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Flying Aussie flag on car 'more racist'

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posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 12:11 PM
*Incoming transmission*

"I am a Alien. I hate you all. Black, brown, white or yellow. Your all racist, and your all liars, neither of you have been or will ever be a superior race to anything. The more superior you think you are, the less superior your intellegance and logical reasoning is."

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by InfoKartel

Nice vague ignorant generalizations there...

A tiny percentage of Australian descendants are from convicts, the rest are immigrants that came here on their own free will.

Oh and we're decendants of Aboriginal killers too?

Another tiny percentage...but you knew that I'm sure, you're here to troll and you've failed.

Run along now

Exactly Chadwickus. I was going to point out that it is only a small percentage of Aussies are descended from convicts. And a lot of those convicts were convicted of stealing food to feed their family, not murder like some people immediately think.

Wow, didn't check how long this thread was. And here I am on page sixteen!

edit on 26-1-2012 by BoneMosaic because: where am I?

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by phatpackage

I don't understand why we as a species still have separate borders and spend billions of dollars on bombs and things that divide us.
edit on 26-1-2012 by Dystopiaphiliac because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by luccadeo
From an American: Go Aussie Pride!!!! Screw that one world liberal nonsense of racism.

The very idea that we allow ourselves to stereotype one another, positively -or- negatively based purely upon geographical location is both dumbfounding and ignorant. We should be celebrating our similarities, not our minor differences. Can we just erase these imaginary borders already and come together and celebrate human day or something?

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 02:40 PM
I have to agree with the OP.

I am Canadian, and have a similar story background in that sense. British came, saw, conqured.

But here we are, and we aren't destroyed by civil wars, religious wars between factions of the same faith, we have awesome sport, beautiful nature, so on and so forth.

What the hell is wrong with being nationalistic? Patriotism could go a long way in our 1st world nations. We are being told to bow and regret all our forefathers wars and our current lifestyles, and that we need to open our borders to allow anything and anyone to change everhting that was put in place by the afformentioned forerunners. I love hearing "USA, USA!" or "God save the Queen!" Even if its the Olympics or whathaveyou. Be proud of who you are and where you came from. My great-greats managed to stay alive in the barrenness of winter in Canada, the OP's great-greats didn't get maimed by the trillion things that could poison them in Austrailia.

Its good to be proud.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 03:08 PM
There are three hateful, race baiting politicians who have almost dragged Australia back to the 1950s.

John Howard - With his "Children Overboard" lies, Pauline Hanson - "Aborigines eat their own children" (Don't know where she picked up that story), and the current opposition leader Tony Abbott, who has been stirring the pot for a long time now.

The media never lets the truth get in the way of a good story and jumps all over their bigoted statements. There are two down (Howard and Hanson) and one to go - Abbott. When this clown is thrown out by his party, we Australians can proudly wave our flag again without the racist shame these fools have attached to it.
edit on 26-1-2012 by Pedro4077 because: I think yesterdays riot was out of order - Two wrongs don't make a right.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by glen200376

I'm sorry but to me there is but one race. The human race. I have no prejudice against someone due to their skin colour. I couldn't imagine being so shortsighted and ignorant as to hate people because of the colour of their skin, their religion or what ever petty differences we have. And to pass that cattle feces down to my kids is unthinkable. As for national pride. Party all you want and express the love you have for your country. It's only healthy and never mind the morronic behavior of those who only have pride in the hate they are trying to spread.


posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 03:27 PM
This one is for you Jace, Phatpackage and the like, those who make me so disappointed that I have to endure you living on the same landmass I do.

Ironman - Isn't pride one of the seven deadly sins?

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 04:41 PM

DRIVERS who fly Australian flags on their cars to celebrate Australia Day are "more racist" than people who do not, according to research from UWA. University of Western Australia sociologist and anthropologist Professor Farida Fozdar and a team of assistants surveyed 513 people at the Australia Day fireworks on Perth's Swan River foreshore last year to find out whether there was a link between car flag flying and racist attitudes, Perth Now reports.

Wait a minute, a profesor said this!? Makes me wonder how he became a professor in the first place.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 05:31 PM
I just find it quite frustrating that this professor of anthropology and sociology gets paid to perform studies on the correlation of bumper stickers to political ideals... and probably paid very well. What a waste of time, effort, and money in my opinion. In response to other comments, I feel that with nationalism people have pride in how their country was founded, early history and development, current state, and future prospects more so than a sense of superiority to other nations or peoples or races. I think believing one's country is superior to another is more racism than nationalism, but oddly governments will attempt to instill that in the people to boost nationalism! HAHA

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by phatpackage

lol, yet again you claim I'm racist, yet you have not provided one logical example of me being one. The only arguement you try to put forward is claiming that calling someone a bogan based on their own attitude and behaviour is somehow racist. I will point out to you yet again that the term bogan is NOT racist, therefore you have no point in trying to make these allegations of rcaism. It is you, and your mentalities, and defense of racist bogans that IS racsim. But rather the look in the mirror in a case of self-reflection you'd rather keep coming back back playing the racism card. And if you werent so racist yoursefl, you would of worded your thread in way that encourages an open debate about the subject, rather than doing what you've done by wording it to reflect your own biased bogan like opinion, and when someone that wants to provide a different way of thinking gets accused of being racist. Thats not exactly the smartest mentality to bring onto ATS, especially if you're going to start a biased one-sided ignorant thread. So while you continue to convince yourself that the word bogan is somehow racist, you're actually killing your own one-sided, biased, ignorant thread ! Especially will you have an attitude of actually trying to defend bogan like attitudes and behaviour. But as i've said several times now, you'd rather focus your energies into ignoring the racist bogan behaviour and actually try to defend these people, while then mis-interpreting the use of the word bogan and labelling someone a rcaist for using the word in an appropiate way. You just keep on replying phatpackage, because while you do you keep proving my point about ignorant bogans. And the word word bogan is NOT racist, so you only further discredit yourself by constantly trying to claim it somehow is !

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 06:17 PM

Then tell me, what the hell do Australians have to be proud of? Sports ? And are we talking anglo-saxon Australians? The descendants of criminals? Their slaughtering of the native, original Australians? What is it that you are specifically proud of? Vague answers have been dealt with above.
reply to post by InfoKartel

Australians and by Australians I mean Indigenous Australians, Asian Australians, Euro Australians, Arab Australians and Anglo Australians have plenty of things to be proud of. Sure some of the settlers were convicts sent to Australia.

Many were misdemeanours like stealing bread from hunger. Some of these people (the ones who didn't die whilst incarcerated) earned their freedom through hard work and perseverance. Australia was also made up of free settlers and migrants from all over the world who came here to start a new life.

Australia's infrastructure was largely build on the back of migrant workers who came to give their families a better way of life. To the people who say Australia and Australians are racist, I say bollocks! Australia is made up of many of the worlds nationalities and good luck finding a family who doesn't speak more than one language.

Australia as a nation did many things out of ignorance and what happened to our indigenous population was nothing short of a colossal tragedy.

I have to say though, that as a nation, we are making positive steps to reconciliation and our indigenous population have received a formal governmental apology which was a long time coming. Work is still being done to ensure lands taken from indigenous populations are returned and properly notarized with deeds to ensure legal entitlement and ownership remains the property of said tribes. This will no doubt be a slow and ongoing process.

Australia's armed forces fought in WWI and II along side the allies and have defended our neighbours in the past and continue to provide aid to our neighbours where they need it. We are a generous nation, though small we give big. We are honest, fair and loyal trading partners and are a global primary producer.

These are just some of the things as an Australian I am proud of. We like many other fledgling nations have dark deeds we are not proud of but we as a growing nation at least are learning to face those realities and not deny them but look at ways we can turn things around and work toward a more positive future for everyone. It's not perfect, but what is? I am not particularly proud of the land in which I's more about the people on it.


posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 07:02 PM
WARNING CONTAINS COARSE LANGUAGE (or if you're an Ocker, it's polite)

As one of our Prime Ministers said (paraphrase) New Zealanders emigrating to Australia have raised the IQ of both countries.

Hahaha, fair suck of the sav, Tezza.
edit on 26-1-2012 by aorAki because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-1-2012 by aorAki because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by AussieDingus
reply to post by Jace26

I'm sorry Jase, but when did i say i didnt use the word. The term bogan is NOT racist and in this case, is not being referred to your European example. You were the one saying it was a racist term, therefore calling me a racist which is a blatant lie. You asked where you said it, i just showed you but you want to come back again. If you're going to continue to conduct yourself in this way then i have nothing more to say to you. Thats not having a debate, thats being childish because you didnt get your way ! I cannot believe that it has turned into all this when simply stating that bogan behaviour is nothing to be proud of, and only paints a negative image to the rest of Australians. An image you seem to want to defend and try and argue at all cost. If you still think that classes as being racist then i really do feel sorry for you and can only hope your ignorance on the subject will one day show you the stupidity of your arguement. This is my last reply to your so-called arguement, good luck with the rest of your life. But just remember the ATS motto.............deny ignorance, but you seem to want to embrace it

Anything that is a negative stereotype of people is RACIST.

-Black people eat fried chicken
-Asians have small ( )
-White Australians are bogans

You now see how it is offensive?
Actually I have not once used the word, but you seem to like calling me a "bogan" in previous posts.
I never called you a racist, but merely told you to stop using that word as it is a negative stereotype of white Australians.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by MollyStewart

Your wrong, the first Australians were technically white anglos of British descent. The Aborigines used clan names as their nations, so think of the Australian "clan" as one that managed to succeed.

Secondly, what do Asians, Arabs, etc have to be proud of in Australia. They didn't really start arriving on mass until the 1980s. I have never seen any other person other than a white person to have celebrated Australia day, ANZAC day, etc.

Thirdly, those people did not build or fight for Australia.

Until I'm proven wrong the only real Australian is an Anglo one, and before you call me names I'd like you to know I'm not even Anglo myself.
edit on 26-1-2012 by Jace26 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by Jace26
reply to post by MollyStewart

Your wrong, the first Australians were technically white anglos of British descent. The Aborigines used clan names as their nations, so think of the Australian "clan" as one that managed to succeed.

Secondly, what do Asians, Arabs, etc have to be proud of in Australia. They didn't really start arriving on mass until the 1980s. I have never seen any other person other than a white person to have celebrated Australia day, ANZAC day, etc.

Thirdly, those people did not build or fight for Australia.

That is the most stereotypical response so far. And as was pointed out to you before many Asians, Arabs etc have and DO celebrate Australia Day, but just because you havent seen it you claim it doesnt exist.Well i have seen it so that proves your opinion wrong, but this has already been established and now you come back with the same rubbish just because it suits your own opinion. And if you think Asians for example dont have anything to be proud of in Austrlalia, then go look up a person called Dr.Victor Chang [just one of many examples] and see what he has contributed to Australia. Go look into the many Asian and Arab shop/business owners paying tax that contributes to Australia. Go ask the Australian Army/Navy and Air Force how many people from an Asian or Arabic background that have enlisted to serve in the military so people like you can call this country home and spew your digusting bogan like attitude and mentality, and do not make this claim again until you have gone and asked this question. Go and have a look into how many people of an Asian or Arabic background are studying in the field of medicine and science, contributing to your well-being and all those in this country. And you wonder why you get referred to as a bogan, its because of your own attitude and beavhiour. And what about the white anglo-saxons that are 3rd generation dole bludgers feeding off the system because they think they have a right to, while many hard working, taxpaying people of multi-cultural backgrounds go out and work honest hard working jobs to be taxed to give these dole-bludging bogans a fortnightly cheque, who in some cases then use that dole cheque to buy Australia Day merchandise to run around telling others to "get out of my country" to try and justify their backwards thinkg bogan attitudes and behaviour ! What have THEY contributed to this country other then bludging off it ??? By claiming Asians and Arabs etc have done nothing to be proud of in this country proves just how ignorant and racist you are, and those that share your attitude and mentality on the subject !

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 09:51 PM
My mother was an activist in the 60s and 70s. Back then Indigenous Australians were not allowed in public swimming pools and Cinemas.

They copped a lot of abuse for their fight against inequality,but remained strong willed and non violent. Slowly but surely they gained respect and support amongst Anglo Australians. Public pools and cinemas became accessible to "All Australians".

Yesterday my dear old mother was shocked and appalled at today's violent "Activists". What are we fighting for? We live in the greatest country in the world. We have all the rights and freedoms we could ask for. Abbott in my opinion is a fear-mongering desperado, but his comments were hardly explosive.

My parents generation, led by the remarkable Charles Perkins achieved their objectives with non violence and a lot of class. Yesterday was a dark day for all Indigenous Australians.

I apologize to my mother for my generations pathetic disrespect to the peaceful tent embassy you guys established 40 years ago.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by Jace26

Originally posted by AussieDingus
reply to post by Jace26

I'm sorry Jase, but when did i say i didnt use the word. The term bogan is NOT racist and in this case, is not being referred to your European example. You were the one saying it was a racist term, therefore calling me a racist which is a blatant lie. You asked where you said it, i just showed you but you want to come back again. If you're going to continue to conduct yourself in this way then i have nothing more to say to you. Thats not having a debate, thats being childish because you didnt get your way ! I cannot believe that it has turned into all this when simply stating that bogan behaviour is nothing to be proud of, and only paints a negative image to the rest of Australians. An image you seem to want to defend and try and argue at all cost. If you still think that classes as being racist then i really do feel sorry for you and can only hope your ignorance on the subject will one day show you the stupidity of your arguement. This is my last reply to your so-called arguement, good luck with the rest of your life. But just remember the ATS motto.............deny ignorance, but you seem to want to embrace it

Anything that is a negative stereotype of people is RACIST.

-Black people eat fried chicken
-Asians have small ( )
-White Australians are bogans

You now see how it is offensive?
Actually I have not once used the word, but you seem to like calling me a "bogan" in previous posts.
I never called you a racist, but merely told you to stop using that word as it is a negative stereotype of white Australians.

No it is NOT racist. The "negative" stereotype is purely based on observation to the negative attitude and behaviour of those being mentioned. And calling someone a bogan while they display boganlike behaviour means they have no one to blame for the stereotype existing other then themselves. So do you now see how its NOT racist. And you claim that Asians, Arabs etc have nothing to be proud of in Australia, that IS a racist comment purely based on race, despite the evidence available to prove your comment wrong. Bogans in Australia are the most racist people of all in this country, yet for some reason you cannot see this and seem to take offence when someone even mentions the word bogan. but the truth hurts sometimes, doesnt it

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by AussieDingus

Originally posted by Jace26
reply to post by MollyStewart

Your wrong, the first Australians were technically white anglos of British descent. The Aborigines used clan names as their nations, so think of the Australian "clan" as one that managed to succeed.

Secondly, what do Asians, Arabs, etc have to be proud of in Australia. They didn't really start arriving on mass until the 1980s. I have never seen any other person other than a white person to have celebrated Australia day, ANZAC day, etc.

Thirdly, those people did not build or fight for Australia.

That is the most stereotypical response so far. And as was pointed out to you before many Asians, Arabs etc have and DO celebrate Australia Day, but just because you havent seen it you claim it doesnt exist.Well i have seen it so that proves your opinion wrong, but this has already been established and now you come back with the same rubbish just because it suits your own opinion. And if you think Asians for example dont have anything to be proud of in Austrlalia, then go look up a person called Dr.Victor Chang [just one of many examples] and see what he has contributed to Australia. Go look into the many Asian and Arab shop/business owners paying tax that contributes to Australia. Go ask the Australian Army/Navy and Air Force how many people from an Asian or Arabic background that have enlisted to serve in the military so people like you can call this country home and spew your digusting bogan like attitude and mentality, and do not make this claim again until you have gone and asked this question. Go and have a look into how many people of an Asian or Arabic background are studying in the field of medicine and science, contributing to your well-being and all those in this country. And you wonder why you get referred to as a bogan, its because of your own attitude and beavhiour. And what about the white anglo-saxons that are 3rd generation dole bludgers feeding off the system because they think they have a right to, while many hard working, taxpaying people of multi-cultural backgrounds go out and work honest hard working jobs to be taxed to give these dole-bludging bogans a fortnightly cheque, who in some cases then use that dole cheque to buy Australia Day merchandise to run around telling others to "get out of my country" to try and justify their backwards thinkg bogan attitudes and behaviour ! What have THEY contributed to this country other then bludging off it ??? By claiming Asians and Arabs etc have done nothing to be proud of in this country proves just how ignorant and racist you are, and those that share your attitude and mentality on the subject !

Your right I haven't seen Asians or Arabs celebrate this country, but what about Africans? All they have brought is a massive crime wave considering the size of their population.

Well actually, those whites BUILT the country from the ground up, and even at one point had to defend it from being destroyed.

Actually, Arabs are the highest dole bludgers in the country. Many of whom use the money to have 10+ children (trying to outbreed us obviously).

Asians are the only minority I can think of that has slightly contributed other than that they have done little else.
Well good for you if you feel that way, but in my area people of Asian, Arab, African etc. backgrounds DO NOT celebrate anything to do with this country. However, if you go to the local park you will see them celebrating their OWN country. Therefore, where do you think I make up my opinions?
Monkey see, monkey do.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by Jace26

See this is what you do, you claim Asians, Arabs etc have nothing to be proud of in Australia, then when given examples to prove this wrong, you then say well Asians do a bit, "but what about Africans" ? A lot of Africans do come here to find work for a better way of life, but many find it hard to gain employment do to the racist mentailies and attitudes of the company/business owners who dont want to employ them because they 'look different'. And can you provide proof that Arabs are the worst offenders of dole-bludging and having 10 kids to 'outbreed' us. Please provide a Centrelink backed form of proof to back up this claim that they are the worst dole-bludgers, because until then it is you who has just made yet another racist comment based on your own opinions ! There are good and bad in EVERY race and in EVERY country. The Australain version of bad is our version of the bogans, yet they seem to have the hide to point the finger at others the most, very similar to what you keep doing throughout this thread ! And what about the bogans that dont work, think the working taxpayer should fund their decsion not to work and get paid another taxpayer handout of a baby bonus to pump out more kids if they choose to have them, which in a lot of cases is now starting to breed 4th generation dole bludgers who know nothing better then seeing mum and dad, nan and pop do the same thing and then think its an acceptable way to live while bludging off others while then spewing out this almost retarded mentality of telling other to "get out of my country". This is our own homegrown version of teh bad in this country and they are no better than those they point the finger. That is what i've been trying to say all along here, but people want to keep missing this point and only focus on the word bogan itself and try to argue that is it somehow racist, which it is NOT !

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