posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 01:09 PM
Originally posted by PassedKarma
So do I stop trying? Do I just live a sedentary lifestyle? Something that has always driven me crazy about other people? When will I be content and
happy with where I am at in life? When will I feel as though I have finally chosen the right path? When will my soul feel at rest?
I would think those are very relevant and important questions to most humans here. Perhaps not in the same context, specifically, but overall those
are really the "tough" questions. Obviously, no one can answer them but you. Essentially, they are between you and God (in the context of your
beliefs). For some, they feel as though they are on the right path when they decide to change how they look at the path itself.
But what? I have no idea. I just want to find peace. And happiness. And joy. Not for minutes here and there. I want it to last.
It is choosing peace in the ups AND downs that we find such things. May not be what we want to hear, or what you want to hear from me, but it is what
it is. Instead of being taken for a ride, we are the stable center which experiences both things. We would not be able to experience joy,
all, if it were not for sadness. But both are experiences. For me, which may or may not apply to anyone else, it was all about accepting that
not everything is "enjoyable" no matter what path I am on..
and thats ok. Its not easy to choose such a thing, but neither is this
experience we call life. Even when the "right" path is chosen, there will still be trials and tribulations. So, I see that when we choose
how to walk the path, is when we choose "correctly." The path itself, for the most part, is already made before our feet fall on it (just
like a trail in a national forest).
What are YOU here for? Have YOU found true happiness? And in what?
2) Absolutely. 3) Acceptance, then Growth. I only speak for myself.