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Heard a rumor on a disreputable anarchist forum....

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posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 01:12 AM
Called r/Anarchism on Reddit :p about a possible 100,000,000 strong strike in India. At least that's where I first heard it, here is the link we got on it.

While I don't know anyone in India to back it up, something to keep an eye on. I also have an indymedia link, from Melbourne.

I've actually got nothing else to say about it, I don't expect to work that day anyways, I usually work weekends. Nothing on Google News yet.
But as unsure as I am I really want to believe.
edit on 28-1-2012 by Sachyriel because: I forgot to say it was in India in the first sentence.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 01:26 AM
WOW, this is great!, good for India, an enormous protest like this is really needed here in the west, the middle class and the poor must rise against the rich and overthrown them of the power and recover the real democracy and freedom

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by elpistolero1

Well, I came here hoping to know more, not to hear more hopes. But I get the feeling maybe I came to the right place to enjoy the show.

Do you think this ties into the way India is buying Iranian oil with Gold? Not that I think this is an American punishment for India's idea to invest in Iran in such a way as to irritate them, but since outright warfare is out of the question the sudden appearance of the biggest strike seems oddly contrasted with next door China.

But before I jump off the cliff of believing I'm that tapped into current events, I want more opinions other than my own.
edit on 28-1-2012 by Sachyriel because: smiley gone, cause smiley goes

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 01:57 AM
I'm not surprised. India has been using Rupees, Euro, Yen and Gold to buy oil from Iran.

Nice try Mi6, NSA, CIA, Mossad - trying to cause another violent revolt / uprising. They're trying hard now in China via Tibetan operatives.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by Sachyriel

Here is a link I found! Don't know how reputable it is . Just says:India News
edit on 1/28/12 by jennybee35 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by wisdomnotemotion
Nice try Mi6, NSA, CIA, Mossad - trying to cause another violent revolt / uprising. They're trying hard now in China via Tibetan operatives.

The spooks don't have the ability to engineer uprisings this big.

The Indians are most likely getting sick of it. Their country has been held down and raped for close to 300 years now. Gandhi did some good, but ultimately he didn't achieve as much as people think. The cabal simply regrouped, and came back with a different face, as it always does.

Monsanto has been creating intolerable conditions for farmers; Hinduism is being destroyed by a dogged coalition of Christians and atheists, and the Islamic scourge is also as present as it always is. The Delhi government are on the take and abetting the whole thing, doing what will make them money, as governments always do.

The Indians need to fight back. Atheism, Christianity, and Islam need to be driven out. Monsanto needs to be driven out. Hindus retreating into their temples and locking them to people of other nationalities won't preserve the religion; they need to actively push back. The Eye needs to experience Kali Ma fighting it; and I will continue to pray that she will do to it, the same thing she did to Mahishasura.

Jai Kali Ma.

edit on 28-1-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 07:55 AM
realy your going to blame atheists, we don't knock at peoples doors and
get all preachy. infact most atheists i know just let people belive what ever
they wan't which should be aforded to us all.
Richard Dorkin's is a shameless self promoter, interesting point of veiw
but he gives atheists a bad rap. anyway a conspiricy which involves
a group of atheist is pretty far fetched. what would they hey give up
your thousands of years worth of traditions, because their not rational, thats
a hard line to sell, and most people get pretty touche about faith issues.
anyway each to their own, belive as you see fit

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by petrus4

I don't appreciate that kind of tone in threads I make, certainly indigenious religions have the right to flourish, but Hindus also live by Jains and Sikhs, and Muslims do not need to be driven out.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 01:45 PM
So, if we call the help line on that day, no answer.

Good for them. The only way people get anything is to take it for themselves or make it for themselves.

The problem with strikes is that with so many people there are probably plenty of people willing to step in and take their jobs.

The best way to make a good living is to be indispensable at work.

Link to entire article

When your manager, your co-workers, and executives view you as a valuable asset, it is highly likely that you will get a raise, a promotion, and have a very successful career. This, of course, is only possible if you enjoy your job in the first place. If you hate your job, then you will never be able to become indispensable because there will always be someone else in the world who will do the same work with a smile! Here are five ways that you can become indispensable at work and take your career to the next level:

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by elpistolero1

My guess is you are 20 something right? Part of the "give me something for nothing because I have been spoiled since childhood" generation? If you or others had any clue you would know that MOST wealthy people got that way through hard work, sacrifice, failures, education, etc. I am so sick of this "I want mine" mindset it makes me want to throw up. Get a job, out work everyone else, have a great attitude, show up on time, don't wait for something to happen, make something happen and you will get what you want out of life instead of throwing rocks at others that have.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 03:10 PM
Good! Maybe they'll stop ringing us every night from India, trying to scam us with so called 'computer problems'. Makes me wonder if there are any jobs over there that doesn't involve working in dodgy 'call centres' that add nothing of real value to an economy. It deserves to implode. We need to find ways to make everyone earn an honest living and not be parasitic, not rely on our consumerist way of life, and not to scam people in more well-off nations from the safety of a VOIP protocol several thousand miles away.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by Dorian9
reply to post by elpistolero1

My guess is you are 20 something right? Part of the "give me something for nothing because I have been spoiled since childhood" generation? If you or others had any clue you would know that MOST wealthy people got that way through hard work, sacrifice, failures, education, etc. I am so sick of this "I want mine" mindset it makes me want to throw up. Get a job, out work everyone else, have a great attitude, show up on time, don't wait for something to happen, make something happen and you will get what you want out of life instead of throwing rocks at others that have.

LOVE this reply!!! Sooo very on target (not that that particular poster fits in that category) and what I try tirelessly to instill in my children! That "gimme, gimme, gimme and gimme right NOW" mentality has permiated our culture and makes it very difficult for us average, struggling American parents to instill a strong work ethic! My husband and I both work full time and I clean 2 houses on the side just so we can afford the basic necessities, a few simple 'luxuries' (like a cell phone plan and date nights once a week) and stay off welfare!

We are grateful for our income and show it by putting in 100% effort at work, show up on time and I can honestly say, we would be hard to replace!

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by IrishCream

Originally posted by Dorian9
reply to post by elpistolero1

My guess is you are 20 something right? Part of the "give me something for nothing because I have been spoiled since childhood" generation? If you or others had any clue you would know that MOST wealthy people got that way through hard work, sacrifice, failures, education, etc. I am so sick of this "I want mine" mindset it makes me want to throw up. Get a job, out work everyone else, have a great attitude, show up on time, don't wait for something to happen, make something happen and you will get what you want out of life instead of throwing rocks at others that have.

LOVE this reply!!! Sooo very on target (not that that particular poster fits in that category) and what I try tirelessly to instill in my children! That "gimme, gimme, gimme and gimme right NOW" mentality has permiated our culture and makes it very difficult for us average, struggling American parents to instill a strong work ethic! My husband and I both work full time and I clean 2 houses on the side just so we can afford the basic necessities, a few simple 'luxuries' (like a cell phone plan and date nights once a week) and stay off welfare!

We are grateful for our income and show it by putting in 100% effort at work, show up on time and I can honestly say, we would be hard to replace!

Being forced to live in a world were "replacement" is the norm is part of the problem.

humans are not tools. not 'assets'.

"be a good tool. do what we say. do it our way. and then we'll give you a little off the top"

no thanks

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by Dorian9

Dorian, still believing in the American dream huh?

Anyway, I think you're looking at it wrong, and believe the propaganda that the mainstream/corporate/elite-controlled media is telling you about this "young generation" or whatever you're implying by singling out 20-somethings.

Look, we don't want to destroy wealthy people that legitimately obtained their wealth through hard work. We don't want to never work a day in our lives. They have tried to tell you and everyone else that this is class warfare, or young vs old, or lazy vs hardworking Americans, and wedge issues like that. It has NOTHING to do with that, it is a distraction to keep people arguing back and forth with each other instead of addressing the fact that the US government does not operate in the interests of its people as we were taught to believe.

I think that's why the younger generations are pissed. We enter the public (or private) school systems that rave about the wonders of democracy, the joys of the United States, our amazing nation and its amazing accomplishments. By about high school we start taking specific government courses, having to study the Constitution and such (if you hadn't already), and so forth. Then you look at what's on paper, and the law, and then compare it to the real world, and it's clear that the system isn't what we were taught to believe in.

Don't let them mislead you into ranting against the young people for knowing the system is broken. We want to reform it, not dismantle the good old hard work = success model.

I am not familiar with India's politics beyond extreme basics, but any legitimate protest for logical reform is always a good thing. Good luck to them if this happens, and hope for no loss of life.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by idk42


Withh all due respect, I am LIVING the American Dream so don't BS or patronize me. I came out of a lower middle class childhood, never finished college, was dirt poor, had my electricity, phones, water shut off several times because I couldn't pay the bills as a young married adult. Always living within my means. This served as motivation for me to work harder, smarter, stay positive, learn to lead and not follow, etc. so that I could provide more for my wife and children. The only time anything ever changes in someone's life for the better is when they have had enough pain and adversity. Most of these 20 something's don't have a freaking clue about what I described because they live in the "NOW". I have 3 20 something children...2 of them get it and it is paying off. One doesn't and it never will until she gets sick of the heartache and pain.

So thanks but no thanks for the advice...I GET life.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by galactix

Galactix...20 something too? GET a clue and a career.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by Dorian9

You are off topic and if you're happily LIVING the American dream, why are you so irritable, mean, rude and obnoxious? You should be dancing in the streets, your life is so perfect. I'm 54 years old, so don't try to "BS" me.

elpistolero1 was ON topic and at least had something positive and encouraging to say. What's wrong with you, Dorian9? Wake up on the wrong side of bed today?

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by imalitehaus

I'm not off topic...these knuckleheads say they what to overthrow the wealthy in the name of the lower and middle class. I am not in the upper class, not even close, but I started at the bottom, never blamed anyone for where I was at, sacrificed and have worked hard my ENTIRE LIFE, have been frustrated but have never given up. Today I am living comfortably and I thank God that I don't have to freaking starve, eat Ramen noodles, sit in candlelight, etc. anymore. I am just sick and tired of spoiled lazy people belittling those that have achieved because they are not willing to do what it takes to be live the American Dream. It's real...harder now I admit because of the self gratifying "now" generation. At 52 I would have thought you could appreciate my sentiment. I know you "get it" so why the harsh words?

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by Dorian9
reply to post by imalitehaus

I'm not off topic...these knuckleheads say they what to overthrow the wealthy in the name of the lower and middle class. I am not in the upper class, not even close, but I started at the bottom, never blamed anyone for where I was at, sacrificed and have worked hard my ENTIRE LIFE, have been frustrated but have never given up. Today I am living comfortably and I thank God that I don't have to freaking starve, eat Ramen noodles, sit in candlelight, etc. anymore. I am just sick and tired of spoiled lazy people belittling those that have achieved because they are not willing to do what it takes to be live the American Dream. It's real...harder now I admit because of the self gratifying "now" generation. At 52 I would have thought you could appreciate my sentiment. I know you "get it" so why the harsh words?

I'm sorry if my words were harsh. Honestly it only seemed to me that you're in a terrible mood. I know what it's like to sacrifice for your family and how all the years of hard work literally make your back hurt.

But, I do take it as a good sign when a young person wants to see the bad things in the world changed. I've read some of your other posts and agree with you on many subjects. So, hopefully, no harm. By the way, MY back hurts, so maybe I'm grumpy.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 06:09 PM
I'm crossing my fingers they will, and that they'll hold their ground.

I'm tired of all the #ing IT work going to bangledesh and india. When they strike they'll realize why they all have jobs: because they'll work for much less than we will.

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