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I'm new and I need your help!

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posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 03:34 PM
I am a writer working on a fiction piece and I need some of the funnier and more creative conspiracy ideas you guys have heard. I'm looking for something that is so outlandish it has to be true...but I'm also looking for something that is grounded enough in reality that people will buy it.
For example: the atkins diet is just a scam created by the cattle industry to get people to buy more meat.
I need ideas like that. They can be government conspiracies or just plain weird phenomena.
Feel free to e-mail any ideas you have to me at [email protected]. Thanks in advance for all your help.


posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 03:36 PM
hi and welcome to ATS/BTS

I'm sure there will be lots of people here who can help you

u2u if you need any help using ATS/BTS

have fun

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 03:43 PM
Welcome Aboard!

Did you know, that AboveTopSecret is a just scam created to make people think there are conspiracies?, I can't back that up.

But I'm sure plenty of other people here can help you out with that stuff. In the meantime, check out my handbook for some links to start learning your way around.

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 03:45 PM
Ever hear of the Resolutionists?

Welcome to ATS and BTS.

For answers to FAQs simply hit the link in my signature.

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 03:48 PM
Welcome to ATS. We have many excellent writers here as well. Perhaps you will share some work with us. See ya.

Zedd, that avatar is so IT!

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 03:56 PM
welcome to ATS, there are plenty of topics that are, how can I say this without being warned.... far fetched to say the least

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 04:00 PM
You may be interested in Operation Mockingbird:

In 1952, at MCA, Actors' Guild president Ronald Reagan - a screen idol
recruited by MOCKINGBIRD's Crusade for Freedom to raise funds for the
resettlement of Nazis in the U.S., according to Loftus - signed a
secret waiver of the conflict-of-interest rule with the mob-controlled
studio, in effect granting it a labor monopoly on early television
programming. In exchange, MCA made Reagan a part owner. Furthermore,
historian C. Vann Woodward, writing in the New York Times, in 1987,
reported that Reagan had "fed the names of suspect people in his
organization to the FBI secretly and regularly enough to be assigned
'an informer's code number, T-10.' His FBI file indicates intense
collaboration with producers to 'purge' the industry of subversives."

No one ever turned a suspicious eye on Walter Cronkite, a former
intelligence officer and in the immediate postwar period UPI's Moscow
correspondent. Cronkite was lured to CBS by Operation MOCKINGBIRD's
Phil Graham, according to Deborah Davis.

I believe this Operation is legit but it does sound far fetched.

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 05:34 PM
hi and welcome to ATS paoconno,

feel free to ask me any questions
just send me a u2u

have fun enjoy cya around

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 05:36 PM
hey paoconno welcome to ATS

hope you enjoy your stay here and have fun, and a writer too, hope to read some of your stuff

if you need any help feel free to u2u me,

happy posting


posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 11:42 PM
here's a trip for you. Cabbramatta an outer suberb of sydney used to be somewhere you would take the family on the weekend to check out the open air markets where you could buy exotic foods, fabrics, and alot of imported goods that you could not buy anywhere else in sydney.
This was mainly due to the vietnamese population in the area.It was also known high grade herroin could be bought there but it was only a few who had the contacts out there.
until it was anounced in 1992 sydney was to host the 2000 olympic games. over the next 8 years the availability of heroin in cabbramatta got to the point where pepole would be yelling at you as you got of the train "HEY BUDDY HEY BUDDY HOW MANY YOU WANT!!!" refering to the deals of heroin in their mouths worth $30AUS.
as time went by it got worse & worse the amount of police patroling the place was unbelievable they even put cammeras all over the entire business district and it still didn't stop the dealing.
The closer the games got the cheaper the drugs became. E.G:1 gram is usually around $400-$600AUS just before the olympics you could get it for as little as $250-$300 a gram, even the small street deals droped to $15-$20 instead of the usual $30.
Apon the games comming to town it was put to a stop almost strait away.
Police were given powers to arrest pepole who did not have i.d. proving they lived in the area or if they could not prove they had a decent reason for being there they would be arrested & quite often charged with conspiracy to buy an illeagal substance. (that is law still around today)
Now the commonweath games are comming to melbourne and what a surprise to find inner melbourne in the grip of a major herroin problem.
I can almost garrentee that when the games come to melbourne this problem will go away just like it did when the games come to sydney. there was a well documented herroin drought in australia and it can all be traced back to what happened in sydney. Herroin addicts couldn't get herrion so alot of rehabs were seeing alot of pepole using things like morphine & other synthetic opiates so the herroin shortage was well documented.
do some research on this you will be blown away & keep an eye on melbourne and watch the problem go away when the games come.
i don't support the use of drugs but i feel it's wrong for a government to sell an illness!!!

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 08:25 AM
Welcome and enjoy your stay here at the great ATS!

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