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Prophecy 101

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posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 11:48 PM
I am going to divulge information that i probably should not. Wether or not i am believed doesn't matter. What i say is in direct relevance to prophecy in the book of Daniel and Revelation.

Some folks read verses in prophecy and read the prophets talking about seas and winds and beasts and they think "huh? what a load of crap" and they totally disregard the text. i will say that i have always been drawn to prophecy, ever since i was a young boy. This thread is really more for those who wish to delve into the prophecies a little more deeply to try and garner a little more understanding of the text.

In regards to prophecy, the word "Seas" relates to peoples, multitudes and languages. The word "Wind(s)" relates to war(s) while the Beast(s) relates to kingdoms, nations, political systems (governments).
Many people often see the word "Beast" in revelation and automatically jump to think it is the Anti-Christ which is a false presumption. When prophecy speaks about Women it is speaking about religious beliefs or faiths and Days are actually refering to days as 1 day in prophetic language equals 1 year.

Ofcourse you would have to be a believer to make any sense out of` what you read but, there it is for those who have "eyes to see and ears to hear".
edit on 26-1-2012 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

edit on 1/28/2012 by benevolent tyrant because: Mod Edit.... Capitalization in Thread Title

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Very interesting and well put...I admire courage

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Dear lonewolf19792000,

I have no idea why you think you shouldn't post such a thought, I have read such interpretations before. There are others that believe as you do. As for me, I always hated end times prophesy, Revelations is soooo symbolic and you really have to go back and trace the symbolism from the old testament to get close. I always tell new Christian to save Revelations for last and focus on faith and their hearts; but, I am considering giving some sermons on it and will have to go back and study again. Thanks, your post is making me think about doing just that. There was a preacher on the radio named J. Vernon McGee that gave a great series on Revelations, very sound and kind man. Peace.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
I am going to divulge information that i probably should not. Wether or not i am believed doesn't matter. What i say is in direct relevance to prophecy in the book of Daniel and Revelation.

Some folks read verses in prophecy and read the prophets talking about seas and winds and beasts and they think "huh? what a load of crap" and they totally disregard the text. i will say that i have always been drawn to prophecy, ever since i was a young boy. This thread is really more for those who wish to delve into the prophecies a little more deeply to try and garner a little more understanding of the text.

In regards to prophecy, the word "Seas" relates to peoples, multitudes and languages. The word "Wind(s)" relates to war(s) while the Beast(s) relates to kingdoms, nations, political systems (governments).
Many people often see the word "Beast" in revelation and automatically jump to think it is the Anti-Christ which is a false presumption. When prophecy speaks about Women it is speaking about religious beliefs or faiths and Days are actually refering to days as 1 day in prophetic language equals 1 year.

Ofcourse you would have to be a believer to make any sense out of` what you read but, there it is for those who have "eyes to see and ears to hear".
edit on 26-1-2012 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)


1. I would suggest that the word 'Wind(s)' relate to change, which yes, implies War being the strongest means of change.

2. 'Women', is to represent the basis, or fundamental basis for religious doctrines. But this is not directly what is being referenced, it's more of a reference to the 'Truth' that is behind the texts, void of any translation, explanation, or meaning in which man creates from it.

3. Whore, when this word is used, it is to represent said 'Women' AFTER mans interpretation. It is to represent the dogmas, the Heretics, and the over all misrepresentations and actions that may result from these things when placed into action.

4. I will agree with you interpretation of the Beast for the most part, but in order to truly address that notion, I would need specific scripture in which you would like to discuss. For it has a transcendent meaning as well, when applied to the psychology and sociology of man.

5. As far as the 1 day representing 1 year, I believe is false, and is actually to represent a integer of time in which can be described by the relation between Mass and Time itself, as well as being relative to certain astrological markers.
For further explanation of these, search for Joseph Smith(founder of Mormon church), and his interpretations in regards to the pyramids, the cubit, and the measure of space and time itself.

If there's anything in particular that you would like to discuss, let me know. I will try my best to keep up with the thread, but if I'm absent for an extended period of time, go ahead and private message me, and I will respond ASAP.

This is definitely spent much time researching, and pondering. Although I can't recite anything from the books, except for the common stuff, I'm fairly well acquainted with the entire body of texts. I've tried multiple times to participate in, in-depth conversations about the topic, but haven't been successful yet. I've had a lot of run-ins with trolls and what not, and often find myself explaining off-topic points, especially those that question if the texts should be taken as any value in the first place.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

All very good points.

But when the word "Man" is used, does that refer to humanity or the male species?

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by TDawgRex
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

All very good points.

But when the word "Man" is used, does that refer to humanity or the male species?

I would suggest that it is primarily to represent humanity, but this is dependent on which passage you are referencing and the context it can be found in.

There are times in which 'Man' isn't to represent Humanity or the Male species, although I had only found this once or twice, in Job, if I remember correctly.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 04:45 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

While agreeing that prophecy is full of symbols, I would want to add that the symbolism can be a little more complex than this (Prophecy 102?).

Seas; Yes, a comment in Revelation ch17 identifies them with peoples. But I think there's also value in another explanation I've seen (and employed), which traces the usage in Revelation back to the Creation account in Genesis. There the sea is the residue of the original "abyss of waters", which makes it an appropriate symbol for the source of evil. Hence we are told in ch21 that there is "no more sea", not meaning that there will be no more people, but that the source of evil will have dried up.

Winds; Sometimes the four winds are simply the four directions, ie everywhere- "They will gather his elect from the four winds", Matthew ch24 v31. At other times they are the destructive forces sent by God, as in Revelation ch7 v1 where they are put under restraint. But I think the winds which are restrained in ch7 represent all the destructive forces of ch6 (finally released again in ch8) and not just the wars.

Beasts; The "Beast from the sea" is a deliberate echo of the beasts which arise from the sea in Daniel ch7, and we;re told that they represent kingdoms. So, yes, the Beast from the sea must represent a kingdom. I don't think this stops "the Beast from the Land" from being an individual (perhaps the man at the head of the kingdom).

Women; Perhaps we can say that they represent worshipping communities. Many times in the Old Testament, God's people are represented as a woman, the "wife" of their God (sometimes an unfaithful wife). Also Babylon is depicted as a woman. The "woman seen in heaven" in Revelation ch12 represents the "faithful" version of God's people (you may guess that I'm not a Catholic). The Harlot of ch17 combines hostile Babylon with the "unfaithful" version of God;s people. She is a complex figure, and I wrote five different threads on her when I covered the book.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

the question that has allways been on my mind about prophecies , is why if these prophecies are meant to warn people of things or times to come , why are they so cryptic ? .

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by tom.farnhill

I suggest that the prophecies were much less cryptic to the original readers than they are to us, because they would be familiar with the imagery (most of it coming from the Old Testament). They would read the symbolism with as much ease as we read the symbolism of political cartoons.. For us, it's just a question of re-learning the language.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 05:58 AM

Originally posted by AQuestion
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Dear lonewolf19792000,

I have no idea why you think you shouldn't post such a thought, I have read such interpretations before. There are others that believe as you do. As for me, I always hated end times prophesy, Revelations is soooo symbolic and you really have to go back and trace the symbolism from the old testament to get close. I always tell new Christian to save Revelations for last and focus on faith and their hearts; but, I am considering giving some sermons on it and will have to go back and study again. Thanks, your post is making me think about doing just that. There was a preacher on the radio named J. Vernon McGee that gave a great series on Revelations, very sound and kind man. Peace.

The keys to Revelation lie in Daniel, as both books were made for eachother. I like to think of Revelation as Daniel part 2 because it basically is. Revelation is just the book of Daniel cycling back around. All thoughout the bible there are repeating patterns. Take the days of Noah for example where wickedness washed over the entire earth and all sorts of blasphemies occured. The days of Noah cycled back around at Sodom and Gomorah, and then again in Israel with Ahab and Jezebel's Ba'al worship and the murdering of anyone who was still loyal to the LORD (Ba'al is just one of Lucifer's many names). So one major repeating pattern in biblical history are the days of Noah and everytime they cycle back around it gets increasingly worse. There are other repeating patterns but i don't have the time to delve into those i'm about to head off to work

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by tom.farnhill
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

the question that has allways been on my mind about prophecies , is why if these prophecies are meant to warn people of things or times to come , why are they so cryptic ? .

Pretty much what Disraeli said below. Our times have shifted so far beyond the words and meanings that we don't understand when in the ancient times they knew exactly what that symbolism meant. This is because Lucifer doesn't want us to know whats happening so over the course of time he changed the world so much that the future generations would look at the bible and say "what a bunch of gobbledygook and fairy tales" and not bother with trying to find out the messages the ancients left for us.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 12:12 PM
The Bible has some pretty neat prophecies.....i wonder of the christian people take any note of other prophecy?
The Hopi for instance, have some.....also they claim to still have their ten commandment stones or tablets,having preserved them through the ages.
Prophecies of many different non christian peoples have their corelations with biblical prophecy as well as their the christian accept any non biblical prophecy?
Say Nostradamus? or other?
Does it occur to anyone that such prophecies may be the result of forms of remote viewing?
jst asking

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by stirling

Christians accept Biblical prophecy on the grounds that it comes direct from the Biblical God.
This would not apply to the prophecies found in other religions, so they would see no reason to take notice of them.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 03:46 PM
Not all prophecy is a year for a day, the last and furthest reaching was the 2300 evening mornigs of Dan. 8:, then we go on into Dan 9: and find the 70 weeks of yrs is "determined" taken off and is the prophecy that Jesus died in the middle of that 70'th week of years. The 2300 then goes on 1810 years further down in time.

Any after that are literal time. Why? Not enough time left to be in years.

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