posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 11:34 PM
So I have thought about this for a while, and I want to ask you ATS, when turning at an intersection and you have two turn lanes, which do you
I am sure there are many deciding factors in this, but with habit what lane would you get into. Do you follow the car in front of you, or choose the
different path?
I ask because I have noticed, more recently now than ever, that when I go to get on the highway. More people stack up in one lane. Both lanes merge
into one, so no real advantage as to which lane you choose. But often times I will pull up and the inner lane will be pilled up as to block the other
lane. With no cars!!! I can just go around and be first in line. Blows my mind.
So I have noticed it more and more often. So I ask what do you all think does this?
I have given much thought into this. And trying not so be mean, but its like there is no thought involved. Just people following other people.
Oblivious to the world around them. But how could that be? Wouldn't we all go around driving into each other? And I don't think like that. I mean
hey, I get to go first, but just seems strange, and I wanted to get some logical opinions, why this happens, and if you find yourself to be the one to
pile into a lane, why?