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Activists burn flag in march on Parliament in response to Tent Embassy protest

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posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 12:06 AM

Activists burn flag in march on Parliament in response to Tent Embassy protest

INDIGENOUS activists have burned the Australian flag outside Parliament House in an angry response to widespread condemnation of a riot by Aboriginal tent embassy activists.

Chanting their demands for justice and recognition of indigenous sovereignty, about 200 protesters including a number of children, were met by a wall of police at the parliament's main entrance.

Four protesters, including an older woman in a wheelchair, managed to get inside the doors before being surrounded by security.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 12:06 AM
"The move followed angry scenes at the indigenous protest camp where activists denied they were responsible for yesterday's violence, which saw police bundle Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott from a function for bravery medal winners."

So now the protestors are denying that the riots yesterday was their fault, but are now marching on Parliament and burning the Australian flag. I find this disgraceful. None of them have been arrested, none for the riots yesterday, and none for the break in to Parliament today. What's the deal? Occupy Protestors weren't this violent, yet they got sprayed and bashed by cops, and trodden on by their horses.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 12:12 AM
At EXACTLY the same time, the First Nations Conference is being hosted in Ottawa, Canada's capital. Although the Canadian PM, Mr Harper was due to visit for the opening, he actually stayed all day, listening to incredibly boring speeches, and despite his view being different to the natives, he sat in long discussions with them over a large number of issues and there is indication of many reforms coming.

Meanwhile, in Australia, they just move them on with Police, riot at the PM's restaurant and are tooling up ot march on Parliament. Guess that's the difference between a reasoning Government in a civilised country and somewhere like Australia.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by ballisticmousse

Our government used to be alright, but once our current PM staged a coup d'etat on our former PM, it went to #. She can't do anything useful.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by ballisticmousse

Perhaps we are just at breaking point with our leaders? I don't know much about canadian politics and let's face it - who does - but I wonder why canadians aren't as angry as Australians? Maybe they just have nice politicians. And there's no need to resort to being as arsehole just because your weather isn't very good.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by daaskapital
reply to post by ballisticmousse

Our government used to be alright, but once our current PM staged a coup d'etat on our former PM, it went to #. She can't do anything useful.

"First Woman Prime minister" and the last by the looks of it.
edit on 27-1-2012 by Indenu because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by Indenu

Agree there mate. I don't think any Australia will trust another woman as PM, not for at least 100 years

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 12:28 AM
The protest at the restaurant was actually against the leader of the opposition, Tony Abbott, wasn't it?

because he'd dared to say that it was time to move on or something like that??

It is also important to remember that Aussie Aborigines have been a sub-class for the better part of 200 years & mostly despised by Europeans after an initial "honeymoon" period - they were actively hunted, and only got the partial right to vote in 1949, the unqualified right to vote in the 1960's - and it was ILLEGAL to encourage them to get onto the electoral roll until 1983!

And they were only counted in the census and for distribution of political boundaries from 1967.

Plus of course they have a "Stolen generations" issue - kids being forcibly removed from aboriginal parents right up to the 1970's.

So IMO they have plenty to still be pissed off about!

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 12:37 AM
those of you who havent seen the gillard security scare earlier here it is.

edit on 27-1-2012 by jazzguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by Aloysius the Gaul
The protest at the restaurant was actually against the leader of the opposition, Tony Abbott, wasn't it?

because he'd dared to say that it was time to move on or something like that??

It is also important to remember that Aussie Aborigines have been a sub-class for the better part of 200 years & mostly despised by Europeans after an initial "honeymoon" period - they were actively hunted, and only got the partial right to vote in 1949, the unqualified right to vote in the 1960's - and it was ILLEGAL to encourage them to get onto the electoral roll until 1983!

And they were only counted in the census and for distribution of political boundaries from 1967.

Plus of course they have a "Stolen generations" issue - kids being forcibly removed from aboriginal parents right up to the 1970's.

So IMO they have plenty to still be pissed off about!

The original riots was about Abbot, however they ended up after Gillard too. The Indigenous protestors spun his words around to make him sound bad for their own agenda. As for the history, yeah, there is heaps to be angry about, but that's what Abbot said, all Australians (Aborigines and Whites) should put in the past and live together in peace.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by ballisticmousse

Don't try and take the moral high ground here mate, Canadians history of forced integration of native Canadians is well lot are no better.

I will admit to having very little knowledge of what the current events of native Canadians is right now, but it sounds like you are an expert on Canadian AND Australian Aborigines.

Care to share more of your insights?

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 12:52 AM
Things are pretty bad for Natives in Canada, and they are invariably drunk with little motivation, but the Government is doing SOMETHING and does now try to listen and is not just dismissive. ANd there have been changes in the past giving hope. For instance, they cleaved North-West Territories into tow, with the new Nunavut being almost solidly native and hence being, in effect, a self-governing territory.

Has the Australian Government ever listened? Nope. How long has the AUstralian PM sat down to listen to them. Zero seconds. Has it created a new terrritory, such as "Central Territory" in the middle of the outback. Nope.

The Canadian lesson... if people have no opportunity to express their opinions, no matter how stupid, they will see no other avenue but violence.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 12:55 AM
As an Australian It's well in the past for me, so far in the past I wasn't born! However without ever living amongst them as I have (Kununurra WA 5 YEARS) You will never ever know the real reasons behind all this.

I could not believe my eyes.

It has gone well beyond stolen generation even though some actually still live in Wyndham.

I don't even want to get started and open this can of worms through fear of being branded a rascist (I am not)

But believe me I have seen things on a 24/7 scale you could never imagine..........ever.

The past stays in the past, Abbot is right (I don't like him but....) It's just the small minded, greedy, mouthy, rent a crowed do gooders who know f***all about what really goes on above the parallel in WA/NT that don't have a clue and just think of LAND and DOLLARS that cause a problem.

Waiting for the flames, but hey I don't care, I've been there done that and got the t-shirt

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by CaptainBeno

I lived in Fitzroy Crossing for a year and yes it opened my eyes.

Had a friend who worked in the hospital there and the stories she told me were often horrific.

And you're right, the do gooders haven't a clue, the majority don't even respect their own culture, its a about getting pissed, fighting other tribes and sleeping.

Kids had to steal money from their parents just to eat!

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by CaptainBeno
As an Australian It's well in the past for me, so far in the past I wasn't born! However without ever living amongst them as I have (Kununurra WA 5 YEARS) You will never ever know the real reasons behind all this.

I could not believe my eyes.

It has gone well beyond stolen generation even though some actually still live in Wyndham.

I don't even want to get started and open this can of worms through fear of being branded a rascist (I am not)

But believe me I have seen things on a 24/7 scale you could never imagine..........ever.

The past stays in the past, Abbot is right (I don't like him but....) It's just the small minded, greedy, mouthy, rent a crowed do gooders who know f***all about what really goes on above the parallel in WA/NT that don't have a clue and just think of LAND and DOLLARS that cause a problem.

Waiting for the flames, but hey I don't care, I've been there done that and got the t-shirt

It's funny, but that is just the sort of thing that people like Nazi war criminals say, "Well, its all in the past"

The aboriginal course in life has been invariably changed by actions in the past, mostly not of their doing. To ignore this is to court catastrophy.

In the 1960's, a Radio station in Sydney heard how thousands of aboriginals were lving in absolute povety and starvation. So the DJ spent all day putting out an appeal for help. At the close of the day, total donations totaled 8 second hand mattresses that someone had given. To the Aussies, they behave as if the aboriginals all dropped dead in the street tomorrow, the only issue to them would be how to sweep up the bodies.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

Yep agreed. You will know more than anyone. As I stated, I'm gonna be real careful about what I say, but you know.

You statements are so right.........and more. Horrific.

It saddend me that a race of people could live like this. Money and land is not the problem.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by ballisticmousse

It's funny, but that is just the sort of thing that people like Nazi war criminals say, "Well, its all in the past"

What?! Classing me in the same boat as a Nazi war criminal. Jesus Christ! That is low. Can you please state your involvement with these people, unless you have been and lived you have no idea what you are talking about.

Shame on you man. You don't even know my involvement?

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 01:18 AM
The behaviour displayed by these people is a disgrace. The hypocrisy and double standards are clear to see for anybody with open eyes and ears.

Another link to story

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by ballisticmousse

Do you even know what's happening in Australia? Aborigines are treated equally now. They recieve benefits from the government as compensation. You my friend are living in the past. Get over it. Everyone in Australia is treated equally.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by ballisticmousse

Originally posted by CaptainBeno
As an Australian It's well in the past for me, so far in the past I wasn't born!

It's funny, but that is just the sort of thing that people like Nazi war criminals say, "Well, its all in the past"

The aboriginal course in life has been invariably changed by actions in the past, mostly not of their doing. To ignore this is to court catastrophy.

Not by our 'doing' either matey. That's why what happened is in the past and best left there so we can move on somehow and try to fix it.

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