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What if Martial Law is Declared and Gov. Contractors Show up In place of Military?

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posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by NightGypsy

The reason I believe they will be less loyal is due to their paychecks. Money is the root of all evils. Also coming from the military and knowing the usual type to join the contracting firms, let's just say that the majority of those(not all) people are just as self interested as the politicians and bankers. They just want money and readily abandon the military for financial reasons. My best use of a descriptive term would be that they are sell-outs. Thanks

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by sweetnlow

I would also feel that it is an attack on my personal sovereignty due to the fact that I live in the country and grow most of my own food and therefore can sustain without government involvement for a long time. heck probably forever. Thanks for your input.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by vogon42

Yeah I'm in the process of getting all my gear together just in case. It's never a bad thing to be prepared for the worst. Thanks.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by usmc0311
What would you do if martial law was declared and government contractors showed up in place of the Military?

Shoot them. Then patch them up for a price.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by insaan

Lol, please tell me your kidding? Please tell me you actually do have a little bit of a backbone and wouldn't lay there like a little ***** and let them do this? If the situation comes with people attacking my household.. I am okay with dying, but I PROMISE I will make sure I take out as maaaaaaannnny of them as I possibly can. You are the kind that lets the downfall happen and walks around with your cozy NWO blanket at the end of the deal as long as your "okay".

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 04:01 PM
hmmm.. a definite reality for sure..

However, it's about survivability, think about it. I'm not going to post here what I think or what I will do because this forum is being monitored.

All the comments of "I'll shot them where they stand.. blah blah blah " .. being patriotic isn't a issue in USA, it's sever lack intelligence in the art of war in the civilian sector ..

IDF & NATO forces don't care who they fight in any country, because it's not their country..

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 04:04 PM
Do you know how many IEDs are going to get placed in and around where those contractors live?

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by Komodo

The way I see it, they'd probably get me no matter what
. I'm probably the least patriotic person you know, but I don't like bs. My tattoo's alone would get me in trouble in this time.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 04:07 PM
If/when Martial Law is Declared,

How would the U.S. Coast Guard be used ?

I think they actually have police authority on U.S. soil.

They could also attach "contractors" to their units too maybe ?

What about a U.N. role if Martial Law is Declared in the U.S.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by AnIntellectualRedneck

You do realize that you just got your name put on a list for that post, eh? Not very intelligent for someone with a handle like yours.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 04:14 PM
to be honest I dont think it could happen that way ..because
1. behind every blade of grass there is a gun in america
thats the reason we haven't been invaded
2. Americans as a mob could overcome anything a private military could muscle
street wars dont make for good battle grounds reason wars in middle east have lasted so long
3. We would all die for country or die protecting it especially from a domestic terrorist
when our back is against the wall we will do the unthinkable to protect ourselves ( hiroshima nagasaki )
not that citizens have atom bomb just saying we have a breaking point when rules of war no longer apply

The only way they would be able to do martial law is if we agree to it through fear
1. Outbreak
we would be at the will of the government neighbors would turn on each other and no one would care in the sick were put in camps because your life and the life of your family would be at stake
If its gonna happen it will be this ...

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 04:16 PM
Well, when I enlisted they had me swear an oath. serve and defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

They asked me to swear the oath.

I took the oath for REAL.

If martial law is declared, I will still stand by the oath I swore.

YOU ( you meaning the government) asked, I answered, and I am a man who stands behind his word.
edit on 26-1-2012 by vogon42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by Komodo

I honestly am not worried about posting on here. I long ago accepted the fact that anything I (or anyone else for that matter)do on my computer can be and probably is monitored so I just gave up caring. If the government wants to come after us I say bring it on. This revolution has to start somehow. If it has to start with the GOV sending out tactical snatch teams to take away everyone who says stuff like we do, then let's go. I sure would'nt want to kick down the door of someone like myself. We must stop being afraid of these bullies or this will only continue. Anyway Thanks.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 05:08 PM
Hmmm... Where would they get all these soldiers?

Maybe they finally got "Die Glocke" working. That sure would help with the creation of soldiers (if its actually capable) and sure would explain A LOT of things.

Just a thought. A far out one lol but just a thought.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

I know right. Ive been thinking all along how many persons there are out their with extensive IED experience. I would not advise them due to collateral damage. If it came to us protecting our homes and communities we wouldn't want to be blowing up our roads and such. But I'm sure it would happen somewhere. Good thought to bring up thanks.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by leawyoming
to be honest I dont think it could happen that way ..because
1. behind every blade of grass there is a gun in America
that's the reason we haven't been invaded
2. Americans as a mob could overcome anything a private military could muscle
street wars don't make for good battle grounds reason wars in middle east have lasted so long
3. We would all die for country or die protecting it especially from a domestic terrorist
when our back is against the wall we will do the unthinkable to protect ourselves ( hiroshima nagasaki )
not that citizens have atom bomb just saying we have a breaking point when rules of war no longer apply

The only way they would be able to do martial law is if we agree to it through fear
1. Outbreak
we would be at the will of the government neighbors would turn on each other and no one would care in the sick were put in camps because your life and the life of your family would be at stake
If its gonna happen it will be this ...

1. behind every blade of grass there is a gun in America that's the reason we haven't been invaded
This USED to be the idea.. however a gun w/o ammo is useless...current events are such and have been for a while that the Gov is limiting the amount of ammo one needs to have per household, also, from a personal source, if you make your own ammo, the powder you need is being also limited..

Americans as a mob could overcome anything a private military could muscle
hmmmmm....the technology always has the upper hand.. might want to rethink this statement.. remember your deal with unlimited amount of cash.. and secret budget projects used on civilians.. remember, it's martial law.. ANYTHING goes.. the rules of engagement are zero!

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by usmc0311

Semper Fi! (I was in 3/3 K, 1/3 A and 2/9 E)

That's a good question to ask and ponder. I'm out now, but if I was still in, I would definitely TRY to make it back to my loved ones. I'm sure at least 70% or more of my fellow Marines would try the same. As for theories....I THINK Operation Garden Plot has probably been updated to include all sorts of non lethal devices and such. Either way if they used contractors to try to enforce that kind of b.s. , they going to get heavy resistance from myself and quite a few others. I'd like to talk more about this and I've probably said more than I should but I'll be damned if I hide my beliefs about fighting domestic enemies. I'll return to this post, but for now I have to get my butt to class and fail in math.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by usmc0311
reply to post by Komodo

I honestly am not worried about posting on here. I long ago accepted the fact that anything I (or anyone else for that matter)do on my computer can be and probably is monitored so I just gave up caring. If the government wants to come after us I say bring it on. This revolution has to start somehow. If it has to start with the GOV sending out tactical snatch teams to take away everyone who says stuff like we do, then let's go. I sure wouldn't want to kick down the door of someone like myself. We must stop being afraid of these bullies or this will only continue. Anyway Thanks.

it's not about being afraid, it's about being smart ..

2nd to be sure

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

I believe the Coast Guard would increase their presence in The Great Lakes and Major river systems, as well as in the numerous Bays and Sounds along the coasts. My guess is that under martial law water travel would be highly regulated. They could also very well work paralell with with contractors as well as other branches of military I suppose. The U.N. I just don't know. I deffinitily don't se them coming as good though. Thanks for the input.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by leawyoming

I also think that if it happens it would have to follow a precurser act. An outbreak would be an excelent weapon. That is why I live in the sticks and have the option of going even further out if I have to. Good point to bring up thank you.

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