall im entering a web design comp in the state fair and was tryin to get soem idea. Anyone have and ideas.

The theme is

Farm. Fresh. Fun

THanks yall. Im just lookin ideas and maybe spark someitn in my mind to go on and submit. And what the hell if i win anything ill donate it all to ATS

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 11:30 PM

Gotta love the people who think these thinks up...firggin minimalists :bash:

Well...Usually you'd associate certain colors with these words/ideas - like orange, brown, green...dead dull 80s style colors...gotta think "fresh" to compete

If you're using flash...maybe you can use mellow and bright transitions to your different pages that have "cute" little pictures of farms - some nice wavy elegent monotype corsiva...maybe some pastel backgrounds

I dunno - just some ideas...

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 05:54 PM
its more of a graphics design contest like using photo shop. and lol yall have to remember too its for the NC state fair one of the dullest states inthe union

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 06:49 PM
link was thinking like an actual full website are you thinking of going for a collage then? (based off of your post in the PS assistance thread)

That's a good idea - I've always found that when you're dealing with things like this they go for very similiar things from previous that collage you posted there last year's winner?

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 07:06 PM
How bout a farmer guy riding a pig that is running really fast out of his pen...with a Barn in the immediate background and hes just about falling off the pig and his hand is in the air with his straw hat in it?

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 08:07 PM
it was second place. the first place was a thorw back to teh yesteryears but that was a diffent slogan for last year they were celebrrating 150 yr.

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