If we were so worried about iran having nukes, then why didn't we do something about it 15 years ago? Or is this more about imposing sanctions on a
scapegoat? Now because of sanctions, India, China and Russia will buy oil from iran with gold, NOT the american dollar.
Gold for Oil
The New York Times ran an article back in January 1995 saying that Iran may have nuclear weapons within 5 years if we don't act now.
Now they are saying the same thing -
The only reason we can simply "print more money", as said by Allen Greenspan, is because the US Dollar is the world reserve currency, the currency
used in the international market. Oil is bought primarily with the dollar. For now.
Now that Iran is such a big threat, because of their nuclear ambitions, we are imposing sanctions on them. Because India doesn't want to violate
this, they, along with China and Russia, and who knows else soon, will use gold instead of US Dollars. If the dollar is dumped, then it won't be
worth anything, and the dollar will collapse in a matter of days.
It is known that world banks want one currency worldwide. With one currency, it is easier to control the world. just like banks control countries now.
And with all of the other countries being in financial crisis, it is only a matter of time before the US collapsed as well.
I don't know what scares me more, The big conspiracy theories that our government is in a plot to cause global collapse and give complete power to
the banks and rebuild the world under one world government, or the possibility that our government really is just completely incompetent and is truly
run by idiots.... Is evil really any worse than idiocy?
Either a devious plot or or political incompetence, the end result is the same. If we don't stop, We are done.