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RAF training in area 51

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posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 04:25 PM
I have every reason to believe this story to be true and although the facts may be slightly un clear ill give you the basics as i remember them and you can make your own minds up and do your own research.
A good freind of mine was a corpral in the Royal Signals Regiment (England) and was posted to a position in the first gulf war to help with the satellite link up between the american air force and the RAF(apparentley tornado fighters were covering warthogs that were doing low level,slow speed bombing runs by giving air support and keeping watch for enemy aircraft)
During this time he got the oppurtunity to speak to several American and English pilots,one of which was a Tornado Squadron leader,who told an intresting story of being involved in a joint Anglo/ American training exersise that had taken place some months earlier in the nevada deserts,the purpose of which being that Tornado pilots are respected as being some of the best low level bombing pilots in the world and were teaching their skills to their American counterparts.
On arrival in the deserts the English pilots were given a few days to familirize themselves with terrain and land marks etc before engaging in training.On returning after some low level practise the squadron leader asked his American counterpart for information as regarding a runway they had flown over earlier that was not on any maps,he was told point blank that he had not seen the runway and that it didnt exsist,the tornado pilot insisted he be informed of the runways position and useability incase one of his guys had a problem and needed to make an emergency landing there,again he was told that the runway didnt exsist and that he hadnt seen what he thought hed seen,annoyed the tornado pilot demanded that for the safety of his team details be made availble to his boys of the runway,the answer was point blank "Sir,that runway does not exsist and if you or your boys land on it,or anywhere near it,you will not exsist either"
conversation over.
Sorry,its not much of a story but i do believe it to be true,does any one have any more info on british pilots training on the Nevada test sites?

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