posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 08:31 PM
I have been pondering this for a while.
Most of us here are worrying about not just the state of the UK economy, but financial collapse throughout the world.
Another 'worry' on this years agenda is the possibility of WW3.
Then we have the ever increasing infringments rapidly leaching into our freedoms and liberties.
We could add to the list some sort of cataclysmic act of nature.
Add to that the looming food shortages.
To finish off we'll add the UFO/Alien scenario too.
My main one is probably the economy and the lack of food and fuel that will follow in its wake.
So are we worrying over nothing?
David Icke is constantly warning us of our enslavement into the elites insiduous population reduction plans. He joins all the dots and makes it all
sound so plausible, especially as we can see with our own eyes many things he has been saying all these years, never wavering from his message years
ago. Just seems to be adding "told you so" to his lectures.
So why does this man book the Wembley Arena, with the capacity to hold the biggest audience in the UK on October 27th this year?
So does it mean non of the above I have listed are not going to happen before then? Can we all take a breather? Or being a conspiracy site....have we
missed something? Because if any of the above happen to send the world into the turmoil that is supposed to bring about a rise in our consciousness,
then I can see David lecturing to an empty stadium.
Just asking