posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by Manhater
Yes you cant do an "inplace-upgrade" to a lower version of windows than you already have. So if you choose 'upgrade' during the windows install it
will throw an error.
But you can install windows 7 professional if you want to.
You can do a clean install with a lower version but this would wipe all your windows settings and your installed programs. To do this choose you would
have to delete the existing partitions on the hard drive during the install. Then when you have deleted the partitions choose 'custom install' and
then just proceed with the windows install.
You could use Windows Easy Transfer to save your settings on a spare drive , usb key or dvd and then do a clean install with windows 7 professional
and then transfer the setting to the new version. But this method would not transfer any of your installed programs.
Buying a new key for the existing Ultimate version you already have is a good option if you want to keep all your installed programs and windows
setting exactly as they are.
edit on 27-1-2012 by PhoenixOD because: (no reason given)