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I Love FEMA Camps!

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posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 03:03 AM
you know, it all seems respectable and what not until you realise just who exactly "the prisoners" are...
you, me, neighbour, hell even cop, fireman, ambulance driver, all possible in FEMA-land.

the worst part is it will seem all like a normal protocol for them because it will be the law.

I would say if it ever got this bad, we would be compelled to act, but act and you end up there ironically.

it's this bad.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by JibbyJedi

But how can an ad for military police and military prisons which are for military prisoners relate to citizens?

What part does FEMA play in it?

How are those activated FEMA camps in all 50 states going??

The round up must have begun by now, surely...why else would they be activated?

I'm pretty fluent in BS as I'm a semi pro poker player and worked with the American commoners directly for a couple decades now, I'm no Master by any means but I can speak fluently in twisted English.

These "appear" to be for military POW's in some aspect though they don't specify who the "prisoners" are exactly. Our foreign roles right now are not like this at all, so to assume this "humane" training applies to citizens with some kind of human Rights, which we don't seem to acknowledge overseas in the war zones.... meaning American civilians seem to be the likely recipients of this "hospitality".

How does FEMA play a role? FEMA is "Trump", if you ever played Pitch/ High-Low-Jack card games you'd be familiar with that term, when FEMA is activated, they are Trump over all. Federal trumps state laws, FEMA trumps all state laws, so...
FEMA's the boss....

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

They don't specify who the prisoners are but you think they must be citizens...

I'm convinced!

I hope it doesn't take a lifetime for you to realise you got it all wrong .

Or... I hope it doesn't take another big major disaster in the US before you finally see what a FEMA camp is actually for...

I don't know how people can live in such fear...what a waste!

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by JibbyJedi

They don't specify who the prisoners are but you think they must be citizens...

I'm convinced!

I hope it doesn't take a lifetime for you to realise you got it all wrong .

Or... I hope it doesn't take another big major disaster in the US before you finally see what a FEMA camp is actually for...

I don't know how people can live in such fear...what a waste!

When do they ever "specify" anything? Ask NASA all about specifying anything, they will tell you all about "maybe, probably, could be, possibly, might be, can be, seems like, etc..." They get their scripts from the same folks that will be writing for Romney once he's (s)elected.

Did you listen to the warm blanket vernacular used by them? Let's say worst case scenario... it's for ugly brown Iraqi's. Does that sound like a system of treatment you'd support, or question under extreme scrutiny greatly?

I wish I would realize I was wrong as soon as possible rather than wait a lifetime, I can dream, and that is to be very wrong.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 03:37 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

I hope it doesn't take another big major disaster in the US before you finally see what a FEMA camp is actually for...

I know exactly what FEMA camps are for.... Japanese Americans via WWII, "suspected" NDAA violators, "suspected" terrorists via PATRIOT Act, P2P file sharers, "suspected" domestic possible terrorists, the red stickers, and for returning veterans who "may" be suffering from anti-American government sentimentality.

edit on 26-1-2012 by JibbyJedi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

No, you're wrong FEMA had nothing to do with the Japanese internment camps, it didn't even exist then, stop with the lies, please.

This is what a real FEMA camp is:

Its not walk in a park but it is at least real, unlike the fear induced fantasy being dabbled in here.

edit on 26/1/12 by Chadwickus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 03:49 AM
Fairgrounds, racetracks, baseball stadiums, football stadiums, and other sports facilities, convention centers, and other commons areas have been used as prison camps all over the world, at least since the first world war.

This thread (not just the first page) is full of examples and other info that proves that fact, and hints that it very well could happen again, with a few cases of it happening right now...

"The sports facilities are the detention/relocation camps..."

Originally posted by JibbyJedi

Quotes from the ad:

"These MP's are combat support soldiers, trained to fight. Then, also trained as Internment Resettlement Specialists, to control and supervise detainees, to ensure their humane treatment, and to assist them in returning to a productive life..."

google "civilian inmate labor camps"

pull up an document...

then control+f ; camp

here are a few instances where the word camp is used, there's a lot more stuff in there worth reading

This new regulation dated 9 December 1997

- Provides Army policy and guidance for establishing civilian inmate labor
programs and civilian prison camps on Army installations.
- Discusses sources of Federal and State civilian inmate labor.

This regulation provides guidance for establishing and managing civilian inmate labor programs on Army installations. It provides guidance on establishing prison camps on Army installations. It addresses record keeping and reporting incidents related to the Civilian Inmate Labor Program and/or prison camp administration.

This regulation applies to the Active Army, the Army National Guard of the United States, and the U.S.
Army Reserve unless otherwise stated. During mobilization, the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management may modify chapters and policies contained in this regulation.

Chapter 3
Establishing Civilian Inmate Prison Camps on Army Installations, page 8
Policy statement • 3–1, page 8
Negotiating with correctional systems representatives to establish prison camps • 3–2, page 8
Governing criteria civilian inmate prison camps • 3–3, page 8
Governing provisions for operating civilian inmate prison camps on Army installations • 3–4, page 9
Procedures for establishing a civilian inmate prison camp on Army installations • 3–5, page 9
Interservice, interagency, or interdepartmental support agreements • 3–6, page 10

1–1. Purpose
This regulation provides Army policy and guidance for establishing civilian inmate labor programs and civilian prison camps on Army installations. Sources of civilian inmate labor are limited to on– and off–post Federal corrections facilities, State and/or local corrections facilities operating from on–post prison camps pursuant to leases under Section 2667, Title 10, United States Code (10 USC 2667), and off–post State corrections facilities participating in the demonstration project authorized under Section 1065, Public Law (PL) 103–337. Otherwise, State and/or local inmate labor from off–post corrections facilities is currently excluded from this program.

(1) Monitor media coverage on installation civilian inmate labor programs and civilian inmate prison camps on Army installations.

edit on 26-1-2012 by 1825114 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by JibbyJedi

No, you're wrong FEMA had nothing to do with the Japanese internment camps, it didn't even exist then, stop with the lies, please.

This is what a real FEMA camp is:

Its not walk in a park but it is at least real, unlike the fear induced fantasy being dabbled in here.

Of course FEMA wasn't around for the ridiculous WWII Japanese internments... FEMA is just the updated version of the FORCE that directed those actions at that time.

I threw up in my mouth at the Kathy Lee Gifford style buffer this thread you referred to portrayed. I didn't see any pictures of the people left to die in the stadium, or the ridiculous delay results of the Bush administration's "immediate" reaction to the crisis situation. This thread kind of seems like damage control. Did you hand select this particular thread for a specific reason pertaining to the efficiency of FEMA at the time?

Don't forget to mention this extremely important incident(s) of "police and national guard" going street by street..... and that infamous "No one will be able to be armed" statement. As I said before, FEMA is Trump.

These "camps" in these ads will go from summer vacations for the economically insecure, to FEMA holding facilities in a matter of a phone call.
edit on 26-1-2012 by JibbyJedi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

Well the fear mongering you are embracing started after FEMA royally stuffed up during Katrina.

Damned if they do, Damned if they don't it seems...being prepared for the next big disaster is cause for the conspiracy nuts to lose their shiz.

I don't get how you've so easily shrugged off a real proper FEMA camp...
Think I'll leave you to it, you clearly cant see the trees from the forest and more interested in spreading propaganda.

edit on 26/1/12 by Chadwickus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by JibbyJedi

Well the fear mongering you are embracing started after FEMA royally stuffed up during Katrina.

Damned if they do, Damned if they don't it seems...being prepared for the next big disaster is cause for the conspiracy nuts to lose their shiz.

I don't get how you've so easily shrugged off a real proper FEMA camp...
Think I'll leave you to it, you clearly cant see the trees from the forest and more interested in spreading propaganda.

I hate fear mongering, I am anti-Nibiru/ Elenin/ Doomsday, Sky Sounds promotion.

FEMA camps should be for what they say they are for... Federal "Emergency" Management.... in today's world, a grandmother who sets off a metal detector requires the TSA underwear pulled down pat down search! Please, defend those actions at the federal level... I will tear it down all day.

I am not shrugged off by a proper FEMA camp, but since they weren't used for the recent Black Friday or the Nike Jordan stampede sales.... I can;t see a proper use for them in any regards other than a total breakdown of society.

edit on 26-1-2012 by JibbyJedi because: tyop

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by Chadwickus

No, you're wrong FEMA had nothing to do with the Japanese internment camps, it didn't even exist then...

FEMA didn't exist at the time, but racetracks and fairgrounds and other seemingly innocuous places were turned into detention facilities.

Bringing it to modern times and FEMA, many many people who were trapped inside the superdome during katrina said it was a concentration camp. If anyone doesn't know how FEMA was responsible for that atrocity, you need to do some research

August 31 2005

From WWL-TV's

"4:21 P.M. - WWL-TV Reporter quotes officials as saying there may now be 60,000 people in the Superdome and that more people are still being urged to go there."

Official spokesmen are now denying the numerous reports this morning from National Guardsmen and others that New Orleans is under martial law. But that is exactly what New Orleans and southeast Louisiana are under as the governor demands the entire city be evacuated...

Numerous media reports indicate that refugees are not allowed to leave the Superdome. The Superdome is now a prison. Tens of thousands of Americans, trapped in a 21st-century FEMA concentration camp.

"Martial Law Can Happen New Orleans Got Iraqed "

this example is more on the benign side, but the point still stands

BILOXI, Miss. -- Even in the mind-numbing heat that defines summers in Mississippi, boys and girls still eagerly take to the field to play America's pastime. A softball field at the Rudy Moran Sports Complex in D'Iberville, named in honor of a former county employee, will be open for business within a week and local high school softball teams can hardly wait.

The softball field was used as an emergency temporary housing site for nearly 40 families after Katrina. Two years later, the trailers are gone and teams are gearing up to play again...

...The parks and recreation director receives regular help from Jerry Harper, a FEMA contractor monitor...

..."We understand housing people is more important than sports. And all of our leagues have been great about working with each other knowing FEMA trailers were still out here,"...

Eight of the 12 closed parks that temporarily housed more than 600 families across the Gulf Coast have been remediated and returned to their local communities.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 04:48 AM
So many well thought out replies, thank you for your participation here. Star & Flag the thread if you feel it is worthy of trash or Hoax bin eligibility!

In all seriousness, there are those of us who see reality for what it is and portrayed to be, and there are those of us who see reality for what they want it to be.... unless they are hit with a ton of bricks, you are wasting your tine with those people. They will wake up after it's way too late, and then ponder what the Jews & Japanese were thinking prior to their incarceration.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 04:59 AM
reply to post by 1825114

Are they still being held there?


What's the problem then? Until people are being held in the sports grounds indefinitely, you're jumping at shadows imho.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 05:10 AM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by 1825114

Are they still being held there?


What's the problem then? Until people are being held in the sports grounds indefinitely, you're jumping at shadows imho.

In my opinion, you're being ignorant. Katrina is just one instance.

Look at the thread I linked to, then look at all the sports facilities from different eras and different places (including in the US during ww2), and look at the durations that people were held. 30 days is a very common average.

In afghanistan, stadiums were death camps. In chile you could say they were used as death camps. Right now in syria and libya you can bet for sure people have been/are being killed in the stadiums they're being held in. Those aren't the only places, and in most cases they're used as temporary holding facilities or collecting points, from which people are shipped to wherever's next.

That's not my opinion that could be wrong, that's a short crappy summary of historic fact... a little more substantial than "shadows"

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