I haven't been on ATS all that long, but I have noticed a change or shift in the way I present information, that's for sure.
In the beginning of my contributing to ATS, I proposed more questions to try and get a conversation started. I now know that this is a very useful,
but tricky way in trying to bring forth a conversation in which I was trying to direct. Often, the conversation became sidetracked, steering away from
the original intent of the thread.
Next, I noticed that there are key issues, that if presented in an ignorant fashion will bring out the true colors of those who chose to reply.
Big Bang not in Creation Stories
Ron Paul blasts TSA’s “sinister” military-style crackdown on U.S. highways
Propagandist, Subliminal Messages in Todays Music?
Paul says coverage of his campaign 'distorted', WHAT?!?!
Check out 'Paul says coverage of his campaign 'distorted', WHAT?!?!', perfect example of this... Although some caught on right away, it's obvious
that sarcasm goes right over the heads of many people that contribute to ATS.
From what I've learned, I now take a more direct way of presenting information. I used to go through the trouble of providing endless links and
information to back up my stance or reasoning as it pertains to my thoughts and feelings on certain topics, but after reading many of the replies,
it's obvious that very few actually read them. You have to provide a quote from the source to actually get people to read them. Or at least explain
what link provides in full detail(front to back) for them to be utilized.
I'm done presenting multiple links to provide sustenance, rather, now I just post what I think and why with out sources. If someone wants to debate
or challenge anything I have to say, that's when I will unleash a relentless attack of links and sources that either reiterate my point or provide
further explanation of how I came to said understanding which lead to the comment in the first place.
I have a tendency to beat a dead horse, even the horse that no one cares about... hence^^^^^^ LOL
Prime example of this...
my explanation of the Windows Logo, and it's meaning, talk about a dead horse... anyways back to your regular scheduled programming....