posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 01:39 PM
This is great, I especially like the commentary's
These dudes sound like they used to hang together or something
The first video is not great, it looks like it could have been the dreaded Chinese lanterns
The second, again I was not ruling lanterns out, but the formation did interest me, like a half pentagon shape formation .
But video number 3. .... is pure quality in my opinion, I was looking for unusual movements, possible lanterns burning out and lights going out,
which they kind of did, until more appeared . .out of nowhere.
It looks quite a lot like the "leapfrog" movement genuine UFO orbs are sometimes filmed doing.
And if you watch that third vid closely, you see just that, and they pop up out of nowhere, or it looks like some of the objects are splitting into
two separate objects!
Another known UFO related phenomenon
I am saying genuine, well done for finding these op